
The Ancient Books: Call of the Guardians

Histories of the past are quiet a mystery and so is the present and the coming future. Careful of what you read and become. Knowledge is powerful. In the beginning of wisdom, fear is present and so is bravery. To whom shall destiny be given and be chosen as protectors of peace?

SevenHaven · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

School University of Vrimson City

<p>Arrived at Vrimson University's gates, the three went inside the school premises and parked their bikes in a designated area. They then rushed for their designated classrooms even though they were late. They all thought of a fresh start and looked forward to a new whole experience of adventures and learnings from the school.<br/>The school aside from being big was the most popular one in the land and is one of the most with a high-quality education in the country of Vilnatu. Though being popular it also holds many secrets. The school was known for having many available courses for the students to take. But little did the three know that it also holds a great mystery that they will probably encounter soon.<br/>The school was known for being one of the top notches of graduates that passes board exams. And are also known for being chosen as new soon-to-be celebrities and models of producers, celebrity agencies, movie directors, and other fields. It is also known for its also talented students and athletes.<br/>But even though with many spotlights, the school encountered several different cases, most of them were the disappearances of persons and it negatively affected the school.<br/>Generations to generations the word were being passed down through old stories, gossips, and small talks that the school was once owned by the cursed tribes in the ancient times, but who knows exactly? One family from the tribes practiced dark arts and are said to have helped the ones who started the ancient war in the past.<br/>It is also said that the descendants of this tribe are still alive and are at the school grounds.<br/>There are parts of the school that are cursed and off-limits, though it is underrated among students there are still a few ones who get lost in this area. The school makes sure of the students' safety but they can never guarantee it for there are students that are beyond their control because of their own will of rebellion or not following the rules of the school.<br/>The school has a variety of courses. But what it mainly teaches is mastering the elements and martial arts. The courses in the school are Culinary arts, Building & Crafting, Household designing, Gardening, Spellcasting, Biology, Healing arts, Warrior, Technology arts, photography, cinematography, and more to mention.<br/>Before the classes start, enrolled students are mandatory to first take an examination to test their abilities and basic knowledge. It is to assess their capabilities and skills for further learning and gaining knowledge to see where they belong among the presently available courses based on the final results.<br/>It is for the students' comfort and assurance of further developing his or her abilities and to improve his/her well-being and knowledge. But they can choose more than one course and may as well take other subjects in their own interests or curiosity for their own will that they want to learn. But they should not neglect what was recommended to them.<br/>The Symphstones sibling's abilities resided with the elements, sorcery or magic and spellcasting while Evergreen's resided with martial arts but she also has a result of possible or is capable of sorcery. And the three of them also have chosen other fields of their choice.<br/>The school has complete necessities and pieces of equipment that are enough for the students. It includes a mini food house or school cafeteria, a theater, a sports field, a big library, speech and science labs, computer rooms, musical rooms, room for school clubs, a garden, and other rooms and places that you can imagine within a University school.<br/>Students' loved the school for having an exquisite building and rooms. Enough for the students to feel very comfortable while learning despite its dark side of the past.<br/>Jejo went to his designated class schedule. His classroom is located 1st floor of one of the school buildings. His first class was about knowing the main four elements. Though surprised by his own capabilities, he was more curious about how he can even control it if it awakens. He is turning 21, and it is said that males who hold elemental power mostly awakens at this age. So, what can he possibly be doing if his moment arrives?<br/>His assumptions about no classes on the first day of school were wrong and were taken aback as he saw the teacher standing in front of the class facing the board and writing something. Knowing that he was late, he tried to sneak quietly inside from the back door of the classroom. A few of the students noticed him as soon as he was near to take a seat at the back.