
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Training Begins

"What path will I take?" I asked

"Yes what path will you take?" Old man Chris said

"I mean what you want to do after you leave here?"

"Why do I have to leave in the leave in the first place?"

"These eyes see chaos in you"

"Or you just wanna send me out old man?"

"As you can see the way everyone looks at you since you appeared here is out of the normal"

"We may not know the circumstances but we know that our survival in this place is the top priority would you risk your survival for an individual unknown to you?"

"Definitely not"

"Then go get some rest and let's start going tomorrow, you better be prepared for what is to come"

"Alright then see you later old man"

I said knowing I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon because I had some things I needed to confirm deep within me, firstly what were those notifications I received before?.

Since I can't access those answers now secondly what are my powers? could it be air manipulation or advanced air manipulation or shield seeing as how I pushed everything away or super strength? I do know that I'll find out more about that while I train with old man Chris though.

Thirdly I still haven't know what voice keeps saying those keep moving statements, but I think it stands as a warning and a motivation, I'll take it to heart.

Another question is where do I go from here and what is beyond this town, it seems ... let's not jump to conclusions. Next I need to ... *Tonye pondered untill he fell asleep and came to the void*

"Why am I here again? what was I doing? ah yes I was sleeping, here's always empty but I can just sleep on the floor"

I slept as I woke up to what I can only describe as a highly valued kings service, I mean Lucia simply stood as a maid in place for me. Good afternoon sir you're food and bath are ready and you are supposed to meet the chief at the last place you were yesterday.

Why do I get the feeling this is going to be hell and... "Lucia pls stop calling me sir, it makes me feel like I'm the same age with that old man besides were not that much age apart here"

"if you deem it so then I shall refer to you by your name"

so diligent I said in heart.

"oh well I should get ready to face near death from old man Chris, Lucia aren't you tagging along so as to heal me?" *silent*

"You should worry about surviving rather than healing and focus and getting strong rather than getting familiar"

She said with caution like I was a child but since she said this then nothing is to be taken for a joke here

"okay then, you can leave Lucia"

I said to her as I immediately took my bath and headed to the forest we sparred at.

'I'm finally here seeing this again now it's farther"

"you kept me waiting said the old man you have only a week and you're this reluctant"

"it not like that ...."

"run around this forest now while you're being attacked by me and no matter what never stop running"

I understood his aim immediately and said with attention

"Yes sir!!"

He's no longer old man Chris, he's now Teacher Chris, 10 mins into the run and my legs couldn't hold it in as I needed to give up that was when a stone was shot at me from an unknown location towards the west immediately dislocating the shoulder.

"Fuck!! I said as I muzzled the strength to run away from the shooter"


Another stone shot at me from the back of a tree and it penetrated leaving me with a light fraction seeing as how the tree reduced it's force and strength, I kept running.

"don't stop running Tonye or I'll personally kill you"

Now it was no longer to run round the forest again but to escape from the target and counterattack. Teacher Chris kept on chasing me as he lectured and beat me to a pulp without me seeing him talk less of being able to react.

He said this training is for you speed, endurance and survival.

"when facing an opponent much stronger than you you need to think fact, escape or persist are the only choices given to you as at then but when it comes to escaping what if it's an enemy with great speed or one who loves to play with it's target ? it will be troublesome. Change you terrain, hide your presence and erase your existence, you don't have to always this human, think like you're the animal chasing a prey you can definitely overpower, Use it's believes or thoughts you predicted and deal with it."

Teacher Chris lectured. but I'm not dealing with an animal now am I?

".....Teacher don't you think I need some kind of weapon?"

I looked In diverse locations but Its nowhere to be found you, plus I don't have title and my powers are what I can't get used to immediately so how do I survive this guy, he's probably way experienced that that, that's it since he keeps shooting from the forest trees why don't I go inside to where the forest and trees are much denser I can't run for much longer so let's just buy time while trying to recover.

And so I ran into the think wooded forest thinking I was saving time and helping myself untill I ran into a pack of dire wolves preying on their food which obviously I could tell what they were eating since more of bones than flesh were remaining of the animal being eating.

hold up, holdup!! I yelled I know this seems like intruding on one's privacy but I've got some circumstan.... I couldn't finish talking as one of them dived at me but I dodged by a hair getting only a scratch as the others also dived while I bolted away giving me some scratches but nothing serious though I was still being chased by the wolves and I couldn't outrun them for long as I was out of breath and it seems they could always find me through my blood.

tch I don't have time to stop the bleeding. *phewwww twop* as a thrown dagger got pinned to the ground obviously from teacher, now let's try this again.

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