
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

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Why does it feel like she derives joy out of making fun of me. I should just go take another bath peacefully.

"Would you like to join me then so you can help me..."

Tonye asked in a naughty tone but got interrupted by Lucia


"Okay then, you could've at least let me finish"

Few minutes later after taking my shower, it seems she wasn't lying I now smell really good and although it's faint I can feel these herbs has healing properties.

Walking out and seeing Lucia stand right in front made me feel uneasy.

"Why are you still here?"

I asked Lucia in a non chalant tone

"That's more like a mature tone, I told her to remain here and watch over you"

Teacher said standing at the door

"May I at least have some privacy while dressing"

"Sure you can, and wear this"

Teacher said handing me some clothing which apparently seemed really new. It didn't take long after they left for me to fully get dressed.

"Wow look at that?

"Isn't he the outlander?"

"He looks really good and muscular "

"and just look at that face line"

"So smooth with toned skin"

"Those long legs looks really good on him too"

The whispers of the village females admiring him were so audible even if he wanted to ignore it, he had to still hear their statements which felt good once in a while as he walked down with pride while blushing.

"Too bad his Tone gave him off"

"Yh his Stunted hair growth stands out too much, no one would want to associate with him in the city"

"Yh, plus I heard he's weak, he couldn't survive a Boars attack if not for teacher"

Did I speak too soon? it seems where there's compliments there's Criticism too, I expected too much from them but I think I heard something about a city I should go ask them since I'm a little curious about the city.

Walking towards the ladies was difficult but I proceeded and got close to them, about to ask them about the city was when teacher said


And so I had to bring up something else to talk about since I'm already this close to them.

"Um excuse me young ladies, I would like to ask if you've seen Lucia around"

"By any means do you mean Lucia the child always close to the chief?"

They asked in enthusiastic manner

"Yes I mean that Lucia, have you come across her of recently please?"

I asked in the most humble and Polite told I could use because they all are females maybe she wouldn't make a fuss much since it's Lucia.

"Are you that close with her"

They asked while dodging my question again, looking at me like they want to know what I myself don't know, I don't know the ladies much but these crew are definitely not good luck.

"No, the Chief Told me to go look for her so I decided to ask you ladies"

Meanwhile the chief stood some metres away from me, watching with a sex stare that I can feel from my back, hoping he won't act rash here in public while embarrassing me and himself.

"is that so? then I'm sorry but I have not seen her, infact no one easily sees her, she's always by the chief but if she isn't then she just went for some some break again this time"


I asked as I was sure this would give me interesting knowledge on Lucia

"Yes it's something everyone knows but I'm sure you can find someone else to tell you that in private another time"

The ladies said while winking their eyes at me and specifying "Someone else" "To tell you that" "In private" "Another time"

"Thank you very much then"

I said while showing gratitude to the information given to me nervously, how can old ladies like them still be so corny and talkative in such an age.

I then walked back to the direction teacher was standing at, he stood with folded arm and said to me

"There's something that kills faster than an awakened wild animal"

He looks down on me as he awaited for me to ask what was that?

"What Is that?"

"It's called not minding your business kid, and always do it kid, if you don't have the power to face the consequences of not minding your business when the time comes then just don't interfere"

Teacher said to me while hitting my head like it was a lesson I've learnt again today.

"I'll keep that in mind Teacher, but why do you say that?"

"Tonye, you do know it's past the day you were supposed to leave this village right?"

"Yes though I've only been around for no more than two weeks"

"That's enough with what I taught you, you can surely grow enormously if not infinitely, so that is why I want Lucia to follow you as my aid and your helper"

"How am I supposed to grow stronger if I have a helper?"

"Both of you are walking the same path, you are bound to meet each other in the future surely and Trust no one but yourself"

"You just said you'd give Lucia as an aid, how do I work with her if I can't trust her"

"People change Kid, our stories and backgrounds are different, whether you trust Lucia or not is up to you, you both are bound to change and improve whether for better or for worst, just don't give up, as long as there is a road, keep walking, success comes to the hardworkers not to the comfort seekers"

"!!! This is weird coming from you Teacher "

"Go pack your belongings if you have any and meet up with Lucia she'll be waiting for you at the exit"

"Wait what exit?"

Huh, what's going on? where's everyone? Teacher? Teacher!? Teacher!!!!

"His time's up"

Lucia said in a calm tone with tears flowing down her eyes and no change in facial expression