
The Adventure Of Felix Grindelwald In The Harry Potter Universe.

A 20 year old orphan died while saving an little girl from an incoming truck, Good news the girl survived bad news he died or good news i think. Anyways the [@#£&] seems to be amused by the guy's bravery so he reincarnated him, With an gift. -End Of Synopsis ... ... ... ... ... (A/N: This is writen by an 15 year old loner that has no social life be warned force plot and weird [REDACTED] that won't add up ahead.) (A/N: Im gonna post 1 chapter a day.) (A/N: Don't read this is wish fulfillment in a way.) (A/N: This is slow paced.) (A/N: Don't get mad because im boutta school life this [REDACTED] For 100 chapters.) (A/N: F*ck you're stones go trow them at someone else just give me memes that i can copy.)

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⚡Chapter 2: The Leaky Cauldron⚡

Fun Fact: The Leaky Cauldron was built in the 1500s by Daisy Dodderidge. The pub was there long before Charing Cross Road was even planned. Its true address is number one Diagon Alley, and it is believed to have been built along with the rest of the wizarding street.

Another Fun Fact: In 1887, the pub was faced with the possibility of being demolished when the Muggles set in motion the construction of Charing Cross Road. The Minister at that time, Faris Spavin, had become certain that this was the end of the pub, and given a melancholy, seven-hour speech in the Wizengamot about why the establishment could not be saved, only to receive a note from his secretary the moment he sat down, informing him that the magical community had rallied and, through the mass use of Memory Charms, had altered the entire route of the new road to accommodate the Leaky Cauldron, leaving the architects confused as to why there was a blank space on the design, and why said space did not appear to the naked eye.

(A/N: Reading this story was funny so i putted it here.)


[1989 July 24, Charing Cross Road, 1 Diagon Alley, Leaky Cauldron, London, HP Universe]

[Felix Rosier Grindelwald Pov]


Felix and Proffesor McGonagall then reappeared in an auditable popped in an alleyway right beside The Leaky Cauldron.

<Felix: Huh, That wasn't so bad afteral->

Before Felix could finish his sentence he began to to feel sick.

So Felix hurriedly let go of Proffesor McGonagall's hands.

And hurriedly vomited in the trash can he found.



Felix then wiped his mouth with his clothes sleeves.

Felix: "Shouldn't there be a better transportation other than this?"

Thats when it hit Proffesor McGonagall and felt a little guilty.

Proffesor McGonagall: "Sorry Felix, I forgot that we could have just taken The Knight Bus, But that slipped out of my mind because i was in a rush."

Felix: "It's alright, Now please do you have any spell to clean me up?"

When Proffesor McGonagall heard this he brought out her wand, And began to cast The Scouring Charm, With an apologetic face.

Instantly Felix's own liquid dissapeard from his clothes like it was never there.

(A/N: (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ ))

Felix: "Alright we even."

Felix said with a hearty laught.

Proffesor McGonagall just pinched Felix's cheeck's.

Felix: "Awtch."

Felix then stopped laughing and rubbed his cheeck's.

Proffesor McGonagall: "Follow me closely."

So Felix did, Felix followed Proffesor McGonagall like an baby duck to his mother duck, While rubbing his cheecks.

Proffesor McGonagall then stopped infront of an blue colored old looking building, Infront of the shop is an sign saying Leaky Cauldron with an picture of an black Cauldron in the background and the rest of the background is golden yellow.

Proffesor McGonagall then pushed opened the door, So Felix's followed Proffesor McGonagall inside the Leaky Cauldron.

When Felix entered the Leaky Cauldron he was fascinated.

The Leaky Cauldron's inside looks similar to the movies counterpart to be precise that scene when Harry meets Quirrel.

There's long tables laid out, The window was open so the light can enter, There's some medieval music being played in the background, There's candles in the table so that people can see what they're doing, And there's tons of wizard's and witch's either eating or chatting with their friends.

When Proffesor McGonagall entered he was greeted by a few of her acquaintance, So she greeted them back, Felix just follows like an baby duck.

???: "Ah, Minerva good day! That's a new student i presume"

Said the man behind the counter.

The man that greeted Proffesor McGonagall is an old man with his hair being bald in thd middle, But he still have hair in his side, The old bartender is wearing what the author presume to be the 90s wizard equivalent of an bartender outfit.

Proffesor McGonagall: "Ah, Tom, Yes i'm just introducing the wizarding culture to young Felix."

Proffesor McGonagall then patted Felix's shoulder.

Proffesor McGonagall being 5'9, And Felix being 5'4.

Tom: "Ah, Hello young Felix, You can call me Tom."

Tom then extended his hand to Felix for an handshake.

So Felix then gave the old bartender an handshake and introduced himself.

Felix: "Nice meeting you, Mr Tom, I'm Felix Rosier Grindelwald."

