
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Tranh châm biếm
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79 Chs

Plane Hijacking and whisked away to Earth-70

It has been 30 minutes since the flight took off. Vishal felt animosity towards him since 10 minutes ago. He used "Soul data" a merged skill on all the residents of the plane and found 5 members who are here to take him hostage and they are all members of Black Hole, one of the terror organizations in DC comics. He understood that the plane will be hijacked.

"Carla" whispered Vishal. "Yes?" asked Carla.

"There are 5 members of Black Hole in the plane. They are here to take me hostage." whispered Vishal.

Carla was startled when Vishal gripped her hand and changed to teepathic communication.

"Are they here for "Vigilante"?" asked Carla.

Vishal said through mind "No, they are here for Vishal so that they can demand ransom from my father and also from the government."

"It's lucky that skills have merged with powers and soul data can help me find details of everyone in the entire multiverse." thought Vishal.

"This doesn't make sense. This group is obsessed with speed force. Why are they after you." asked Carla as Vishal allowed her to communicate telepathically.

"Use your cybernetic powers and check the Intelligence database. I already know what happened to these bastards but you will not believe if you don't see it with your own eyes." said Vishal telepathically.

Carla used the laptop and hacked into CIA's restricted files and found the file on Black Hole. There are several files detailing the experiments conducted by the group on speed force and Gorilla Gordd used to be a former member of this organization.

She went through the several videos and clicked a video which showed these guys trying to use speedforce for their own gain by wiping out the present timeline but it misfired due to the interference of flash as the time vortex became erratic causing most of the members to get sucked. Flash had to used his own power and went to the past to stop them from stop this time vortex which could've disrupted the reality itself.

Carla's mouth was wide open seeing the files and the video. "See. You wouldn't have believed me if I told you." said Vishal.

Carla nodded in acknowledgement as it is hard to believe such a thing can happen.

"What should we do about our guests in the plane?" asked Carla.

"If I make a move the people will know that I am "Vigilante". But that's not important as it is most important to keep the passengers safe from these morons." said Vishal.

The 5 members thought this is the right time and  stood up one by one and took out the Black Ice guns.

"This is a hijack." shouted one of those guys and aimed the guns at all the passengers. One of the guys entered the cockpit and took the pilots hostage and other one took control of the plane.

The pilot and the copilot were brought inside when Vishal put his palm forward and many teleportation circles teleported away the passengers and the pilots back to Airport in Gotham leaving only him and Carla with the terrorists.

"So, shall we dance, my darling?" asked Vishal winking to Carla and giving her a hand.

"Of course handsome." said Carla as she took his hand.

Vishal's body is immediately covered with Vigilante armor and Carla's body covered with Phantasm armor which is modified to resist even rocket launchers. Vishal did those modifications because no way he is going to let Carla die as long he is alive. He is determined to save those dear to him even if it means to put his life on the line.

The terrorists shivered seeing both Vigilante and Phantasm together. They are against a dangerous duo who do not hesitate to kill. If it had been a hero they could have used methods to escape or just be tied down and sent to prison.

They aimed and fired the ice guns at Vishal and Carla. Carla evaded and Vishal kept moving forward taking the chill from the ice gun without even flinching.

"Don't come closer. No, stay back." three who are facing Vigilante shouted.

Vishal didn't even heed their words. He remembered in previous life how the terror groups brainwash children from 6 year old to perform terrorist attacks on innocent people in different countries. It sickened him even more when one of the suicide bomber had to be a 9 year old child that tried to kill him by detonating.

He escaped luckily by jumping into a bunker but the child exploded into pieces. That event really shook him to the core. It took nearly 8 months to recover from such a shock.

After experiencing the event and recovering the shock turned into rage. He went on a killing spree of terror groups one after another by entering different countries. He even hung the heads of the terrorist organizations in Sahara desert as an example to show what would happen if they were cause life loss.

"Don't expect leniency bastards." voiced Vishal and used wind blades to cut all three of them into pieces. As soon as he killed them in one blow, a satisifed psychotic smile appeared on his face.

Carla used the hook on her hand and pierced the heart of one of the terrorists and pierced the stomach of other. One of them died and other became unconscious as the guy who operated the plane put it on auto pilot and is now unsconscious.

"Can you fly the plane Vishal?" asked Carla.

"No need for that. I'll teleport  the plane to Australian airport." said Vishal.

The unconscious guy became conscious and immediately took out a remote and pressed the red button when a hole appeared inside the plane which is black in colour sucking the entire plane into the hole.

Vishal shielded Carla in his embrace and made sure that nothing would happen to her.

"What's happening?" asked Carla in a panicked tone.

"Dimensional warp gate." said Vishal as he embraced her tightly and both of them saw that outside the window some images are playing like a movie.

Vishal saw the images and immediately got a grasp of what's happening.

"Brace yourself. We're entering into a past timeline of a different universe." said Vishal.

"These guys have incorporated some of the features of Boom tube into the dimensional warp gate created through a jewelry box." said Vishal.

Carla hugged him tightly as she knows that as long as Vishal is with her nothing would happen to her.

"System, Is this the butterfly effect?" asked Vishal.

"Yes host. This is for the best because you are entering into the past of Universe-70. The universe-70 had a key role in increasing the power of "Liark". At present time Universe-70 is destroyed but since you are going into the past, you can change its fate." said the system.

"Hmm? What makes it so different from others?" asked Vishal.

"In this universe a powerful battle occurred between heroes and anti heroes. The heroes won the battle and anti heroes had to give up everything and were imprisoned for life. As soon as it was done heroes began a battle against villains but the battle had enough casualties on both sides into stalemate.

Liark entered the universe and fed on the destructive energies which had high essence of malice and virtue because the villains were far worse than Gotham city and heroes were too pure than other universes. The heroes and villains perished when Anti heroes took arms against the entity. They put a decent fight but "Liark's" power was unfathomable thus leading to the destruction of this earth and universe itself." explained the system.

Vishal hit his forehead after hearing what happened. "These f*ckers only know how to make things worse rather than making things better. Yet when someone tries to clean up their mess in their own way they are bad and they need to be imprisoned and persecuted. I really want to spit on their face and kick on their balls and ask Joker's dialogue "Did your balls drop off?""

Vishal sighed and said openly"Looks like I would have to clean up the mess of the heroes here."

"Oh! There are naive heroes here too?" asked Carla.

"Yeah. I'll tell the full story as soon as we land on that earth." said Vishal as the airplane came out of the hole and using telepathic magic he landed the plane in Pacific Ocean.

He put his hand on Carla's waist and teleported to Gotham city.

He saw different capes of heroes going against different anti heroes and battle began.

"Let's move. I'll fill you in." said Vishal as he took her to a hotel in financial district and booked a room.

The two of them settled into the room and Vishal explained the details to Carla.