
The Ape From Space

Imagine waking up to darkness, groggily realizing you're in space. I was not an astronaut, I'm a damn janitor for shit-sake, but rapidly learning about memories not my own... at least I think they weren't. I know three key-points that have me on edge. One, I was now a weakling Saiyan warrior named 'Kron'. a stupid name... Second was that Saiyan's were real, or I was self-inserted by some cunt. And three I was a hairbreadth away from the suction of space in an attack-Ball... God damned where am I heading? and fuck space! Disclaimer: I Own Nothing, except Artwork lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editing the earlier chapters.

Warrior988 · Tranh châm biếm
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150 Chs

Parting Ways

The next morning, I had awoken without any fuss, Blake however had moved sometime through the night, moving her makeshift sleeping bed nearer to the fire. She was still sprawled out close, I was still sitting, however. More shit sifting through my head whilst I admired Blake's backside, my scouter was in my hand as I gave it a once over. Didn't these things have A good range as to be used galaxy-wide? Vegeta overheard Raditz through his one, right? What's stopping anyone within the PTO from listening in? Hell, I'm not sure but weren't these things capable of being tracked? At this point I was just speculating the ins and outs of the scouter and its value keeping it when sleeping beauty has stirred, she must not have had a good rest while rising up and holding her neck. Stretching down towards her jacket and weapon, she tied the jacket around her waist, holding her weapon behind her head and stretching as she did so.

"So… Kron, I am your prisoner still, right?" I nodded absentmindedly seeing what her game was. I hadn't really thought of it at this point, as long as she didn't go back to the Fang and stayed out of my way, she could leave " I was thinking, my parents would accept to pay-

"I will escort you to Vale where you will either join Beacon Academy or see the inside of A jail cell" she flinched at the last part, I knew she knew I could take her, kicking and screaming if I'd wanted to force it. Plot-wise, the board might get back on track so I could leave for a while and attempt to tame the beast within, that of the great-ape transformation. There were supplies I had to secure for myself however, Vale would have all I need.

"Becoming A huntress would put your already considerable skills to good use, and it will keep you out of trouble. The current White Fang are my enemies as I had said, joining them will put you on my hit-list" shrugging her shoulders she retorted.

"Were you one, you said you were a nomad, but you're fighting experience reminds me of some the veteran hunters I've caught glimpse of... only more destructive. Why else would you try to give me the selling-point as to join them" she turned towards me, eyes narrowed but I didn't answer. For one minute the silence carried, she turned towards the outside.

I got up from my spot, at the same time grabbing my spare armor piece. Ready for the day, I casually walked from the cave after Blake who was walking. Taking in the scenery, Blake's head turned.

"So, what's the days agenda going to be, I assume we'd be heading into Vale at this point" I nodded, Blake stopped walking while putting A hand on a particular tree.

"Here, this tree should have the honey-sap. Eating it from the tree should be fine. Although without utensils or A jar it will be messy" Blake stood back, examining the tree. In surprise she stood backwards, almost tripped on one of the outward roots as I suddenly rushed in. My fist collided with the bark, instantly penetrating it before leaving a nicely inward hole. The sap flowed freely, some coating my hand but never mind that. I began to taste the tasty sap, I raised my free hand to another tree that had looked similar to this one before firing off A weak-powered Ki-blast, opening it up before returning attention to nature's bounty. The tasty substance was filling as we took our time for our fill...kidding, she took her time while I gorged myself as much as I could muster without turning myself into mess. I and, noticing the same with Blake, were both keeping aware of our surroundings. Besides one Ursa, which tried to charge Blake and got itself A face-full worth of Ki, we were alone.

I was still finished up when Blake came towards me, lips being worked over by her tongue. I shot her A curious look. I asked her, "Are you ready to go? Got your fill have you, I will be with you in a bit" Blake nodded, A curious gaze as she sized me up before asking.

"By the way, your armor, that…thing over your eye, I haven't seen tech nor the armor-style like that before. Where did you get it? Atlas maybe?" she was the first so far to point my armor and scouter.

"Interesting question, forgive me if I don't say. Anyway, lets go, remember I'll be with you until we come upon Vale then you make your choice" she nodded, replying.

" I've decided, I… I'll give this hunter's choice A go. it's that or prison with you, but only so I can use what I learn in benefit for our people. Not because you threatened me with the choice, but you have to join-

"Yeah, no that's where you're wrong. When you're in Vale, either voluntary or not but I'll be heading off. Your new life awaits you, but for now let's stick together. You lead the way."

The stroll through this forest was tranquil in respects, the Grimm were very rare here but even coming upon A group of them wasn't a problem. tripping over roots or miss-stepping over A rock was more problem than them. A mockery against me, Blake was alert over her surroundings, head turning now and again as she led. My guess was that two-or so hours had passed while we stalked the woods, we noticed A railway passing through the forest along the path we'd been going but no trains had been spotted yet. This was especially interesting to me because I think this is where Blake and Adam were introduced in the actual show, minus the train they were to saboteur on. Those events made Blake take that step to joining Beacon academy or they were the end result...not sure which, and yes, I said fuck the plot but when it came to 'RWBY' forming, I cared. I cared more to admit but this wasn't A plot to a story anymore, this way my reality and living with myself if I fucked over an… yeah, my head's a little messed up. Let's just take this slow, figure out what the hell beside bettering myself, was my new goal in this new life.

