
The Alpha and The Hunter

Theo is an Alpha in his wolf pack. For some reason, he had to move to Canada and live there. One day a member of his wolf pack told him that one of them had died because someone shot him. He immediately returned to his home country to find the killer and protect his members. But after being there, his heart told him that he should become a student at one of the schools in the town. Because a girl who became his mate went to that school. On his first day of school, he accidentally bumps into a girl. And he was very sure, that the girl was his mate. Unbeknownst to him, the girl was a "Hunter". She had shot one of the members of his wolf pack. Then what if Theo finds out that his mate is the one who killed one of his members?

Nelabluemoon · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs


"Rather than bored we'd better play a game. I'm sure it will be very fun" Caitlin said, turning to Grace and Cam who sat to her right.

"Playing a game?" Grace frowned. "What kind of game?"

"Truth or Dare" Caitlin smiled. "If one of us doesn't want to answer or doesn't dare to do the challenge that is given, he/she will be punished"

"What's the punishment?" Cam asked, causing Grace to turn to him.

"Just drinking whiskey. It's not hard, is it?" Caitlin raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds interesting." Cam nodded and agreed. "Then I join"

"Good." Caitlin nodded. "How about you Grace? You joined too, right?"

Grace sighed. "Yes, I'm joining you guys" she replied, nodding with her head down.

Caitlin smirked. Then she looked away. "Can I borrow an empty drink bottle?" she asked a grill staff standing at their table.

The staff nodded. Then he picked it up and gave it to Caitlin.

"Thank you." Caitlin smiled. "Let's get started," she said, turning to her friends. "And I hope I'm not the first," she continued. Then she put the bottle on the table and started to spin it.

The bottle spun and the three of them watched it intently, hoping it didn't stop at them. The longer the bottle spins slowly and stops.

"Yesss!" Grace cheered that the bottle didn't stop on her.

"Why am I the first one?" Caitlin protested and pouted.

"Well, you came up with the idea to play this game so you're the first one to start it," Cam said and Grace nodded in agreement.

Caitlin sighed. "Okay," she said, nodding her head.

"Truth or Dare?" Grace asked Caitlin and raised an eyebrow.

"Because I like challenges so I chose dare" Caitlin replied.

"Who wants to give her a challenge? You or me?" Grace asked, turning to Cam.

"You" Cam smiled.

Grace nodded. "I want you to scream the name of the man you love and say you love him"

"WHAT?" Caitlin frowned. "I have to shout the name of the man I love? Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, you have to and I'm not kidding. Because that's the challenge" Grace said nodding her head.

Caitlin sighed. "Okay," she said looking away. Then she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Masonnnnn, I love you!" she shouted.

Everyone who was still there turned to them and looked confused.

"Mason?" Cam frowned. "Your cousin?" he asked Grace.

"Yeah, she's so obsessed with him." Grace nodded.

"Done." Caitlin opened her eyes. "Let's continue playing," she said, Grace and Cam nodded. Then she spun the bottle again.

The bottle spun again and the three of them focused on the bottle.

But Grace's eyes widened as the bottle stopped on her.

"Gotcha!" Caitlin smirked and Grace sighed. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Grace replied, looking uninspired. Because she doesn't know what her friend and ex-boyfriend are thinking.

"Okay." Caitlin nodded. "I'm going to ask you a question and you have to answer it honestly," she said. "Do you still love Cam?"

Grace immediately turned to Caitlin and glared at her as if she was preparing to eat her friend alive. "Why do you have to ask that?"

"Why?" Caitlin asked looking innocent. "This is just for fun. So don't take it seriously"

Grace lowered her head. "Sorry, but I can't answer that"

"It's okay." Caitlin nodded. "But you have to be prepared for punishment," she said. Then she grabbed a bottle of whiskey on the table and poured it into the glass that was near Grace. "Here, please drink"

Grace nodded. Then she took the glass and drank it until there was nothing left.

"Let's continue the game," Caitlin said, spinning the empty bottle again.

The bottle spun again and they watched it. Then it stopped on Cam.

"Okay Cam, now it's your turn" Caitlin nodded and turned to look at the man. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare" Cam replied.

"I'll give you a challenge. And I want you to kiss Grace on the lips" Caitlin said making Grace's eyes widen.

"WHAT?" Grace frowned and looked disbelieving. "Are you crazy?"

"Why? Do you mind?" Caitlin asked innocently. "Remember, this is a game, just for fun. Don't take it seriously"

"But why should it? Isn't there another challenge?" Grace asked without taking her eyes off her friend.

"Okay, if you don't want to." Caitlin nodded and looked away. "But you have to be prepared to be punished"

"It's okay I'll do it," Cam said, making the two girls turn their heads towards him. Then he turned to look at Grace. "Caitlin is right, it's just a game. I promise I won't do more and only for a while. So you don't get punished" he said looking her straight in the eye.

Grace nodded and looked forced.

As for Cam, he just smiled and held Grace's face without saying anything. Then he closed his eyes, brought his face closer, and kissed her lips gently.

Caitlin immediately smiled happily and looked satisfied when she saw them kissing. "My favorite couple," she mumbled.

Moments later, Cam broke the kiss, opened his eyes, and pull his face away from Grace.

"You guys still look sweet why don't you two become lovers again?" Caitlin asked spontaneously.

Grace sighed. "Can we just focus on the game?" she asked, looking away.

"Okay, let's play again." Caitlin nodded and spun the bottle again.


Grace walked and stepped out of the grill clutching her head, which hurt from drinking too much alcohol.

"Grace, are you okay?" Cam asked, walking next to Grace. He knew that his ex-girlfriend couldn't drink alcohol, and that's why he chose to kiss her instead of the girl being punished. Even when the game was still going on he replaced Grace several times to carry out the punishment given, namely drinking a glass of whiskey.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Grace nodded and wobbled while still holding her head.

"I'd better walk you home so you don't have to walk and you get home safely," Cam said, looking worried.

"It's okay I can go home alone" Grace shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Cam frowned.

"Yes, I'm sure," Grace replied, nodding her head. "See you Monday, Cam," she said, turning to the man. Then she turned around and continued walking slowly and staggered.

But Cam was just silent, standing by his car and watching Grace so worriedly. He was afraid that something bad would happen to his ex-girlfriend.


Cam's eyes widened when he saw the fallen Grace. He immediately ran and approached the girl.

As for Grace, she tried to stand up and get up from her position but she fell again because her body was so weak.

"Let me help," Cam said, stopping and standing by Grace. Then he bent down and picked her up.

"Cam put me down. I can go home alone" Grace said in a hoarse voice.

"Sorry, but I can't. And I'll take you home" Cam said as he turned and walked to his car holding her.