
The Aberrant Being

The world is a cruel place where every single person only looks out for themselves and no one is willing to offer aid to another living being. This has been proven over and over again by the actions of others to Leigh, a 19 year old college student. He despises all living beings and holds the world responsible for all of his traumatic experiences, but he also blames himself for being weak. But one day everything changes when he wakes up to see the world through a different body. Follow Leigh's journey as he transforms from a human to a unique entity, attempting to control his emotions and overcome all obstacles in order to endure the cruelty of the world and the three great realms.

Peppercorn · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

The Awakening

I was awake, I couldn't remember what happened before I blacked out very well, but I had some theories about what happened.

A few minutes passed as I became engaged in my own thoughts, the voices I heard before leaving, as more and more memories began to flood back to me. Although I couldn't recall the specifics of the dialogues I overheard.

I decided to move because my memories was jumbled, only to be greeted with the reality that I was incapable of such movement. Panic raced forward and clouded my head as I remembered the bear splitting and tearing my body apart. I feared that I was still alive but had divided in two.

I opened my eyes to see the truth that would destroy my life, but thankfully my body was still intact. I found metal restrainers on my hands, legs, and neck after some movement and analysis with my eyes that can see in the dark fairly well. Oh, this isn't looking good either; what's going on?

The place surrounding me is dark, but I can see that it is a gloomy cubic chamber with some rudimentary armament and utensils, which is creepy. If this were a movie, I would label it a torture room, but it doesn't appear to be one because the armament appears to be more fit for a combat of some sort. Who uses firearms and knives for torture? It's just not usual.

The metals that keep me down are simply small metal cuffs that have been embedded to my bed. I believe that if I apply enough pressure, I will be able to burst through them.

I try to pull my hand up with all the strength I can summon, but the metal restrainers don't budge. Hmm, it appears that I am significantly weaker. I examine the state of my body, particularly the amount of grains, and conclude that I have indeed become significantly weaker.

I've lost about 18 people' worth of grains, so my strength is just slightly higher than it was before the encounter with the bear. So, ideally, I should be able to break free from these shackles.

I use my power and courage to try to free myself from the restrainers once more, but just as I start bringing my hand up, I hear voices.

"What should we do with him?" said a deep voice which seemed to come from behind the door

"I don't know, I didn't expect him to be this thing." responded another voice that belonged to a male

"we have to get rid of him or something, he has seen our base and faces" said a elegant yet fearful voice

"Why would we get rid of someone we saved, I mean understand that he is weird and totally creepy but he can still be of use to us" said the second male

"he is a monster!! I don't even know what he is, how can you be so calm and cool about this!! come on Kalen" said the female once more

"No he is right, this guy took a polar bear down by himself even if he passed out. In addition to that he didn't even get injured. We can use a guy like that" said the deep and controlling voice

"but...he isn't even like us. How do you know he is human?" protested the female

"It doesn't matter, he was human enough to try and save those humans by killing the bear. He failed but still tried to save them from the bear" said the deep voice while keeping his calm

"it doesn't make sense, how can a bear kill that many humans. What if it was him?" said the female in a low and creepy voice

"ohhh god, stop it Beatrix. How can he kill that many human when a normal bear caused him to pass out. Plus there was no blood or anything similar on him that belonged to a human. The bear was also killed by blunt force and not a blade so it is impossible that it was him. You make a big deal out of everything." Said the second male with a pissed of voice.

"Lets go see the situation for now" ordered the man called Kalen

The figure of three monsters entered as the doors opened. Despite their strange physical strength and motions, I thought them to be humans for some reason, possibly because of their conversation and behavior.

Once again, my vision saves the day by allowing me to observe these creatures in great detail. What I witnessed both terrified and astonished me. I wasn't expecting what I saw. I assumed the man in front was Kalen since he was marching in front of the others as if he was representing them.

He was...ummm...a panther. He walked on two legs, but his entire physique was that of a black panther, as if he had a mix of human and black panther DNA. It was strange, but I didn't lose my calm since if the bear I fought could exist, then everything is conceivable.

Kalen as they called him, was a 4 meter tall black panther. That is 4 meter when walking on his hind legs. His eyes were a lovely shade of yellow. His fur was black, and he had the visage of a serious man, or panther. He had cat ears and several whiskers on his face. His physical body appeared to be healthy and capable, therefore he appeared to be powerful and capable.

The second male, whose name I didn't catch, was on Kalen's right side. He was a type of owl. That's strange, an owl with a human figure; it almost makes me want to vomit, despite the fact that I don't have a mouth.

He had incredibly lengthy legs that were covered by feathers that had fallen from his main body. His feathers were a mix of white and light brown, a truly hideous mixture when you consider the legs. Well, it's an unappealing figure for an owl that resembles a person. His eyes were yellow as well, but considerably lighter than the panther's.

This small group's final member was a female cheetah, or was it a tiger? No, she's a cheetah, with those powerful legs that appear to be stronger than both the panther and the owl. Her eyes are a strange blend of yellow and brown, although leaning more toward the brown side. Her skin is covered in black dots on a human-like background, which is really strange. She is, of course, standing on her hind legs as well. This is not a scene I want to remember.

While I was watching them, I observed the owl's gaze fall on my open eyes.

"He's awake, oh interesting vision you've got there," the owl human being observed.