
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Phim ảnh
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186 Chs

Ace vs Suel {87}

The air crackled with tension, not just from the impending battle, but from the blatant mockery in Aaron's words. He strolled to a nearby chair, throwing himself down with a theatrical sigh, his eyes fixed on Ace. "Go fight for your mommy's honor, mama boy," he drawled, the grin on his face a twisted caricature of amusement.

Ace, normally quick with retorts, met Aaron's gaze with a narrowed stare. It seemed the taunt had struck a nerve, or perhaps it was something deeper brewing just beneath the surface. But there was no time for introspection. With a deep breath, he activated his transformation sequence.

"Dynamite Boost! Geats IX. Ready, fight!"

As the armor materialized around him, an intense light filled the room. Even Aaron couldn't deny the surge of excitement that bubbled within him. The raw power emanating from Ace, the creative potential simmering beneath the surface – it was intoxicating.

"Rui, bring me my popcorn," Aaron muttered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. As if conjured by magic, a steaming bag materialized in his hand. Leaning back, he settled in for a show, the impending clash between Ace and Suel unfolding before him like a live-action spectacle.

The room around them warped and twisted as their attacks collided. Suel, fueled by desperation and stolen power, unleashed brutal blows, while Ace countered with his incredible creation abilities, rebuilding the environment as it was destroyed.

The audience, initially focused on the Anomaly, now realized the true danger. Ace, transformed and wielding the power of creation, was a force to be reckoned with. They scrambled to activate their defenses, panic setting in.

Aaron, however, remained unfazed. He munched on his popcorn, savoring the chaos, every explosion and clash further fueling his anticipation. Suddenly, a thought struck him.

"Rui," he said between bites, "disable their exit teleportation portal."

A faint hum from his hidden speaker confirmed his command. Now, the fight wasn't just about entertainment; it was about control.

With the escape route sealed, the battle raged on, becoming a desperate dance of power and creation. Ace, sensing the trap, fought with even greater ferocity, while Suel, burdened by his stolen power, grew steadily weaker.

Aaron watched, his amusement morphing into something more complex. He saw himself in Ace, that rebellious spark, that thirst for power. But unlike him, Ace had something he lacked – loyalty, purpose.

"Rui, now I want you to make all their teleporters appear, let's say, over there," Aaron said, pointing to his left. He then took a small gun, and every time he felt space warp around him, he shot it with precision, ensuring that none of them suffered.

Meanwhile, Suel began to wonder where his backup was, until he and Ace's eyes landed on Aaron sitting right next to a pile of bodies. "Don't mind me, keep fighting," Aaron said with an innocent smile, sending shivers down Suel's spine. For Ace, the efficiency and coldness of Aaron's actions were both impressive and unsettling.

Aaron, seemingly unfazed, continued hitting his popcorn and shooting every time he felt space warp around him. "How many more do we have?" Aaron complained to which Rui replied, "About 500.""Darn, he really accounted for backup, and frankly, I don't feel like dealing with all of that. So, send me the control panel."

 As those words left his mouth, a holographic screen appeared in front of him. With a nonchalant expression, Aaron started to tweak something. He could be cruel and make it so that all of their DNA fused together during teleportation, or he could send them to the middle of a collapsing star or the center of the sun. Their deaths would be painless. Alternatively, he could dispatch them to one of the alien species that harbored hostility towards humans, like the Cryosians with their ice powers, ensuring a relatively painless end.

"Rui, disarm their trap along with the god-killing gun," Aaron ordered as he stretched his body. "On it," Rui replied, and after a few seconds, she confirmed, "Done.""Good girl," Aaron praised Rui, acknowledging her efficiency. He stood up, stretching his body to alleviate the stiffness that had settled in. Despite the successful execution of their plan, Aaron's demeanor remained focused, a testament to the ever-present vigilance that defined his approach to each challenge that unfolded before him.

 'I should've known it wouldn't last. Idiots probably thought they could just throw some generic muscle at me and call it a day. As if I haven't dealt with brutes before. Now, what's next? Whining? Lamenting their lost reinforcements? Throwing themselves at me in a desperate, predictable frenzy? Ugh, the possibilities are endless, and each one more tedious than the last.' Aaron thought as he could sense Suel worry.

