
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Ability Training

"I learnt that from you Teacher"

"Are you trying to Tease me now you brat?"

"Ah of course not, Why would I dare to make fun of you Teacher"

"Nevermind that, we're headed to the training grounds"

"You mean the forest right?"

"Tuck me at your back, I'm too old to be walking you know"

"Yes Teacher"

I didn't expect us to go to the forest today since it's just something he could casually explain to me to my understanding and why do I have to be the carriage mammal?

Few minutes later we got to the forest and right before we got to the centre I was ordered to cut down cleanly on some trees, which of course I find suspicious so I of course used mana breathing continuously to sense any life or danger and threat.

I set up the log of woods so we could be able to sit and caught some stray meet so we could be able to eat like it was in camping.

"Sit comfortably as though your meditating and listen to me"

Teacher said with serious looks on his face, and I obeyed him.

"What is you ability?"

Teacher asked like he didn't know


I replied Solidly

"Don't give me those stuffed up words and give me a brief description to my understanding"

"It is the ability to manipulate gravity"

"Is that so? I thought it was to repel and attract only, then how come you've never used any gravitational manipulation techniques in battle"

"Well that's because I ...."

I tried giving a reason but stood dumbfounded for not knowing why I haven't used any gravity relating ability, I was so centered around attract and repel which were the basics that I lost view of the main thing.

".....I don't know how to sir"

I replied in an enticing manner so that i could get more hints and tips about it from Teacher

"Well neither do I, but have you tried using it?


"That's dumb"

That statement hit me like I block because I knew I was anything but dumb.

"You were smart but you could never think superiorly, Tonye before you go to the world beyond the Dome you will go to the city to see how life is here"

So there is a city, I knew there was something amiss all this, but if there's a city, what is the situation that brought them here.

"The reason why you could not probably use the mana and your inner core is probably because you already have an ability standing as a foundation in you"

Teacher said like he was lecturing his child

"This is new"

"Tonye always remember this, there are foundational forces holding this life in balance and I only know of two, which are gravity and electromagnetism"

"Meaning there may be more?"

"Yes there will surely be more but firstly you have one of them, you are probably the only one with it, but you don't even know it's power yet"

"So walk me through it"

"Don't interrupt and rush me brat!!"

Teacher said with a bang on my head

"Firstly before you try to concentrate on Mana or your innate core, try to visualize your ability, it's in your heart, it can be in different forms or shapes but it's always in your heart, Next try to fuse as one with it so you can know how to grow a long with it and fuse with it, it'll take some time but take your time"

Teacher said while trying to be nice but it took forever to even determine my ability in my heart and what took even more time was fusing with it as one which took a whole day.




"Chief He has been like that for a a whole day"

Lucia said as she came to the forest to check up on them and brought some means but the pressure around Tonye only got more denser.

"He'll be fine"

"But it shouldn't take this much time to become one with your ability"

Lucia said in worry

"I trust in him so you should too"

"Yes Chief"

"It seems you've gotten emotional over the few times with him"

"No I haven't"




"You're finally woken up kid!!"

"That took longer than expected, well before that I am really famished"

"It took you a whooping 2 days and 36 minutes to wake up from slumber and all you ask for Firstly is food!!!"

"I'm sorry if I made y'all worry"

He said while digging into the food that was already prepared, talking with food in his mouth was irritating enough but what was more irritating was the fact that he didn't notice the mood around him.

After Emptying a bowl of food along with some liquor was when he fell back asleep like he really needed it. He was then carried back home, well not exactly carried but the point there was he got back home and slept a whooping day fully.

"uhhhh, what a relieving yawn"

*Sniff sniff*

"Ugh what is that bad smell"

"That's probably you"

Lucia said with a piece of clothing around her nose like she was blocking an offensive smell from permeating her nostrils, well I don't blame her if it were me I would've done the same to myself.

"It's difficult having to clean the room when your smell keeps messing it up"

Shit this girl is damn hard, she said that to me with a straight face, she got no conscience or what?

"I'll go Clean myself up right away then"

"Please do"

Having to clean myself up after three days of no wash was difficult in cold water as I constantly needed to soak myself in hot bath before I could get rid of the offensive smell which took over an hour.

Coming out of the bath felt refreshing, as soon as I got out I saw Lucia, I couldn't understand why I felt shy as though I was naked, she just asked me if I used the herbs that were delivered to me to bath, which I confidently said no.

"Go back and use them"

"But why?"

"Because you smell too normal"


Words hurt in an unknown manner and this girl has no regards for me when it comes to using them, she just keeps dropping bombshells on me without any consideration.

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