
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Kỳ huyễn
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92 Chs

50 What!?

Layal jumps to another tree in search of the last person that they have to rescue. The rain makes it really hard to find a drowning person. However, Layla could rely on her sense of hearing to locate the person. It is as Lana said, the person is about 3 trees from where they were. Layla hangs her Ulya before she holds her breath and jumps down into the water.

She opens her eyes to be greeted with dark water that is a mix of dirt and plant. down here she could hardly see anything but, from the water ripple, she know that the person must have been close. She drives down deeper into the dark water.

Ten seconds later she found the guy that she was looking for. He looks like he's about to lose all the air. Guuha tries to use his hand to swim up but the water is too thick for him to go up. Luckily Layla got here in time and brought him to the surface.


On the other side

Michael and Brava wait on the boat. They saw that Layla have already finished the plan so, they were waiting for the people to get on the boat. Michael bent over to scoop up some of the water on the boat and splashed it out.


The water hit the surface but, something felt off. Micahel swears that water sounds more, like water. However, earlier it sounds like it hit a surface. When Michael is about to investigate a voice sound.

"Why did you splash water on us?!"


Michael didn't expect to hear people coming from the water but, thinking back he was the one who purpose that they jump into the water. Michael look at the new arrival and his heart sank. The girl is Lana, a hunter in the elite class. She also just pass the trial a week ago. One of the people that doesn't like Michael.

However, she's not that much of a problem, the problem came from another person. A bane of his existence.

Graha. The village chief's son. He herl his many bag up from the water and settle them in the boat

Graha gives Michael a surprised look as he got on the boat. He sizes up another person on the boat and a had a confused look on his face. He has never seen Brava before. The village is pretty small so, this is really weird. However, that is not the main concern here. Graha sits across Michael and Brava on the other side of the boat and Lana sits next to him.

"Hello there, little Michael, didn't know that you were here. this must have been fate."

Michael didn't talk. His body shivered like a scared dog in front of Graha. He could still feel Graha's kick inside his brain. He said that he would be stronger but, he still can't get over the psychological trauma that Graha left him.

"Don't be scared. You're here to help me right? So I should be the one who'd be thankful"

Graha's word doesn't sound so bad but, his voice is filled with sarcasm. He shakes his head to shake some water off. Lana that sits next to him bails some water off her shoulder-length hair too.

"Who's the one that helps me and Lana?"


"It's Layla"

Seeing that Michael is uncomfortable speaking. Brava steps up to the task. Graha gives Micahel a mocking look.

"Wow letting a girl take up a dangerous task. You guys should be ashamed of yourself."


Maybe they should have left this guy to die from the monster attack.

"Graha, stop it they clearly didn't have the power to do so."

"Really? but, I heard that Gurara has personally trained Michael every day. How could he be so weak? unless he slack off all day and didn't do anything."

Michael grits his teeth in rage. He knew that wasn't true. But with his weak body, he can't speak up to Graha. Brava also makes an uncomfortable face since he also got called out for being weak.

"It's not like we haven't done anything. If it's not for my boat and Michael's plan we wouldn't be able to help you."

"Really? sure thing, Thank you genius and a boat owner."

Graha obviously didn't believe that MCIhael and BRava help Layla at all. From his perspective, Michael and Brava are just luggage that Layla has to carry back with her. Graha looks down on these people. The weak shouldn't be respected.

"..." Brava was at a loss for words. While they wait for Layla, they encounter an awkward quiet. The downpour doesn't stop. a drop of water fall and splashes onto one another masking a certain sound. However, Graha picks up on it.

his eyes widen and look east. The sudden action made everybody follow his movement. In that direction, one would have to squint his eyes to spot something. A dark shadow swimming their way! It's approaching this boat at a fast pace.

Brava and Michael look at the shadow in fear. They hope that it would pass by them, however, Graha and Lana look terrified. They quickly turn to Brava.

"Row the boat!" Graha shouts with a commanding voice.

"I don't think we can, we have to wait for...."

"Move the f*king boat!" Graha look like he was about to die. The look on his face makes Michael and Brava panic. Why did this guy get so scared?

"We have a charm that could...."

"I don't care! move the boat....!" Graha shouts again but, stops in a mid sentence. He came up with some kind of plan.

"Little Michael.. hold this." Graha handed over one of his bags to Mciahel. Michael didn't dare to obey Graha and hold on to one of the bags. It looks about a size of an alma fruit. Michael didn't know what was inside.

Suddenly Graha's hand grabs onto Michael's neck. The action was too fast for Michael to react. He try to get out but, his effort was futile. The chief son is too strong. Graha looks at MIcahela and smile.

What happened next shocked all the people on the boat excluding Graha. Michael's body was flown many meters away from them. Graha has thrown Michael into the water.


This is properly my last free chapter! Thank you for reading and if you enjoy my work please continue to support me! I can promise you that I have something special planned for the end of this volume. Also, leave some power stones for me. It helps a lot in the ranking!

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