
The Author Who Found Himself In His Story

Having written his first story ever, Julius slept in excitement to turn his passion into a career. Expecting to wake up with his story still in his laptop, he opens his eyes inside the very story he wrote. When fiction and reality became harder to tell apart, he has to use all his experience to survive in the new world he found himself in.

Monobleee · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Incarnation of Will

A wooden room. A wooden room with a complete bed and a set of brown sheets and pillows. The door that leads outside is not only in a different location, but its properties, which were normally plain and flat, are now riddled with designs that were typically seen in old architecture. All details that I do not own nor have ever used before.


What the hell happened to me? Where is the mess on the floor? Why was my carpet replaced by the hide of some random animal? The crumbled papers... my laptop.

Am I lucid dreaming?

All sorts of questions filled my head, but one question had been stinging at me more than the others.

"Have I been kidnapped? "I thought to myself. How did I wake up in a completely different room with different properties? Everything in this room did not bear a single resemblance to my flat. But how come there's no guard? Why was I untied and just sleeping like I was in some hotel room I didn't book myself into?


Confusion turns into worry, and worry turns to nervousness.


I was still somewhat calm regardless of the situation, as I've dealt with multiple stressful scenarios all my life.


I knew if I wanted answers, I needed to start looking for them.

As I look around the environment, I soon come face-to-face with a mirror on top of a desk.

Jet-black hair that is about shoulder-long, tied into a ponytail with a violet string. Same bright violet eyes. I was also still the same height, standing at roughly 186 centimeters. I was still wearing long black sleeves and the same color slacks. I started writing after work yesterday, so I didn't have the time to change. Yeah.


I'm not injured or anything; I'm still me. But somehow, I look younger.

As time passes, nervousness slowly creeps through my entire body.


Then there's only one thing that needs checking.


I might've been kidnapped. The looming thought of such a scenario caused my heart to beat faster and my focus to grow stronger. I needed answers, and I needed them fast.


But that doesn't mean I'd just throw away safety.


As I slowly creeped towards the hinge of the door to what I'm guessing is the exit to this room, the chattering of people entered my ears.


Without a single wasted moment, I pressed my ears against the door, trying to figure out what they were all talking about and see if my suspicions were right or wrong.


"Did your grandson manage to apply in FRONT? "The voice of what I would be assuming belongs to an old lady seems to be there. It was a little muffled, but I could still somewhat make sense of what they were saying.


" Joan? Yeah. He managed to pull it off. I can't help but brag about him to anyone I come across, so I tried to slow down a bit. He still has to pass the entrance exams, so I can't be too loud yet! "Another old lady laughs as they continue their conversations with each other.


"Mom! I want apple juice, please!!! "Even kids seem to be present outside. They are aloof and carefree as they play around with their parents or other kids who are also audible.


What is going on?

I decided to eavesdrop to answer my questions, but only confusion came back to me. If I were kidnapped, why could I hear children and old people amongst them? Living a simple and normal life. It was as if I just woke up in a different timeline and a different world. Like the life I've been living was all a dream.


Taking a deep breath, I decided to start compiling all the information I had gathered and decided to go forward from then on.



A sudden knock erupted on the door that was in front of me, stopping me from even starting to process information.

" Hello? "The voice of a woman soon came after, followed by a few more knocks seemingly waiting for me, or my reply at least.


Now what…

What should I do? What kidnapper presents themselves first instead of just barging in?

But if it's not that, what rational reason is left?

Regardless, it's better to be safe than sorry.


Rushing to the same bed I was just lying on, I went and covered myself with the brown blankets I was not familiar with. The bed was fine and comfortable, but the sudden shift in elevation from what I was used to was making me feel a little off than usual, but that's not the main problem at hand.


As I covered myself up more, I decided on my next plan of action.


" Yes? "I reply meekly, trying to act confused and drowsy. In any case, it was just some polite kidnappers or something.


I had to act like I had just woken up and was still confused by the whole situation. They might think I'm vulnerable and go in and approach me. There, I could try subduing them if they were close enough and go from there on. I might've been a fighter, but I'm not a superhero; I can't do anything against weapons with just my fists. If they're close somehow, I can go from then on.

"Hello. I'm here to remind you about breakfast. We're serving it in about five minutes, so come down if you're ready. "She says so in a friendly manner.




" Hello? Is everything fine? "Seemingly confused by the silence, she clarifies before going in for another knock in case something was amiss.


But before she manages to knock on the door with her hands, the door slowly creeks open, and a decently good-looking tall man walks out the door.


"It's fine; I was just looking for my ID."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Can I perhaps get the name of this inn again, miss? "I ask the lady wearing a normal white tee and the classic brown linen apron.


"Did you forget already? "she giggles.


"I guess it's a hard name, isn't it? It's Crocodile Isle. A little tongue twister, but with that name, I thought it would stick to you."

She started talking about the inn's history, but my mind was drifting off the horizon.

As I finally realized what my current situation is.

We continued walking along the hallway. We reached some stairs, yet again, still made of wood. And the people I was eavesdropping on earlier finally came into full view. The old ladies and the children were sitting around, immersing themselves in their lives. I could even see an incredible amount of activity just outside the inn as people walked past the windows, all wearing common clothes you would typically find in rural areas.

But it clearly wasn't some small rural village, as this much activity just from the inside of this inn was clearly a lot. Let alone outside.


We soon reached the kitchen, where a mixture of aromas enveloped the place. Although it wasn't as strong as you would have in most restaurants, it was still decent.


"Can I get an ID, please? "A woman who was giving out the finished dishes let out her palms, asking for my information, which I gave without any thought. It's a little strict, as I was just getting some food, but they might have their reasons, so I didn't mind it that much.

As she studies my ID, trying to sort out what my order was, she suddenly exclaims in surprise.

"Oh, you're that Front Freshman!" The lady says in glee.

I replied with a small smile, as I'd already read my ID. Earlier, as suspicions of the most unexpected thing happening arose, I found a small ID on top of the round table that was holstering the mirror earlier. That's when I finally accepted and realized the truth.

Front Academy

old-world-style architecture.

Crocodile Isle

There's only one place where all these things exist.

This is Incarnation of Will…

I'm inside my own novel.

As myself…

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