
The Accidental Anti-Hero

Disclaimer:I didn't own the book cover. Credits to to the rightful owner. Charlotte is a writer. Not a very popular writer. She writes mystery, fantasies and romance novels. She doesn’t care about readers, she just wants and loves to write to escape reality. But one day, when Charlotte woke up, she saw brilliant, and white light from her computer. She immediately stood up and suddenly frowned. She lifted her hand and was about to touch the computer, but suddenly... There seemed to be energy pulling her onto the inside of the computer. She closed her eyes, not knowing that she was already pulled inside the computer. "Ahh," her head was spinning as she saw nothing. She covered her eyes as the sunlight hits her face, but when she opened them, her lips parted in surprise when she saw herself as the side character of one of her novels. Will she be able to cope with the circumstances she will face as the side character? How will she be able to get back? All Rights Reserved The Accidental Anti-Hero

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11 Chs

I like being a villain

I never told anyone that I am a writer. I keep my identity confidential. I'm afraid to told anyone about my identity as a writer.

"You're a writer?" he asked, making me stunned for a moment. I looked at him with a nervous chuckle, "What I'm saying is... I love to write stories, but I don't think I can," Jason nodded his head after what I had said to him. That was close! I didn't want him to know about it yet, I'm not ready to tell anyone yet.

We started to work as I checked and revised all the manuscripts that had been passed on the publishing for printing it to a physical book. I was reading the book when suddenly someone's calling me. It was an unknown number. I excused myself and went to a corner to answer the call.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked over the phone.

"Where are you?" I frowned as I heard that voice.

"Who is this?"

"This is Elise. Don't you remember me? I was your best friend back then when we were in middle school," she said. I tried to remember her, and after a few more minutes, I did.

"Yes, I remember you. How did you know my number?"

"You didn't even change it. So, how I couldn't know about it, huh?" Elise sarcastically said, and I chuckles.

"Yes, you're right,"

"Where are you? I want to meet you before I leave the country," Elise said. I looked around and sighed as I knew that there are a lot of work that I had to do. "I'm sorry, Elise. But I have a lot of work to do from now. I'm so sorry,"

"Oh, come on. Where are you? I'll come there," she said.

"No... I'm at work, and I had to finish a lot of things. I'm really sorry," I apologize.

"That's too bad then... By the way, there will be a reunion coming right up next week. Be sure to come. I wanted to see you so bad,"

"Yes, I will,"

After the call ended, I took a deep breath and went back to my desk. Jason looked at me, but I just smiled at him. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"No... Nothing's wrong," I answered.

I bit my lower lips before I started to talk again, "But... We will be having a class reunion next week. I can take a leave?" I asked him without even looking at him. I'm too embarrassed to ask as I just started working with him, but I had to take a leave so early.

He smiles, "Yes, okay," I raised my head, and the corner of my lips slid upwards. I didn't know what I could say. He's too generous.

"Thank you,"

Later that morning, I went to the bathroom to pee. I was inside the bathroom, and I looked at myself. I smile, but I didn't know if I'm ready to face my schoolmates. I've been bullied during middle school, and I didn't know if I can still handle if they will do it again.

When I go back from my desk, I received another text message from Elise. "Don't forget your boyfriend, okay?" I frowned. "What? Boyfriend?" I said it aloud, and Jason look at me.

"What's the problem?"

"No, not at all,"

"What? Boyfriend? Did I say I have one?" I asked.

"Yes. You do... Didn't you remember?"

"No... I don't"

"You did, Charlotte. You were bullied at that time, and for them to stop bullying you... You told them that you have a boyfriend who could protect you from the bullies. Don't you remember?"

I was too stunned to speak. I had a lot of lost memories back then. I was so focused on myself after middle school. I was so focused on how to earn money and write stories. I forget about all the things I did back there. I let out a deep breath before I talk, "I don't have a boyfriend, Elise. I don't,"

"W-What? You lied back then?"

"It was to protect me,"

"Anyway, I'll see you next week then,"


We were walking on the streets when someone recognizes me. "Wait... Charlotte?" when I looked at her, my eyes widened. My lips started to trembles while looking at her. She was one of the bullies back then.

I chuckle nervously, "W-Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me?" she walked closer to me with an evil grin. I tried to keep myself calm.

"I'm sorry. I don't recognize you," I was about to walk, but she stopped me while blocking my way using her hands.

"Wait... Are you fooling me? I know you recognized me," she said. I was about to speak when suddenly Jason spoke.

"I'm so sorry, Ma'am. But we need to go. My girlfriend said she didn't recognize you. So, if you'll excuse us," Jason uttered, which caused me to be stunned even more. I was looking at him when he suddenly grabbed my hands, and we started to walk away from that woman.

When we were far from her, Jason let my hands go and looked at me. "Are you okay?" I blinked twice, "Y-Yes. I am,"

"Are you sure? Who is she?" Jason asked.

"I know her,"

"I know."


"I know, and I saw how to frighten you are back then. Why? Did she do something to you back then?" he questioned.

I let out a deep breath, "I was being bullied back then... And she was one of the bullies back then,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know,"

"It's okay,"

"No, it's not,"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Don't let others bully you. They will do it, over and over again. So, sometimes you need to fight yourself to defend yourself from people who are going to hurt you," my heartbeats started to race. I couldn't stop how fast it was beating.

I was home. I was smiling along the way while thinking of Jason. I walk closer to my computer and started to upload a chapter. I dedicated this chapter to someone.


Chapter 5: The Encounter

As Celina was walking alone in the dark streets, she could feel that someone was following her. She never looks back and continues to walk. The fast she walk, the faster the man walks who was following her. Her chest started to pound so fast while walking. She didn't know what she'll do if someone might not see her.

Celina decided to run, but the man grabbed her hand before she could run away. When she turned back, she could see the smirked on the man's lips.

Celine is a princess. Someone was trying and wanted to kill her when they knew that she will be sitting on the throne to be a queen. "Who are you! Who commands you to follow and kill me?"

The person took the mask on its face, and Celina then knew that it wasn't a man. It was a woman. "You're a woman? Who told you to kill me?" she asked the woman.

The woman took out her sword and pointed it to the princess. "You have to die to save the King. You have to die," the princess frowned while looking at her.

"What do you mean?"

"The first princess born in the family should sacrifice herself to save the king," the woman replied.

"That's absurd. That's nonsense!" she raged.

"I have to kill you, princess. I have to. To protect my King and our King, you have to die,"

The princess's eyes watered while looking at the woman. "I don't want to die," the woman smirked at her and she was about to kill the princess when suddenly Prince Duke came.

The woman hurriedly covered her face again to hide her identity from the Prince. "Princess, are you okay?" the Princess nodded her head, and the Prince looked in the woman's direction.

The woman started to run away as she was flying to the roof. "Don't worry, I'll catch her for you. Go back to the palace," the princess nodded her head and walk back to the palace.

Prince Duke ran towards the woman. She was running as fast as she could, but still, she was caught by the Prince.

"You can't run away from me. Who are you! Who dared to kill and threaten my sister!" he raged at the woman. The woman turned her back at him and stared at him. The Prince could only see the eyes of the woman behind the mask.

"I'm asking you, who are you?"

"You don't know me, Your Highness. But... I really know you," she replied.

"What are you after for?"

"I want to kill the Princess. She had to die. She'll kill the King," the woman said.

"That's absurd. How can she kill our father?" Prince Duke asked.

The woman smirked, "You have to listen to me, Your Highness. Your sister... Will kill your father," she remarked.

"How could I trust someone like you? You're a villain,"

"I like being a villain, Your Highness,"

To be continued...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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