
The Absolute Beings Strut!

The Absolute Being of the fractality reincarnate themselves. [Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN MHA OR ANY WORK I”LL BE USING. ALL MATERIALS BELOW TO THE RESPECTIVE CREATORS]

Koas · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

As Shivena stepped out of the front door, a thought lingered in her mind. "That granny is really perceptive. She could see through the facade I put on," she mused, reflecting on Chiyo's discerning gaze. With a nonchalant shrug, she decided it didn't matter much. 

Her thoughts soon shifted towards more pressing matters."I'm broke as hell right now. What should I do about it?" Shivena pondered her options. The idea of getting a job crossed her mind, but the notion was quickly dismissed with a scoff. No, that's not for me," she muttered. The alternative, however, was more drastic and in line with her unconventional methods. "Maybe I could go kill some gangsters, and snag their cash." But as the words left her mouth, she bit her tongueâ€"a rare slip for someone like her. 

"Damn, that something," Shivena grimaced, checking her tongue for damage. Deciding to regroup and plan more carefully, she concluded, "First, let's head home and think this through." She lifted her gaze to the sky, allowing herself a few moments of contemplation under its vast expanse before starting her walk back

Once she arrived home, however, went straight to her bed.


[One week Later]

Over the last week, she has been stalking a group of thugs. They sold drugs, and people and financed villains alongside terrorist groups. She found out about this group from walking around at night, in places that people don't normally go and there she overheard some thugs. Talking over an operation they were going to do.

So, she attacked the thugs and asked them for more information on it. At first, they resisted her inquiries, refusing to divulge anything. So Shivena resorted to more persuasive methods. Her interrogation grew intense, and as she began to methodically dismember them, their resolve crumbled. Amidst their screams and pleas, they revealed an operation that would contain the selling of a bullet that could take away a person's quirk. "A bullet that can take away a person's quirk, huh?" Shivena pondered the implications with a flicker of interest.

With the information she needed, Shivena coldly executed the thugs. As she activated her quirk, her blade danced through the air, each movement lethal. The aftermath was grim—the metallic scent of blood permeated the alley, clinging to the damp walls.

Standing amidst the carnage, Shivena examined her sword, its blade stained with the night's work. "It seems I'll need to switch to another weapon," she mused, her tone contemplative, as she wiped the blade clean. With a final glance at the scene of her ruthless interrogation, she turned and exited the alley, her mind already shifting to her next move.

"But who is Overhaul?" she muttered to herself.


Preached atop a towering skyscraper sat Shivena, cutting a striking figure against the backdrop of the moonlit sky. The soft glow of the moon illuminated her features, casting a radiant halo around her silhouette as her black hair danced in the gentle night breeze.

She was clad in all-black clothing, with a hood that concealed her hair, even though she dyed her hair black. She was also adorned in an all-black mask that concealed half of her face.

And because she didn't want to use her quirk she was going to use a Glock 18 and knife. Of Course, she didn't buy any of this, so she stole all of it. 

Taking out the Glock 18 and inspecting it she made sure it was working like it should. "Looks like everything is working perfectly," she commented while looking at the magazine. Putting the Glock back into the gun holder she stole, she turned her attention over to the knife. She examined the sleek black design of the guard. The blade of the knife was long for a knife, which would give her more reach than other knives would in close-quarter combat.

Putting the knife back into the holder on her right leg she got up and walked to the edge of the building and surveyed the ground below.

"That looks fun," Shivena excitedly said, looking down at the warehouse full of people.

"Well, let's get to it." She jumped off the building. She could hear the wind whistling in her ears, her hair flowing in the wind getting in her face. "Should I cut my hair," she thought, falling through the sky. "Let's think about this another time."

As she approached closer to the widow she was going for, she crossed her hands in front of herself, bracing herself for the impact. 

"Smashh!!!" The glass shattered upon contact, and fragments scattered in all directions as Shivena burst through the window like a flying bullet. The sound of shattering glass alerted everyone in the warehouse.

Wanting to get control of her speed Shivena rolled, landing on the ground in a crouched position.

Once she regained her bearings,  she surveyed her surroundings to find a crowd of people, each with their quirks activated, encircling her. With a playful tone lacing her voice, she quipped, "What a warm welcome, boys!"

