
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Phim ảnh
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185 Chs

Jeanne {18}....

"You look down, you alright Ikki" Aaron said as he leaned back on a chair.

"I am just worried about Sakura" Ikki replied to which Aaron just say

"She is a grown girl, I am sure she will be fine plus she knows how to fight so what is there to worry about"

"I guess you are right but lately, Sakura hasn't been coming on and I am worried," Ikki said with a thoughtful expression.

"Its either a faze, something happen that made her act like this, at her boyfriend house doing teenage girl stuff like learning how to ride a horse or she want to help and you won't let her" Aaron said leaning back on the chair.

"Huh.."Ikki said looking embarrassed.

"I didn't stutter I repeat myself if you want" Aaron added with a sly grin.

"No you don't have too"Ikki said to which Aaron smile saying

"Good, then what did you and Daiji do to piss her off"

"I told her to leave the fighting to us"Ikki added to which Aaron just said

"This is a recipe for disaster...you told your headstrong sister that she can't fight...i wonder how well you saw this going in your head"

"I didn't think that far" Ikki admitted to which Aaron just said.

"I mean if I can take anything from how this whole family work, yall are all headstrong and refuse to be left behind so didn't it just occur to you that" Aaron said leaning further on the chair.

"You not exactly wrong about that" Ikki said as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"Anyway, just go find your sister and make thing right before she does something stupid"Aaron said to which reply

"I will"

"Thank you"

"Yeah, Yeah..save them your thank you, just go make thing rights with your sister and hope that the reason she wasn't talking to you was because of option 3"

He just had to add in there just for shits and giggles.

Meanwhile, Sakura was being toyed with by Aguilera.....

More flirt with but hey same thing.

She was asking Sakura to join the dead man and how she will gain a lot from it.

Time skip

Raion found himself surrounded by a horde of Deadmen, their menacing presence closing in. With a focused gaze, he shifted into a stance that radiated controlled power.

As the first Deadman lunged, Raion's foot arced in a fluid crescent kick, connecting with a resounding snap against the assailant's jaw. Swiftly transitioning, he executed a spinning hook kick, catching another Deadman off guard and sending it sprawling.

In a seamless display of precision, Raion pivoted with cat-like agility. His hands, now lethal weapons, delivered rapid strikes—a blur of strikes and open-handed chops that disrupted the relentless advance of the undead assailants.

A Deadman attempted a grab from behind, but Raion smoothly executed a controlled backflip, turning the assailant's own momentum against it. Landing with finesse, he unleashed a barrage of knee strikes, each blow met with a satisfying impact.

As the horde pressed on, Raion adapted, combining traditional taekwondo kicks with agile footwork. He incorporated spinning kicks, spinning crescent kicks, and even a tornado kick, creating a whirlwind of calculated destruction that kept the Deadmen at bay.

With each precise movement, Raion demonstrated not just martial prowess but an artistic command of his body and fighting style, turning the onslaught into a choreographed symphony of kicks and strikes, all executed with unmatched creativity and efficiency.

As another of those beats came toward him, Raion seemingly was about to do a handstand but in reality, he just backflipped away from the enemy but now before using his leg to kick the dead man square in the throat.

You may be wondering how he even got himself into this situation to begin with and the answer to that question was simple.



Deadman attacked and there was a lot of them, he came in order to help lower the casualty as currently a few people had died.

About 10 of them give or take and they had been eaten if the bloody floor was anything to go by.

This world vibe seem to be mostly on the peaceful side so such violence was probably due to the higher being that decided to mess with this timeline.

It probably just increased the urge that the people had to begin with while buffing them greatly for their work.

This was sick and twisted but hey he had to deal with this shit now.

He rushed toward the nearest dead man before unleashing a powerful kick that was infused with that yellow energy.

It burned the dead man away to the touch and what layed on the floor was what seemed to be an exhausted person.

Yep that seem about right....

Suddenly he heard Hiromi scream as a red energy left his suits and razed him out of his transformation.

Hiromi passed out on the floor as a bunch of hungry Deadman rushed toward him hoping to get a bite.

As the dead man salivated at the thought of eating a human, the first one to come and try to take a bite out of Hiromi was met with a powerful kick that instantly knocked it out and deformed them back to their human state.

"No one's munching on him on my watch," Raion declared amidst the relentless onslaught of Deadmen, fiercely protecting Hiromi.