In my memory, my Saiyan past was filled with bloodshed, typical of what Raditz had explained to Goku in the first episodes of DBZ, such savagery. I haven't even thought myself to be even capable of, well the barbarism I had committed until like a flipped switch, I toyed with Adam and his soldiers, toyed with Blake and probably done much damage to the future White Fang contingent that Cinder would make use of. If Cinder even bothers with the White Fang at this point with low numbers is the question, besides Blake, I'd reckon Adam had to have survived but with how much of his men remaining remains to be seen.

Another hour of marching, seemingly appearing as we got closer, following along the train tracks was the outline of buildings which begun to appear in view. Vale was not that far away.

The moment of thinking was interrupted when my scouter had started beeping, indicating power-levels coming from our right were incoming. By then Blake had looked backwards at me, the noise having reached her more fine-tuned hearing.

"Blake, stay out of the open. Get under the trees, were about to have guests." stepping next to one of the bigger trees, the sounds of nature were lessened as the sounds of screeching from that of A train filled my ears. At this point from where we were located, the track lines could be seen clearly and giving a better look towards them the train came into view. There were parts of the train in flames, and the gunfire and explosions were tell-tale signs that indicated this.

"A SDC train. Blake, what were your reinforcements for anyway. I can tell your ally Adam is onboard. And from what I can tell, only him." Blake glanced in my direction briefly before turning back towards the speeding train, in an instant, she bolted after the train at speeds that momentarily stunned me but reminded me of the 'Black Trailer'. A second was all the time I spared before I flew in the train's direction, having seen Blake using her weapons hook as momentum from a tree branch. She had just landed the jump onto the top of the roof of one of the cars when I had caught up, a slower pace than hers in order to think. No time for thinking now when Blake had rushed further up the spine of the train, jumping train-car to the next while along the way the signs of battle were becoming louder and clearer.

"In here" Blake went into an imploded train roof of one of the middle train-cars, following along while keeping alert I intercepted A metallic hand reaching for Blake. It was unfounded though when she dodged the attempt from behind, slicing the robots hand off from the shoulder before blasting it with gunfire. Ducking into a sprint, she flipped into a series of kickstands and flips, using her weapon with such precisian before impaling another SDC owned Atlas-knight bot. While she was rendering more of these robots into spare parts, I had turned to another one before sending a small Ki-blast at it. The explosion affected the nearby knights or AK-130's as they are called, blitzing towards them arms raised in a T-pose with fists bared, I had decapitated them without any problem.

Another group of the bots blew through the front of the wall in front of Blake, using her skills in combat she was able to avoid the gunfire heading her way. Some of the rounds hit me as I made my way where she was at, instead of getting anymore closer though I had been engulfed in an explosion from the roof which blew inwards. The assailant was none over then Adam Taurus, the robotic body of the spider droid which must have been blown through the ceiling of the train-car was to land where I stood. Of course, as the spider droid came down, it was in the process of being disintegrated, most-likely Adams handiwork. Adam had seen me then, A primordial growl brought-forth as Adam's weapon mechanized into its ranged form, pelting me in a sea of bullets. The bastard rushed me then, releasing his sword and attempting to cleave me in two, my armor took the brunt of the attack as I retaliated. I could hear as his breath was taken from him with the punch to the stomach, smashing him into the side of the railcar.

Adam, however, wasn't finished, he was momentarily interrupted when Blake, having heard the commotion from behind her had yelled to him, another explosion however took her off her feet.

"Blake, get out of here. The charges I've set have gone off. I'll handle this race-traitor" Adam's head was now firmly fixed in my direction, he was in a sophisticated pose with hand on his blade, ready to charge me. I on the other hand, gave him the mockingly arms-crossed together pose, fearless formation I plagiarized from Vegeta that I thought fitting.

"Get going Blake, report back to the rendezvous. You know the place like we discussed before" Adam barked out looking over to her again, however his stance had faltered. Glancing towards Blake, she had just finished off the last of the AK-130 bots. She then shook her head negatively at Adam. Hopping backwards through one of the blown-in doors, she shot through the locking mechanism of the train-cars which separated them. She was on the other train-car when I had noticed we were slowing down. Adam attacked again then but got A direct thrust to the shoulder for his troubles, I jumped upwards when more of the explosions had rocked the train-cars to the back of us. Flying onto the roof of another train-car, Adam had jumped out in time of anther explosion before jumping into the forever falls tree line.

I had powered up my Ki, blasting off into the direction of Vale then. There was information I had to get my hands on before planning my next move, maybe even some more food for the appetite I held as-well.

My short flight, which I took the time to approach the city from within the clouds was over. Landing onto one of the few skyline buildings, I waited for a short while thinking. I needed to get my hands onto either A map of the continent or access to their technology. Maybe by mugging some unlucky schmuck for their scroll was the game-plan, or I could forgo that and just fly somewhere north-west.

I any-case, I was getting hungry and robbing some store is the first step towards enlightenment. Chuckling to myself, I gave the orange sun-setting sky one last glance before jumping backwards and diving off towards the city below.

Next time will be within Vale, so researching about cities and such for details will be what I would need to look over to get somthing out remotely interesting for the setting. If you couldn't tell, I live in a small town so I don't have much experience what you'd normally see inside A city. Also I hope Blake is not to OC, writing conversations are annoying. lol

Until next time, thanks for reading.

Edited some worng grammer lol.

Warrior988creators' thoughts