
After battle thoughts and plans

After Orlando left I began to go over our duel in my mind finding my faults and where I could improve.

'Hmm if I used my max speed or Lycan form I could have ended it instantly, I realised I don't have a shield charm but I can avoid nearly every spell even at a basic speed of a human, if not I just cast my spells to collide with his. He used severing charms a few types of curses and shields. He wasn't moving about as much as me, probably because he could shield the weaker spells if he was constantly on the move I would have hardly hit him, our casting speed was about the same but my control over my magic was a lot better. If he had bound me I probably would have been hit. Actually, because he doesn't know about my other abilities gives me an advantage. Even if he does get more dark wizards or improves himself with rituals I could always just use my nature manipulation wrap him up in vines and speed to him and rip his heart out, but it was purely a test of magic.

Would he even be able to use my body in rituals? My bones are Uru I had to use a poisonous venom just to shape them when I made my wand, he wouldn't be able to get through them with a spell, my muscles are like a stone as well, so he'd perhaps have to use carving spells to make even a dent in them, my skin would probably be cut but it would heal straight away so no lasting damage.

I can smell him from miles away he doesn't know that though, I only said I could smell shit and sewage and that it came from him, he was close enough as well to be known by anyone nearby, so I have not given that ability away.

He doesn't know anything apart from I use magic, have a wand and I'm a Viking, why that upset him I don't know there's plenty of witches and sorcerers in Scandinavia apparently, not that iv met any. So to sum it all up I have an edge over him, unknown abilities, tracking plus my strength and speed.

He has unknown spells, rituals and apparition. That is the only downside, he can pop up anywhere but with my senses and speed I could probably intercept him'.

After the rerun of the event in my head, I had figured out my faults and his. However, I should have still killed him now he can plan an ambush or gather allies for help.

I kept walking north thinking things over and over again, should I wait to recruit Vali? He probably won't last against some spell flying in his direction, he's probably never seen a spell never mind dodging one he would be shocked stiff. So do I wait till I've killed the dark wizard but who knows how long that will take? Vali might already be dead right now, never mind in the foreseeable future.

Ratatoskr was fine even while I was duelling he kept himself out of sight on my back or moved away from the ground as I rolled. The little magical creature was smart, maybe I could teach him guerilla warfare. Ambush and diversions while I battle would certainly be a welcome addition.

With this happening now didn't really affect my plans to go to Norway and stop Freya being taken by her aunt, that was still a few years away. But now I had a dark wizard to fight and who knows how many, followers or allies waiting for some young girls to sacrifice as he so obviously told me. Now that I had an idea of what to expect I could keep my ear to the ground for missing children and teenagers, it might lead me in a direction to cut him down.

It was finding him that would be the problem, he might be local or from some remote area gathering ritual ingredients far from his burrow. All I had was a name and what he looked like, but asking people if they know a guy named Orlando could tip him off. So I carried on north towards Whitby, hopefully, I'll run into Vali and the ravens and see what they've been up to.

I wasn't travelling fast because I wanted another run-in with Orlando the sly. If he has a Grimoire I might be able to get it and learn some more spells and what ritual he was talking about. It could help with my ritual production hopefully, it wasn't something too horrendous that made Voldemort seem tame.

I'd already passed the river Humber, so I wasn't too far away, it would probably take a few days walking at my current pace to reach Witby. My plan was simple get to know Vali more and try to figure out what his response would be to my question, I knew he wouldn't appreciate a bite he'd probably want to hunt the creature afterwards.

As I kept going north I ventured to the east a bit following the river towards Jorvik or York in modern English, there was a cave I wanted to visit it was called Excalibur pot just north of York on the moors. Apparently from my knowledge, the entrance was in a dry beck in the future so it might be difficult to find, but I wanted to find a place to stay for a while, so I could get some spell research done.

I wanted to figure out how Tom Riddle wrote his name in the air if I could, my rune magic wouldn't just be for carving into the materials used but literally written by my wand or finger, this would be useful If could use my offhand to cast runes I could effectively use all rune wards and fire additional spells to enhance my combat ability.

If a protection rune is drawn with my left and firing lightning bolts from my right I would have an advantage over most wizards and witches just in regular duels, that's not even counting my speed and strength if I add in that id be a so overpowered duelling would be boring they wouldn't have time to get their wands out when I already had their hearts in my hands. But if I needed to kill that's what would happen, I would stare anyone in their eyes as the life drained from it, the killing didn't bother me one bit but magic duels we're fun.

The thrill of spells clashing and flying towards you was different from a physical fight, it wasn't as much a blood-boiling experience but more a mental one. While I was throwing spells and dodging others my mind was going a mile a minute, thinking of all possible outcomes and what my opponent would do next it was kind of like playing chess. You had to strategize and anticipate a few steps ahead, while also plotting for other situations that might happen at any point in time.

However, with my mental capacity, I could multitask and think concurrently, having multiple thoughts at the same time helped with spells. Just the application of my will power and intent while casting improved the speed of some casts, if I used both as different thoughts my spells we're even faster but in a battle that wasn't really acceptable. Not having time to think of outcomes and counters would be dangerous, a well-timed and accurate shot to the eyes would make me prey to any wizard and that was something to avoid.

Thankfully with my mind Palace full of wards and runes, it would be difficult to distract me that way. So Legilimens wasn't really a problem, I do remember some fanfics where all their memories we're stored in a computer but that just felt wrong to me, my mind Palace was a mountain surrounded by a forest and farmsteads and buildings beyond a river. Adding technology just didn't feel right it was pure nature plus my inner wolf a computer would be so out of place.

As I was getting closer to the moors and the cave I was excited to begin my experiments and research.

more to come! thanks for the support guys.

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Elzikcreators' thoughts