Maybe I should just let them stew in their misery for a while. Let them realize that their grand plan was about as effective as a wet paper bag against a hurricane. They need a good dose of reality, a reminder that I'm not some pushover to be bullied with their backup plans. But then again, their despair would be as dull as their bravado. Watching them crumble wouldn't be... entertaining.

Perhaps a little chaos is in order. Just a nudge, a subtle push to see how they react. Maybe I'll disable their communications, let them stew in their own confusion and fear. Or maybe I'll leave them a little "present," something unexpected and unsettling, just to see their little minds unravel. Oh, the possibilities are delicious!

But then there's the annoyance factor. They'll become unpredictable, desperate, and that can be messy. They might even stumble into something useful, some weakness I overlooked. The thought of having to clean up their messes... ugh, the inconvenience!

Perhaps a middle ground is ideal. A little chaos, a sprinkle of fear, but enough control to keep them contained. Let them know they're outmatched, but give them just enough hope to keep them scrambling, predictable in their desperation. Yes, that might just be the perfect recipe for a little fun and minimal hassle. Now, how shall I orchestrate this little... experiment?

A smirk spread across Aaron's face as he surveyed the battlefield. Suel, once brimming with confidence in his plan, now stood hunched over, his shoulders slumped in defeat. The air crackled with the faint hum of overridden security systems, a testament to Aaron's unseen manipulation.

"Yow, Ace," Aaron called out, his voice laced with amusement. "Seems your little god-killing party just hit a snag. I, on the other hand, have been enjoying a delightful tour of your little HQ."

He gestured towards a holographic display showcasing the base's schematics, now pulsing with the colors of his control. "Funny thing, I've been watching your little show from the beginning. Even gave you a sneak peek at that 'mind-blowing experience' you had planned for Acey here."

His smile widened, revealing a hint of predatory hunger. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, mamma's boy proving his loyalty. Personally, I wouldn't let someone exploit my mother for millennia get away with it either. But hey, that's just me."

Ace, his gaze locked on the weakened, snarling Suel, tightened his grip on the Dynama Buckle. The Anomaly's taunts still stung, but Ace held onto the belief that Suel wasn't entirely lost. Yet, he knew words wouldn't stop the man now; only force would prevail.

Suel, fueled by fury and desperation, materialized his corrupted blade, its dark energy flickering ominously. The air crackled as they circled each other, both ready to unleash the full force of their abilities.

Suel struck first, his blade a whirlwind of darkness aimed at Ace's chest. With a split-second reaction, Ace activated Boost Mode, his armor shimmering as he deflected the blow with his enhanced gauntlet. The clash sent shockwaves rippling through the room, leaving scorched marks on the floor.

Ace retaliated with a flurry of kicks and punches, each imbued with the power of creation. He sculpted the very air around Suel, forming temporary restraints of solidified energy. But Suel, using his mastery of shadow manipulation, phased through the binds, appearing behind Ace in a blink.

Their dance of power and despair continued. Suel rained down dark energy blasts, warping the room and leaving craters in its wake. Ace countered with creative constructs, erecting shields of hardened light and redirecting blows with strategically placed platforms.

As the fight progressed, Suel's movements grew erratic, his power waning. Yet, his desperation fueled him further. He channeled the last dregs of his stolen energy, unleashing a wave of chaotic distortion that threatened to engulf the entire area.

Ace, recognizing the danger, knew he had to end this quickly. He channeled his strongest attack, the Dynamite Boost Break, summoning a massive, spectral dragon fueled by pure creation energy. The dragon roared, clashing with Suel's dark wave in a blinding explosion.

The force of the collision shook the very foundation of the arena. Dust settled, revealing Ace, standing tall, his armor slightly scuffed but intact. Suel lay crumpled on the ground, his blade shattered, his dark aura fading.

Ace hesitated, looking down at the defeated man. His victory tasted bitter. He could either deliver the final blow, ending Suel's threat forever, or offer an alternative, a chance to break free from the darkness.