"Who are you," a random thug asked, pointing a tentacle at her. 

Shivena eyed the black tentacle with interest and amusement. "Woah dude, is that your quirk," she inquired.

Growing irritated, the thug pressed. "I want to ask again, who are you?!!," His face was twisted in anger, his patience thinning. 

Before she could answer, another voice from the crowd chimed in, "Boss! Let's just kill her," which sparked a murmur of agreement among the group.

"Shut up," the, now revealed as the boss barked at his underlings.

Shivena rose smoothly from her crouched position, dusting off her attire. "Let's get to it," she said, which caused the boss to raise an eyebrow in response.

Locking eyes with him, she stated firmly, "I didn't come here to speak or here y'all argue with each other." In an instant, the sound of a gunshot pierced the air—"Bang!"

Before any of them could react, Shivena was holding a smoking gun. "I came here to kill you all," she announced, her face twisted into a huge maniacal grin.

The boss turned in horror to see one of his lackeys on the ground, a clean bullet hole in his head. Overcome with rage and fear, he shouted, "Kill her!" 

From the crowd, a voice echoed with enthusiasm, "We thought you'd never ask, Boss!"

The scene erupted into chaos as the thugs ran towards Shivena with lustful smiles on their faces. 

"Wait till we get our hands on you, girly," one of the lackeys said, running towards her with his nails sharpening and growing.

"Yeah, we'll-" Before he could finish his sentence there was a bullet in his head and he was dead.

"Like I said I didn't come here to talk to any of you."

Shivena disappeared in a burst of speed appearing beside the thugs with the nail-type quirk, the muzzle of her gun pointed at the head of the guy. 

"I came here to slaughter all of you." With her finger poised on the trigger, she pulled it.

And with a "Bang!," the thug fell to the ground, dead. His lights are forever taken.

Everyone in the warehouse was being slaughtered causing the boss to start fearing for his life. "What the fuck! She kills everyone so easily. Is she an assassin? Was she sent by someone, who knew of this deal?" thought the boss.

"There's no way she is a hero because she went straight for the kill." The boss thought about turning and started running. But he'd most likely get killed anyway. If he runs and fails this deal he'll be hunted down by overhaul. "Shit! Why did this have to happen to me? There's no way out of this," the boss thought in frustration.

The boss rubbed his head furiously. "Fuck it! If I'm gonna die then I'm gonna make sure to kill this bitch." 

Being cornered by Shivena the boss could only try and kill her with the utilization of his quirk. His Quirk, named Octopus tentacles, were six powerful appendages on his back that were at his disposal.  Each is capable of lifting a car with ease and controlled by his mind.

As Shivena was finished killing the last lackey, a tentacle hit her in the back, hurling her body toward the wall. "Damn, that hurt! Isn't that the first time I've been hit as well," she thought trying to control her body in mid-air but wasn't able. So she hit the wall in full force.

"During the entrance exam, I was moving faster than the robots could see, allowing me to cut them down with the utilization of my quirk. But now I'm fighting a human." Shivena got up from the ground, feeling pain in her side. 

"One of my ribs is broken." Shivena dodged the tentacles coming toward her. "Oh well, let's not think over it."

Shivena looked over the tentacles. " So they have superhuman strength," she thought, taking out her knife from the holder.

"I don't know who sent you but you will die here," the boss announced running towards Shivena.

Is that so? We'll see about that." Shivena dashed forward, her movements swift and agile as she dodged the tentacles coming for her, each one deadly lashing out at her with relentless ferocity. But Shivena moved with the grace and precision of a cheetah.

With a final burst of speed, they met face-to-face, Shivena launched a flurry of attacks, using her knife and legs to strike with tantalizing force. Shivena threw a right hook, hitting him right in the temple stunning him for a second. She didn't let this opportunity go, so she cleanly transitioned into a back-kick, causing him to be flung backward.

"Was that all?" Shivena commented, looking down at the thug on the ground. "You know what, Forget it," She said, taking out her gun, about to shoot the fool in the head. 

But just before she could pull the trigger, the gun was taken from her hand by a white cloth.

"So, the peeper finally shows himself?"


[Word Count]: 1,677