

I almost expected her to get upset with me again, but she seemed to like my idea. Savannah was always irritated with something I did so her being ok with any half assed plan I'd put together was surprising. The walk to the club was uneventful as usual. It was kind of nice to have no one trying to gang up on me. Ethan was powerful, and word had probably gotten around that despite my low level I was no pushover.

I let my mind wander to the fights I planned to pick while wearing another face. I was glad I could still hold that blank expression no matter what craziness was going through my mind. That giddy excitement of how powerful the stronger members of that group of jerks could be. Oh how I'll love leveling up over their unconscious bodies. We stopped, and waited for Ethan at his club briefly, but he was running late today, and we didn't have enough time to wait very long so we left before he got there.

I knew he'd be a little upset that I didn't hypnotize him again but I didn't really care. He needed to learn how to get over his phobia on his own. We walked to our own club. A calm silence enveloped us both only occasionally being interrupted by the normal sounds a school made. I mentally chuckled as I thought about all the similarities a military school had with a normal one.

If it weren't for the strategy classes instead of history, and the combat classes instead of PE you'd never know the difference between the two. We walked into the club room calmly. Evaluations were coming much faster than I cared to think about at the moment not that it affected me all that much. All I had to do was hold back to a believable level, and I'd be set. I looked forward to the complete lack of scheduled classes for the week that followed evaluations.

I was sure we could plan some way for me to enjoy some space. My room was a safe space for me, and all, but I was really starting to feel cooped up. I was ready to go all out. I had a full exorcise routine in mind, but I knew that would never happen. The furthest I would get would be the dorm roof.

If anything it would be more dangerous with everyone being free for an entire week. My black coloration helped with blending into the cold cityscape, and I literally needed to get out a little as myself. A few hours would do a lot for me. Even if it was just for one week. I needed to stretch properly.

Being cooped up the way I was all the time felt like I was slowly shaving away my sanity. My thoughts would sometimes double back on themselves. Making me think the same things with a different wording. That urge to get out to just be my real self was slowly getting stronger. I knew I couldn't just give in to such an urge with where I was.

That just made me more irritated. I opened the door for Savannah, and let her go in before me. The other students in the club weren't as hesitant around me as they used to be. It seemed as if me not hurting Savannah made me less threatening in their eyes. They didn't try to get close to me though because they still remembered what happened when miss siren song had pissed me off.

She still rubbed her wrist occasionally when she saw me. I was thoroughly embedded in her mind as a threat. Good. I still didn't like her all that much. I was just happy that they stayed away from me.

I wasn't all that friendly of a guy before I became a dragon, and I had only become more antisocial with all the secrets I had to keep as a dragon. We planned to sit down, and try to think up a viable escape plan after club got out. I was worried about how we would make anything work. Switching into my dragon form made me stronger, but it also made me bigger. I hoped Savannah, and Ethan were smart enough to think of something because I just wasn't mentally capable of thinking that far ahead.

Literally. I'd spent a few hours trying to win a strategy game on my watch, and I did well in the first few rounds, but kept failing when the game lasted longer. Having my mental maturity stunted was a big pain in the ass. I was glad that I didn't have the impulsive mentality of a toddler anymore, but now I was stuck at impulsive preteen mentality. I didn't throw tantrums anymore, but that was pretty much the only improvement.

I wanted to think ahead, and get shit done, but I sucked at actually doing it.

"Goliath's been letting us do pretty much whatever we want for training at the moment," I turned slightly so I could see Savannah out of the corner of my eye, "What do you think we should do?"

"Maybe some light sparring?" Savannah shrugged, "Maybe we should do some research incase there's a written test this year."

"Do I look like I want to be in a book right now?" I stood, and stretched.

"So," Savannah stood up as well, "Sparring it is."

I nodded in agreement. We headed down to the arena together. Savannah didn't seem to want to seriously spar me so we focused on perfecting my form, and technique. I got a level up in hand to hand combat from the practice. I was getting pretty good at hand to hand combat.

Kind of made me wonder what happened when I maxed out the skill. Maybe it would evolve? Who knew? I certainly didn't. A part of me wanted to ask the system, but I was beginning to think that the system was better just for recording skills for me.

Guess what guys. I finally finished up my editing. The Archaic Dragon Mage volume one is now an Ebook available on amazon. I know I haven't been writing much but I should be able to get in more chapters now that I've figured out how I want this next sequence to go. I know I've been extra slow on putting out chapters lately, but all my lambs are getting old enough that they don't need nearly as much of my attention anymore.

Angelina_Bennettcreators' thoughts