
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Rise and shine

"This is dangerous, Fighting two heavy weight classes doesn't seem favourable, if only I just had a weapon rather than two shields....."

I remember When I was injured I wanted an arm for balance but got this force field in place of an arm as a shield but if my theory is correct I can turn the tide.

Well let's try it, I've been focusing on defense for two long, as I tried to test my theory I got pounced on by two brown hungry bears which was a minimum total of 1000kg.

Even I know that the maths there won't work, instead of me trying to repel them away I rather repel myself away from them, but they caught up as soon as I increased the gap.

I tried to leap back onto the trees but got hit by one of the bears using their claws on my left.

"That must've broken some ribs, good thing I used repel on time"

I got knocked back on the ground again clenching to the left side of my body like it was injured as the predator both stared down on me like I was a prey.

Standing up proved difficult but I did as I taunted them with anger

"Come at me you Bunch of furballs!!!!"

Which they did run towards me running towards me as though they understood what I said, that's it... an animals instinct when attacking a prey once within close range is to jump or rather pounce on the prey.

since this is a bear jumping wouldn't be impossible unless they climbed something like before, the bear the jumped trying to pounce o. my must have climbed the fallen tree but now they'll try to raise their fore arms seeing as they are facing a weak opponent.

That's their flaw.

"Repel Spear"

The spear I took time to creak using repel took some time but I made it advantageous to me but it didn't kill both bears as they weren't on a linear form.

But still the other bear lost it's balance and for a second we maintained eye contact while it regained balance and went berserk.

"Too bad it isn't an instant transformation"

I said as though I was prepared I threw the first spear towards it, it instinctively moved towards the right but got impaled by the second on the left.

"That's how it feels being struck down while dodging"

I said like I was Happy I won this fight.

"At least we've got food now!"

Teacher said while coming down from the trees swiftly without any concern for me or the battle

"And how do you expect me to carry 1321kg"

"How do you know that's their weight?

"Huh? oh um I just kinda felt it"

"You'll have to figure out how kid, you always do"

And in the end I ended up coming back in a semi carriage from the forest to the village late and night and blood all over me.

And again first person I saw was Lucia but I didn't deem it necessary to conversate with her as I just dropped the meat at the entrance and went straight up to the clean by body and straight to bed!!




Going into the Void in my mind wasn't much strange this time around as I could freely do things like walk around more and think more on certain events but I noticed that I seem to still be using a lot of mental power and that drains me alot

I don't normally dream since I have no memories of my past but I feel comfortable when I close my eyes, it's frustrating when I think about but i really am hopeless, just dumped in a world of nowhere left with only an achievement system and I should get stronger

So during sleep I just move to this void and my imagination does it's work, the more stronger I got the more I realized that the void got more free, I guess that's why I get rejuvenated really quickly.

While sleeping physically rest my physical body, sleeping in the mind void rests my mind and I can interchange which I want to rest.

And so I woke up to a very bright sky, it's almost noon, I wonder why I didn't get woken up when I have training today, I feel completely Energized.

"I should go take a shower before breakfast, but first let's train this body a little "

50 Push ups, 50 sit ups and a 1km run while carrying 50kg of load, it took exactly two hours and now it's noon, since my body wasn't used to it, I guess its worth it.

"You're back, I'll bring your food to you at once"

Lucia said in a familiar tone, at least more than Lucia there were other people more familiar in the village now since I ended up greeting a lot of them.

"Don't worry, I'll go get it by myself, after I take a shower by the way where's Teacher right now?"

I replied calmly

"He'll be at his room, I believe he's expecting you any time soon"

"Thank you Lucia"

"You're welcome"

Soon after that I walked to go take my bath and wash off the sweat as I also went to the kitchen with more familiar faces showing, I took up my food and I didn't bother worrying about what they were saying within themselves.

Minutes later I finished eating my food and headed to look for Teacher

"Good afternoon Teacher"

"Boy how was your night?"

"That's an odd question coming from you Teacher"

"Hahahaa, I guess I felt too comfortable, you don't have to be so stiff always"

"Just Always cautious because I learn more and more about where I am every single day"

"That True, you have a long way to go and you may have to learn on your own"

"Are we not going to the forest today?"

"Do you want to go?

"I'm just curious as to what I'll learn new about my ability and I know you had a lot to say yesterday about my ability but just kept it in fr today"

"You're way too observant kid!"