
The Adapter's System

In the year 2053, earth was struck with a mana surge from a failed scientific project, causing great magical calamities and mutations. The supernatural became the natural, magic became the norm. Advanced Civilisation had become extinct. While suffering through the invasion of races and the aggression of monsters originated from the mutation of animals. With this society who has progressed into the supernatural, how would a Young talentless man, with no power or magic, be able to survive? What if, one day, he had a fortunate encounter with a system, a system which could not only adapt but evolve. Would he remain weak and powerless? Or would he adapt and become something… Bigger? Power stone objectives till the end of march: 200 Power stones / 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones / 3 Extra chapters 600 Power stones / 4 Extra chapters Collection Goals: 500 Collections : 1 Extra chapter 1000 Collections: 2 Extra chapters 2000 Collections: 3 Extra Chapters

Renovator · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

The Adaptation Screens

Asper looked at it for a while before eventually hanging his head and letting out another sigh.

"What a shitty day…" He muttered as he looked up at the gun. "And for my first time handling a gun, I landed the shots pretty well… Did I perhaps adapt to something to help me? I wish there was a screen which could show me all the important information…" He added.

The moment he said so, it happened.

Two screens popped up right in front of him.

<Name: Asper Antes>

<Race: Human>

<Level 10>

<450/1000 exp>

<Class: Adapter>

<Title: None>


HP: 50/75

MP: 155/155


VIT: 5

SEN: 7

STR: 5

AGI: 21

INT: 31

<4 Stat points Available>


<Adapt LV.1> (Passive)


This was the first screen. It contained all of Asper's stats. Which at the moment, he didn't understand. The next screen was unexpected.


<Current Adaptations>

<Adapted to fear>

<Time remaining: 00:27>

<Adapted to anxiety>

<Time remaining: 00:26>

<Adapted to pain>

<Time remaining: 00:08>

<Adapted to muscle-numbness>

<Time remaining: 00:07>

<Adapted to hunger>

<Time meaning: 01:08>

<Adapted to thirst>

<Time remaining: 00:59>

<Adapted to pistol>

<Time remaining: 00:00>

<All Adaptations are temporary>

<Adaptations effects are in progress>


Asper was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe his eyes. So far, there was no way this whole screen thing was fake, he's become faster from it after all.

But he still couldn't help but question.

"Am I… Witnessing reality right now…? Is this real?" He asked as he gulped down.

His eyes quickly moved around from both screens. It moved from his level.

<Level 10>

To his stats, class and skill. Then it moved over to the second screen with the timer going down, until it finally stopped.

<Adapted to pain>

<Time remaining: 00:02>

<Adapted to muscle-numbness>

<Time remaining: 00:01>

Cold sweat poured down his face as he wondered what would happen if the timer hit zero. Would there be any after-effects like the electric adaptation?


<Time remaining: 00:00>

The instant the timer hit Zero, Asper's eyes nearly rolled back as he fell over. A surge of pain flowed through his veins hitting him all at once, in every ounce of his body.

"AH- AAAAAHHH!" He shouted in pain as he felt as if he could feel himself being electrocuted.

He lost sensation on his limbs causing him to remain with his face planted on the floor.

Confused, his mind failed to understand why he was in such pain, when suddenly, he could feel it. The pain was coming from his back where he was shot.

He had forgotten to remove the electric bullets.

It had never stopped electrocuting him, the pain from that electrocution seemed to have accumulated after his resistance had ended, and all flowed out in one wave. Asper could tell because the first shock was one a whole other level compared to the first one.

The pain was so strong that he ended up losing consciousness.


"AH!" He shouted again as he sprung up.

Disorientated, he noticed the screens in front of him and remembered what had happened. Worried that something had gotten stolen, he looked around desperately with cold sweat flowing down his face.

The pain then returned, it was weaker than before and it seemed like most of the voltage had died out. Either way, Asper put his arm around his back before pulling the taser bullets out. Fortunately they hadn't gone inside his skin.

'Shit- It knocked me out!'

But after confirming everything was there, he could feel the anxiety and fear flow away as it was overwhelmed by relief

Asper looked over at the screens before letting out a sigh

<Current Adaptations>

<Adapted to hunger>

<Time meaning 00:34>

<Adapted to thirst>

<Time remaining 00:25>

<All Adaptations are temporary>

<Adaptations effects are in progress>

'I was out for around half a minute, huh…'

He could tell from the timer, most adaptations had run out and disappeared, and the time remaining on hunger had decreased by around 30 seconds.

Either way, the timer was still going down and he didn't want to find out what would happen if he didn't eat before the adaptation would run out. All that accumulated hunger, even he didn't want to think of it.

But at the same time, Asper was curious about the first screen. It contained so much information that he couldn't ignore. But at the same time, the food, the hunger were something he had to deal with ASAP. It was a tough choice.

"Guess I'll just do both." Said Asper.


<Adaptation to thirst has ended>

As the words played inside of his mind, Asper could feel an unquenchable thirst suddenly surge through his throat followed by dryness.

'Relax… I'm nearly there…' He thought to himself as he could see the restaurant just down the road.


Occasionally vehicles such as electric bikes or motor cars would pass down the road, they were either hunters or other special workers, but they paid no attention to Asper.

'Around half of these guys are probably going on an expedition.'

Asper reached the shop and realized that he hadn't changed clothes. He didn't have enough time to go buy something so he just hoped that they wouldn't complain.

It wasn't a five star restaurant so the chances were low.

"Finally I'll get to eat…" Asper muttered with excitement


"Your meal has Arrived- Y-Young customer? Y-Young customer? Is everything okay." Asked the staff as she shook Asper's shoulder.

Asper's eyes opened wide as he quickly looked around. His eyes landed on the food ahead of his eyes as drool began to flow down the side of his mouth.

Grilled chicken, scrambled eggs with fries and ketchup on the side. There was also a hamburger beside it, with steam still flowing out from it. It looked perfectly cooked. A fast-food restaurant.

"U-Um… Are you okay…?" She asked

In case anyone is curious, Asper did not notice the pistol adaptation, nor it's effects. If you noticed it as a reader, good job! :)

Renovatorcreators' thoughts