When Felix said this everyone in the bar stopped talking and just stares at him.

<Felix: [REDACTED] me and my stupid mouth.>

The silent lasted for 6 awkwardly seconds until an random wizard with black greasy hair and black eyes with a hat in the crowd spoked up.

???: "Welcome back to the wizarding world, Mr Grindelwald."

Said the guy while shaking Felix's hands.

Felix: "Nice meeting you sir."

An random old witch with brown hair and brown eyes then shaked hands with Felix.

???: "Nice meeting you Mr Grindelwald, I'm Regina Redd."

Felix then politely smiled to the female witch.

This go on for 5 minutes with different wizard and witch, Until Proffesor McGonagall put a stopped into it.

Proffesor McGonagall: *Ehem*, Perhaps you all can move, So that me and Mr Grindelwald overhere can pass through.

Proffesor McGonagall then moved to the back of Leaky Cauldron, Felix instantly follows Proffesor McGonagall like a baby duck to his mother duck.

Instantly this maked the other wizards and witches who haven't shaked or introduced theirselves to Felix a little sad, Felix just politely smiled to them while following Proffesor McGonagall and said in a hush tone.

Felix: "Sorry."

[⚡To Be Continued⚡]

A/N: You see guys, there's an problem in the continuation the Tom in the first movie to be precise the Tom that greeted Hagrid actor got changed to an hunchback guy in the 3rd or 4th movie, I hated it when they done that, So the Tom im portraying is an kind old man, Fun Fact the guy is older than voldemort, Which is funny because Voldemort looks like [REDACTED] compared to the first movie Tom.

A/N: You may be asking? How about continuation? [REDACTED] that i won't follow the movie completely, This is my fanfic.

A/N: [REDACTED] don't whine because i made Felix 5'4, Bruh Felix is 11Y and 11M old i'm 15 and im 5'8 and im considered tall in Philippines.

A/N: I dont know mate but Felix's status quo in the wizarding world is awfully similar to Harry's, Hmmm i wonder why.

A/N: Don't mind the "What is" and "Who is" i got bored and wanted to introduced the characters and location for non hp fans, Oh and fillers.


Words: 1565 Words

Writen: February 3 2022

Posted: February 3 2022

[⚡What Is?⚡]

[What is Apparation?

* Apparition was a magical form of transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between. ... According to Harry Potter, Apparition felt like being "forced through a very tight rubber tube."

The more you know.]

[What is The Knight Bus

* The Knight Bus was a triple-decker, purple AEC Regent III RT that assisted stranded individuals of the wizarding community through public transportation. It operated at a very fast speed and obstacles would jump out of its way, and it could also deceptively fit through small spaces.

The more you know.]

What is The Scouring Charm

* The Scouring Charm (Scourgify) was a cleaning charm used to make an object clean. ... Many wizarding families used this spell, both for cleaning and punishing people who swore, as the spell caused human mouths to be filled with soap.

The more you know.]

[What is The Leaky Cauldron

* The Leaky Cauldron was a popular wizarding pub and inn located in London. ... The pub was built by Daisy Dodderidge, the first landlady, in the early 1500s "to serve as a gateway between the non-wizarding world and Diagon Alley." It had a bar, several private parlour rooms, and a large dining room.

The more you know.]

[⚡Who Is⚡]

[Who is Felix Rosier Grindelwald

* Felix Rosier Grindelwald. Is the only Son of Wizard Lucas Grindelwald and Witch ????? ??????????.

* Felix is born in 1977 August 2.

* Felix's favorite color is Green.

* Felix hair color is Black.

* Felix eye color is Green.

* Felix is Male.

* Felix is 5'4

The more you know.]

Who is Minerva McGonagall

* Minerva McGonagall, Is the only Daughter of No-Mag Robert McGonagall and witch Isobel Ross, Minerva has 2 younger brothers, Which is aswell an wizards named Malcolm & Robert jnr.

* Minerva was once married but sadly widowed as of 1985.

* Minerva is played in the movies by Maggie Smith.

* Minerva is born in 1935 October 4.

* Minerva favorite color is theorised to be Green.

* Minerva hair color is Black.

* Minerva eye color is Green.

* Minerva is Female.

* Minerva is 5'9.

The more you know.]

[Who is Tom

* Tom no last name given, Tom is the inkeeper landlord and barman of the oldest and one of the most famous place out there Leaky Cauldron.

* Tom's birthday or date of birth is unknown, But it is known that his older than voldemort, Because his been mentioned to be the inkeeper barman and landlord in 1938.

* Tom has been played by 2 actors in the movies which is named, Derek Deadman and Jim Tavaré.

* Tom is is Bald in the middle of his head but have white hairs around his head, The 2nd actor on the other hand is fully bald.

* Tom eye color is Brown

* Tom is Male.

* Unknow height.

The more you know.]