
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs


"Now let's try this again"

What are the circumstances? I'm stuck with a dislocated left shoulder and some bruises bleeding but not infected yet and a finely sharpened dagger against Four dire wolves.

"Don't think of surviving, think of winning" Teacher said

"It's not as easy as you think"

I replied while parrying the wolves attack

"You are going up against semi intelligent species, use what you have as an advantage to the fullest against them"

Teacher lectured from up above on a high tree branch as I couldn't spot his location but only hear his voice.


I the decided to attack the wolf most closest to me but got attacked by the one's by my side.

"as I thought, these wolves fight with co-operation"

I said as I deflected its attack again but got scratched by the one on my left side.

"I'm handicapped here, if I can just use my both arms..."

" ...I see, I don't know how it works but I can feel it now that I think about it, these wolves are below me"

I said as I then attacked the closest wolf again with the dagger in my right hand and then got attacked by another from my left.

"How predictable" I said


I repelled the wolf attacking from side with only a look and successful attacked the one closest to me at it's eye making it lose its vision partially.

"Its still not enough"

I said gasping for breath, I need to do more, the wolf I just knocked down isn't going to lay down forever, I need to just make the repelling force greater so I can stun them but how?

I have successfully handicapped two, one losing an eye and the order is must have gotten some broken bones from that push but there's two more, and they aren't much scared but rather persistent.

"Let's go again, I need to end this quickly, I'm losing blood slowly"

I can still feel the energy of the force field I released like it's still connected to me. maybe I can use it to an advantage. First let's lure them closer to it.

"Now who's next?"

I said as I attacked the one who's not injured father from me, but this time the wolves were much careful not to attack me and instantly jumped backwards but no issue, I already prepared for this.

I then recalled the bland field I released in the direction the wolf was going backward to as it hit the wolf towards me, accurately aiming at the throat, I slit it and got attacked by the other standby wolves.

"Oh now you're furious because your college died?

Bad timing as I then withdrew the field towards my damaged arm serving as a shield and a dagger in the right hand.

I'm getting attacked by two wolves upfront and the healthy wolf from behind.

"Nice co-operation but I already saw through that"

Repelling the force field again towards the healthy wolf leaving an injured wolf and an one eyed wolf, I immediately go to the blind side of the blind wolf, it jumped backwards while the other could only attack while injured, it had to go around me again because the one eyed wolf was now in it's view.

"Bad move"

I said as I recalled the field from their backs since they were in the same path pulling them towards me as I pumped myself to accurately slice their necks in one go.

"Now remaining 1, where is it?

I said as though i didn't know where it was, because seeing as wolves are semi intelligent creatures and this one is smart enough to stalk me from behind those bushes over there then it doesn't want to die or want to ambush me.

Well let's see if it's as smart as it looks, I tried walking in the opposite direction but got ambushed with amazing speed from my left.

"It was aiming my damaged arm?"


I threw my dagger towards the wolf aiming for my arm as I tried to circle round it while using the field again. But the dagger pierced it so well It died in one shot.

"That's probably luck I said to myself"

*Ping ping ping ping ping*

A status like board showed up in front of me saying;

You have achieved;




"Hmm I see"

It already tell me what I got from this fight and suffering not like it gives me additional rewards or stuff like that, it's just I earn what I work for.

"Probably not" Teacher said as he came down from wherever he was

"What?" I replied

"You said the dagger throw was by luck, I say it wasn't


"....Sit down Tonye" he said to me which I did

"Now drink this and start meditating while listening to my words"

I drank the thing he gave me, as I felt refreshed from inside out and started meditating with my eyes closed trying to concentrate.

"Now concentrate on the air you breath, concentrate on the sound of the wind brushing the tree, what you just fought right now was a dire wolf which wasn't mutated but a normal wolf and you needed to use your powers, its energy was weaker than your but your inexperience was what led you to almost meet your doom, now concentrate and try to feel the inside of you, try to feel your energy and circulate it all around your body, yes that's it. Keep going and never stop doing it while expanding your senses all around your area"

"My energy can surround my body" I said

"Then take in energy from your surroundings, whether negative of positive, it will work for you defending on your type of ability which doesn't chose on both but I recommend you find a compatible energy"

"I found it" I replied almost immediately.

"Then take it in from all over your body that your Mana now, now then remember from now on you'll always face people stronger than you, your Mana and other energies you'll continue learning to use and amplify your strength in all ways should never stop flowing inside you always do it even while working"

Meanwhile Tonye already went to the subconscious void in his mind and he found.....

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