
The Alpha and The Hunter

Theo is an Alpha in his wolf pack. For some reason, he had to move to Canada and live there. One day a member of his wolf pack told him that one of them had died because someone shot him. He immediately returned to his home country to find the killer and protect his members. But after being there, his heart told him that he should become a student at one of the schools in the town. Because a girl who became his mate went to that school. On his first day of school, he accidentally bumps into a girl. And he was very sure, that the girl was his mate. Unbeknownst to him, the girl was a "Hunter". She had shot one of the members of his wolf pack. Then what if Theo finds out that his mate is the one who killed one of his members?

Nelabluemoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"I don't understand why Caitlin is asking questions and challenges related to us. But if I had known from the start then I wouldn't have joined. Because I'm sure she wouldn't have played that game if one of us not playing." Cam mumbled, walking up the stairs and towards the second floor holding Grace in his arms. Then he walked and stepped into one of the rooms where the door was open.

When he reached the room he stopped and stood by the bed. Then he carefully laid her down and pulled the blanket over her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have accepted Caitlin's invitation to join you guys at the grill. If I did then I'm sure you wouldn't be drunk and unconscious like this" he mumbled. Then he bent down, closed his eyes, and kissed her forehead. "Good night Grace, have a nice dream" he continued, looking at his ex-girlfriend one more time and smiling.

Then he turned around and walked away.


Grace slowly opened her eyes and looked around when she felt the sunlight disturbing her sleep. She immediately got up from her position and found herself in her bedroom.

"It's morning," she mumbled, sitting on the bed and looking out the window. But she frowned as she remembered what happened to her last night.

"Wait, I remember last night I was drunk and was about to walk home. But suddenly I fell and Cam came to help me. And that means he took me home?" she lowers her head and wonders herself.

She immediately turned to the nightstand and took her phone that was above it. Then she looked at the screen and saw a message from Theo's number. Without a second thought, she opened the message and read it.

"Hi, good morning. How was your sleep last night? I hope you have a nice dream so that you wake up this morning with a smile on your face. By the way, I'm about to go to your house, see you later"

Her eyes widened after she read the message. "I almost forgot that today I have an appointment with Theo and will be drawing together with him in the park," she said, taking her eyes off her phone screen. Then she hurriedly got out of bed, put the phone on the nightstand, and walked to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, Grace was tidy and was putting the things she was going to carry in her bag while waiting for Theo to come.

"Lucky I didn't wake up late. Otherwise, I'll feel bad for Theo" she said to herself.

Ding Dong!

She immediately turned and stopped her activities when she heard the bell ringing indicating that someone was coming.

"It must be him" she smiled and got up from the couch. Then she walked over to open the door.

Arriving near the door she immediately stopped, reached out, and opened it. But the smile that was originally etched on her face immediately faded in an instant when she knew the person who came was not the person she was waiting for.

"Good morning, Grace" Cam smiled and snapped her out of her thoughts.

"G-Good morning, Cam" Grace smiled awkwardly and lowered her head.

"May I come in?" Cam asked, raising an eyebrow.

Grace just nodded and immediately shifted from her position to make way for her ex-boyfriend.

"Thank you" Cam smiled and stepped into Grace's house.

As for Grace, she sighed and closed the door.

"I almost forgot," Cam said, stopping and turning around. "How was your sleep last night? And does your head still hurt?"

"I slept well and my head doesn't hurt anymore" Grace turned around and Cam nodded. "I wanted to thank you, Cam. Because you helped me and brought me home. If you weren't there I don't know what would have happened to me" she said, lowering her head and smiling faintly.

Cam smiled and walked over to Grace. "You're welcome, I'm glad I could help you. And to be honest I was really worried when I saw how you were last night. I even felt guilty."

"You feel guilty?" Grace frowned and raised her head. "Why?"

"Because I've accepted Caitlin's invitation to join you guys at the grill. I should have turned it down so you wouldn't get drunk and pass out like last night" Cam replied, bowing his head and looking guilty. "I'm sorry, I-"

Cam's words stopped immediately when Grace put her index finger to his lips.

"It's not your fault, Cam. Because you didn't know Caitlin was going to play that game. Besides that, we both agreed to play. So you don't have to blame yourself" Grace explained, looking at the man with a smile etched on her face.

"But I still-"

Ding Dong!

Cam's words had to be cut off again when they heard the bell ringing.

"Wait a minute," Grace said. Then she turned around and walked over to open the door.

When she reached the door she immediately stopped and opened it.

"Good morning Grace," Theo said, looking at Grace and smiling. As usual, he was always cheerful.

"Good morning, Theo." Grace smiled.

"Did I make you wait?" Theo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No." Grace shook her head. "You came before the time we had planned because it's not yet 9 o'clock" Grace replied and Theo nodded. "I almost forgot, please come in," she said, shifting from her position and smiling.

"Thank you" Theo smiled and stepped into Grace's house. But he frowned when he saw Cam who was standing not far in front of him. "Looks like I came at the wrong time," he said, turning to Grace.

Grace turned around and saw the two men staring at her.

"No, you came at the right time" Cam shook his head making Theo turn to him. "I just happened to pass by here and I stopped by to say hello to Grace," he said with a smile etched on his face. "And it looks like I have to leave soon because I have something to do. See you Monday," he continued. Then he walked past Theo, patted Grace on the shoulder, and stepped outside.

As for Grace, she was silent, turned to her shoulder, and saw Cam walking towards his car.

Theo sighed. "Okay, are you ready?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and making Grace turn to him.

"Yes, I'm ready." Grace nodded. "Wait a minute, I want to get my bag first," she said. Then she walked into the family room and took her bag which she put there.