
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

I need to get stronger

I should go look for him

"teacher!!!! teacher!!"

"I can hear you, I am not deaf you know" Teacher said

"well I just came to check up on you"

"I'm not injured, you're not up to the level of injuring me"

I'm not strong enough I thought I would have done sustainable that made with that kick, but it seems it didn't even leave a scratch this is annoying.

"but don't worry kid, you did good"

"that's not enough"

"you think so?" Teacher asked

"well considering what I've learnt I'm supposed to do more"

"you have high goals, but you're walking on eggshells you could go faster and risk the egg shells breaking"

"I don't think anyone would want that"

"Then tidy yourself up we are done for the day"

"yes teacher"

Even though I didn't expect that last attack he would have done considerable amount of damage had I not taken measures.

I will need to watch out for this one it seems I'm training a monster.

"Are you done yet?"

"I feel like I would have been able to continue though"

"don't push your luck kid"

We then walked back home like normal people or that was what I would have expected but teacher told me to keep on Training my manner while moving onward, and I practically ran the whole way back home.

Well seeing Lucia again gave me Joy I don't know why, and she seems to have a glimpse of smile on her face as she saw me coming back with slight injuries and ran towards me.

I was so excited I thought she really cared about me but then she just skipped me and went on to teacher while being concerned and said

"chief chief what happened to you why are you this dirty?"

"we were just playing a little its nothing much"

"what do I care?"

I just got into the tent as usual drop my clothes and went off again I couldn't stand watching everyone's face it felt like I was an outsider although I am an outsider.

"If it were me I wouldn't treat someone this way"

I said to myself I haven't even gotten treated by Lucia. "why am I the only one with a tent when others practically have mature buildings this is annoying"

"what are you doing?"

Teachers snuck up from behind me asking.


I said as I had nothing to say to him I only thought I would have grown a lot but I guess that was over exaggerating.

How do I improve faster in 1 week before I go outside these dome worse case scenario I would be dead before exploring outside the dome.

"Its already night fall"

teacher said

"I can't sleep"

I replied,

"You must be thinking of the spar we had"

"something like that"

I replied uninterested

"you should try recalling the fight and think of ways to have perfected that fight, you did a lot just by landing a hit"

'it was nothing if you went at full power and stop teasing me like a child and talk to me like a student trying to learn from his Teacher"

I angrily said.

"words have meaning deeper that we can see or hear and i will show that to you tomorrow as a master"

He then walked off with an unexpressed gaze. I sat down close to the streams behind my tent thinking or how to utilize my abilities more of how to have no weak points and how to get stronger beyond imagination but all seem to point at experience.

"what do I do?"

I asked myself while staring at the stream as it stared back at me.

"do I need to train more physically or mentally or can the system help me train? no it's only there to record my achievements, I should do as teacher said and think of ways to perfect that fight but I'm still low on experience... I guess the only way to move forward is by encountering obstacles there is no easy way here more so each time I think of where I come from it pains me that I don't know where I'm coming from nor do I know where I'm headed to I only know that I need to survive this journey till the end"

I said as i lied there and fell asleep why utilizing mana to keep conscious of his my surroundings so I can naturally and subconsciously do it.

"I'm back here again in this void, I think I should name it..... that would be later"

Now I can think clearly, ways to perfect the fights as of right now I can only think in between the fights which is deadly if the opponent does what is not in my calculation...



"Good morning chief"

Lucia greeted

"good morning! Lucia go wake up Tonye and tell him to meet me at the training grounds"

"Yes but chief he already went there ahead of you"

"I see so he is that determined....."

"he said I should specifically tell you this, " tell old man Chris to stop behaving like an old man if not he is going to go bald" and that is the message chief"

"Yes thank you Lucia"

"I will now have to go and reply him in kind"

Soon enough old man Chris bolted off to the forest looking for me, seeing as how he was upset letting of those evil intent and aura he was definitely noticeable.

But I've been long prepared I need to experience this so I can improve.

I stood high up in the trees watching old man Chris moving at maximum speed beyond humans with no issue.

"I see so that is trick? what I have up my sleeve are the theories but it won't hurt putting them to practice at the cost of my life, seeing as how he is ready to kill me as expected... I need to repay him in kind"

I said as old man Chris closed on to me I came down from the trees and attacked him with a wood sharpened by The Dagger he gave me last time like a ranged weapon coated with mana and propelled with mana towards him as he immediately noticed and deflected it.......

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