In a sudden transformation, Raion's attire shifted, taking on the appearance of a green ninja. "Come, try it, I dare y'all," he challenged, creating afterimages that scattered across the battlefield, dispatching numerous Deadmen. However, the exertion took its toll, and Raion found himself on his knees.

"Shit, already," he muttered, acknowledging his fatigue. As he knelt, a sudden attack caught him off guard.

"You look awfully tired there," a voice remarked, and Raion, recognizing the pleasure-seeking tone, sighed, "Oh great, isn't this lovely." The unexpected assailant added a new layer of challenge to Raion's already taxing battle against the relentless horde of Deadmen.

"Out of steam already?" Orteca taunted, a laugh escaping him as he closed in on the fatigued Raion.

"Raion!" Ikki and Daiji exclaimed simultaneously, attempting to rush to his aid. However, their path was obstructed by the persistent monster and an enigmatic figure, creating a formidable barrier that prevented them from reaching their exhausted comrade. The situation grew more precarious as Raion faced not only the relentless Deadmen but also the looming threat posed by Orteca and the mysterious adversary.

"You two would have to take care of me in order to get save Raion" Julios said

Orteca, reveling in Raion's exhaustion, approached with a sinister grin. Without mercy, he unleashed a barrage of calculated strikes on the already fatigued Raion. Each blow landed with precision, exploiting Raion's weakened state.

Raion, struggling to defend himself, attempted to muster the strength to counter Orteca's relentless assault. However, the weariness weighed heavily on him, and his defenses began to crumble. Orteca, with a sadistic satisfaction, continued his merciless onslaught, capitalizing on Raion's vulnerability.

Ikki and Daiji, frustrated by their inability to reach Raion, watched helplessly as their comrade endured the brutal beating. The situation grew increasingly dire as Orteca's calculated strikes threatened to overcome even Raion's resilience.

As Raion struggled against Orteca's relentless assault, the villain reveled in the moment, his sadistic satisfaction evident. He paused, allowing for a villainous monologue.

"The mighty have fallen," Orteca sneered, savoring the apparent triumph. "You were impressive, Raion, but every lion meets its end."

Raion, though battered, managed a defiant grin. "Impressive? More like desperate, Orteca. You're just a predator picking on the wounded."

Orteca's laughter echoed through the battlefield as he continued, "Wounded, yes, but now you witness the inevitable defeat. The strong crumble, Raion, and I am here to remind you of that."

Raion, with a smirk, retorted, "Remind me? More like bore me. Is this your idea of grandeur? Beating up on someone who's already down? How original. but hey you get a point because to be fair I would do that too."

The exchange of words added a layer of defiance to Raion's resilience, a mockery that infuriated Orteca.

As Raion was speaking with Orteca he notice the princess of Ikki sister.

"Yow Ikki, what your sister doing here" Raion said groaning a bit in pain.

"Stay away Sakura" Daiji and Ikki yelled out together as the dead man rushed toward Sakura.

She was basically fresh meat...

She pulled out a stamp before saying "I am unbeatable now that I have accepted my weaknesses"


"Oh, this is getting interesting," Raion remarked with a defiant grin, even as he faded in and out of consciousness. His attention shifted towards Sakura, who was skillfully dispatching a horde of Deadmen.

Sakura's movements were a mesmerizing dance of precision and power. Each strike landed with deadly accuracy, and the air resonated with the echoes of her relentless assault.

Sakura, embodying the essence of Karate, entered the fray with focused determination. Her strikes were like lightning, delivering precise blows to the vital points of the Deadmen.

With a swift snap of her leg, she executed a powerful front kick, sending one Deadman sprawling. Without missing a beat, Sakura transitioned into a series of rapid punches, each strike a testament to her mastery of Karate.

As the Deadmen closed in, Sakura's movements became a blur of controlled aggression. She seamlessly combined blocks and strikes, utilizing the principles of Karate to maintain a harmonious balance between offense and defense. A well-timed sidekick cleared a path, while a perfectly executed roundhouse kick dispatched multiple adversaries in one fluid motion.

"Tch, guess I won't have time to end you now," Orteca sneered, his attention momentarily diverted from Raion.

"Fuck you too," Raion retorted, his response laced with defiance despite the physical toll on him.

Ortega just smiled before vanishing.

Rain slowly stood up as Ikki rushed toward him and helped him stand up saying

"You alright"

"I have seen better days," Raion said standing up before he looking at Sakura and saying

"Thank you for the save"

"You welcome"

"About that unbeatable...."