
Encounters of a wizard kind

After a few months, I had met Uli and the elders I have learned all I could about their ways, their solstice rituals were an eye-opener for me. I wanted to finish my ritual of 7, the thing I was missing finally came to me, it was the timing and where I would need to do it. I have decided to do it on a full moon in Pangaea, the materials I could use would certainly be better if I obtained them there, better magical plants and beast blood are available after all.

But first I wanted Vali to join my pack, I would perform the ritual for him as well, he could use the gains from it more than me, I had magic and was immortal, he was just a human warrior. If the ritual did what I hoped it did, it would strengthen his bones, organs, muscles and skin to an unimaginable degree. Also, it should enhance his blood providing a better stimulus to the brain making his thought process quicker, improving his reaction time, hand-eye coordination and senses.

Depending on the types of ingredients I would use, these effects would be different, the blood of a dragon would be more powerful than the blood of a lizard. If I used magic herbs then regular herbs it would empower the ritual more, with what effects I learned regular flowers and herbs had on humans I was hoping to find similar magical plants.

I needed 7 types of each thing; wood, blood, bone, stone, sap, herbs and runes to carve into the sigil circle. I had designed it as a 7 pointed star, the points would be stones or crystals all united by the wood and bones with runes drawn in blood.

The sap, herbs and bones would be made into a concoction with the extra blood which would connect to the sigil by the same sap from each wood and the bones of the same animal ground into a fine powder, plus the blood drawn into runes would be from the same beasts as well. The base of the concoction would be with milk and honey syrup for easier consumption, water was possible but with the thickness of the honey, it would meld together better.

Performing it over a conjoined Ley line would draw power from the earth into the sigil and runes etched into the wood and bones. Conducting it on the peak of a full moon would draw power from it, if I use moonstones it would be better as well. making the moonstones draw power from lunar rays would blend with the earth strengthening the sigil again. Moreover, a werewolves connection to the moon would help incorporate with the inner wolf's strengths creating a bigger impact on the transition.

With the animal bones and blood, I was hoping to gain a connection with them that would allow me to speak with Ratatoskr. I was getting annoyed with him not speaking, it was always a one-way conversation with him replying with gestures, I didn't even know sign language never mind what a magical squirrel was saying waving his hands. He was still a thief but wasn't too bad with my stay with the druids, some of the young women "lost" some of their garments though.

I had it all planned out I just needed the ingredients and the ritual site cleared and warded to not be disturbed during the process. If Vali was there as well I could draw the sigil and join them to enrich each other with energy. establishing a favourable bond with my pack was something I was hoping it would do as well.

So do I ask Vali or just bite him? What's the best option? Would he believe me? And would he trust me if I just bit him? These were the questions plaguing me as I made a slow journey back north.

I didn't really try taking the magic from Stonehenge, it was the druids and they could use it more than I needed it. I could always find other places of power to improve my magic core, there was actually 2 more in Britain but I wasn't going to go into Winchester or the north of Scotland at the moment.

Anyway I've been noticing a smell lingering behind me, someones followed me from the south up to the River Humber I wasn't sure what the smell was at first, it was intense and earthy like someone hadn't washed in a while so I began to watch my back every so often to try and catch a glimpse of who it was.

What surprised me though was an old man suddenly being in front of me with a "whoosh" He was stood hunched over about 5"3' with long shoulder-length dark greasy hair, piercing green eyes glared over a crooked nose. He was wearing a dark cloak tied together with a brown leather belt with a horn for a buckle, black boots splattered in mud and shit.

"So your what I could smell, shit and sewage, honestly Vikings are called savages but at least we wash once a week" I declared unprovoked by his sudden appearance, it was obvious that he had used apparition to get in my way so he was a wizard. I was actually excited to fight a wizard with spells, I knew I could cut his arm off before he even got his wand out but I needed to know what a spell duel was like, something inside of me just wouldn't let it go.

'Hmm he seems to be after me for some reason, he's been following me for a few days now' I thought as he just glared at my comment like I'd hit a soft spot for him.

"So what do you want? Or are you trying to get me to buy your fragrance? Honestly, you couldn't get a goblin to take on that deal if you paid him" I don't know why I was provoking him but I wanted some kind of response.

"You! I'm going to use your body for my sacrifice now! I was going to ask you if you wanted to help me get some young girls but your blood will have to do!" He was shouting spitting through dark lips and black teeth, he was a vile looking person if I ever saw one.

"Ah I can get my own women thanks I don't need your help, but I can understand why you would want mine, I talk while you stalk kinda deal no girl or boy stood in front of you would want to follow along especially downwind" I smirked holding in my laughter because I wouldn't have time to laugh, at the moment I said that he was already holding his wand it was black and straight, a simple design.

I heard him shout something but I was already dodging the blue light that flew to the left, with my wand now in my hand I countered with a "kljúfa" as the red glow shot towards him, it was soon blocked as I heard 'protego' the shield charm.

'So apparition, shield charms, I didn't catch the first spell though which is unfortunate, his casting speed is good the control of his magic is terrible though I never tried the shield charm I can use a Protection rune though, maybe if I use "flagrate" and draw the rune in the air it will activate the rune ' I thought as spells we're flying, I was dodging them all and countering as quickly as he was.

"You damn Viking are trying to take over magical Briton as well!" He was shouting furiously while firing off spells as lights of green, red and purple roared through the air towards me.

'Britons we're the ancient people of Britain before the Saxons came over, he might be from an ancient and noble house, I wonder if some the magic families are from that period, I know the potters came in the 12th century. Oh yeah, most people don't have surnames at this time and if they do it's their profession' even in battle I was thinking while dodging and firing off spells, I'd been using kljúfa a lot the cleave was stronger now and the magic consumption of it was negligible, I had used a few binding spells but he was quick to block them and move.

"veðr spjót" I announced as I rolled to the side avoiding a blue bolt, my spell flew true and faster then he imagined it would, the wind howled and blew his robes back as hail pelted against his body, crackles of lightning we're building up and flashing as they flew out the tip of my wand.

"I won't let you get away with tarnishing the name of Orlando the sly" he shouted as he faded away just as a bolt of purple lightning flew past his previous position into a tree creating a scar as it burnt away the bark.

"What sort of Briton name is Orlando?" I facepalmed at that this guy was obviously not a pure native with a name like that.

sorry, it's been a while been busy with real life. I'm not dropping this story at all so don't worry but my rate of updates might slow from time to time

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