<br/>"Mr. late in this class good morning, I know your footsteps!" said a voice that pierced the silence of the classroom. It was the teacher. She stopped writing on the board, from facing the board now she is facing her students and especially looking at Jejo who was late at this moment. He thought that the teacher wouldn't notice him.<br/>She wore a pair of eyeglasses and was around her 30's up to '40s. She had a purple streak from her short browny black hair and is still looking youthful and pretty despite her age. She wore a short scarf around her neck and her eyes purple in color. She has tan skin and wore a pair of small earrings. And her height is slightly the same as his cousin's.<br/>Jejo flinched as he heard the teacher, he was the only one who was late at that moment so he positively assumes that he is what the teacher is talking to. The teacher takes notice of his appearance that was familiar to her.<br/>"Goodmorning ma'am.." He answered.<br/>"Why are you late? What's your family name"<br/>"Symphstone ma'am"<br/>The teacher's eye widened as she heard his family name but was not that noticeable and then threw a small sigh. She knew that this boy was related to someone whom she knew about.<br/>"Late in your first day and my class? hmmm?" she asked while taking her glasses off. "Next time I will be not tolerating it anymore okay?"<br/>"Yes, ma'am"<br/>"Alright then, so where were we-?.." she continued as she wore the pair of eyeglasses back while looking at the textbook for their class subject. She then starts to discuss it with her class.<br/>Textbook copies were given to the students except for Jejo since he arrived late. Troubled in the situation of not being able to take track of his teacher's discussion, just right in time a fellow student offered him a book to share with him.<br/>"Hey Symphstone fella, here, let's share," said the fellow student staying low in his voice while offering his textbook to share with him with a gentle approach.<br/>He had golden-brown hair and had a brownish pair of eyes. His shoulders were broad and wore a hooded gray jacket. He has an ear piercing on his left ear and has black bracelets on both of the wrists of his hands, three on the left, and two on the right wrist of his hand. He was also pretty charming and any lady would appreciate his features.<br/>"We can share, I guess you still haven't received our textbook for this lesson?" he continued.<br/>"I don't know, I didn't receive any, but thank you for your aid" he replied while also staying low in his voice. "Was it given before the class started?" replied Jejo.<br/>"Uhm not quite exactly but I got mine from my locker, so I guess you forgot to check it there?"<br/>"Right, I didn't since I rushed in because I am late"<br/>"I'm Jasper, what's yours again? Symphsto--?"<br/>"Call me Jejo instead of my family name"<br/>"Alright, nice to meet yo--"<br/>"Hey, quiet down you two, our teacher is discussing" whispered a soft voice nearby. It was from a fellow student who was seated ahead in the front of the two gentlemen. She was seriously listening to their teacher.<br/>She had long dark hair and her lips were naturally red as if she wore lipstick and her skin was pale. Her eyes were black as midnight and her cheeks were tainted with a pinkish tone, she was beautiful. Jejo felt a slight crush on her the moment he laid his eyes on her.<br/>"Chill babycakes, no need to worry," said Jasper.<br/>"Excuse me? babycakes? I had a name" said she.<br/>"Okay, what's that noise at the back?" Interrupted the teacher who takes notice of their so-called whispers that now seemed to fade into a small noise in the class. She paused for a moment and gestured her eyes left and right but the noise seem to be muted out. And then continued to further discuss.<br/>"Sorry" replied Jejo to the lady his classmate.<br/>The lady just rolled her eyes out, and return to focus on the discussion.<br/>"Do you know her?" asked Jejo in a whispering manner to Jasper.<br/>"Yeah, that's Ebony, pretty babe huh"<br/>Jejo just nodded slowly and then looked at the lady and then paid attention to their class. He was quite happy being acquainted with someone in the class already and knowing that he had connections with the lady whom he had a slight crush on. He would take his chances of befriending her also if fate allows them to. But Jejo has yet to learn and understand more of his surroundings and deal with people in the school.<br/>Jasper and Ebony have known each other since high school, they were childhood friends. But it all seems to change which ended up with a harsh turn and conflict when tragedy hit their lives hurting their friendship.<br/>Jejo scanned the classroom and looked at the window. It was a nice day but something was bothering him. He thought of what is this feeling he had as soon as he entered the school?<br/>What is it?</p>