
The Aberrant Being

The world is a cruel place where every single person only looks out for themselves and no one is willing to offer aid to another living being. This has been proven over and over again by the actions of others to Leigh, a 19 year old college student. He despises all living beings and holds the world responsible for all of his traumatic experiences, but he also blames himself for being weak. But one day everything changes when he wakes up to see the world through a different body. Follow Leigh's journey as he transforms from a human to a unique entity, attempting to control his emotions and overcome all obstacles in order to endure the cruelty of the world and the three great realms.

Peppercorn · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Enhanced Demon

The city of Algror, a small city on the outskirts of the Blue leaves Blster forest, with an economy centered on the blue leaves of the Blster forest. One of the few exporters of such leaves, which are in high demand among noble families and powerful figures. Despite being one of the few exporters of such a high-demand product, the city is reputed to be one of the safest from both beast and demon attacks. - The Cities of the Underworld III


The guild receptionist, a low sub realm of the first rank, dashed with all his might towards the guards building, a tower stationed near the city's walls that housed the guards and their equipment.

After a short time, the receptionist arrived at his destination and proceeded to the building's entrance, where two guards were stationed. After rushing up to them, he panted and shouted, stuttering due to shortness of breath, "There is a battle in the guild with a demon higher than the mid rank, we need help!!"

The guards exchanged surprised looks; after all, the only ones stronger than the mid sub realm rank in the city were two high mid sub realm demons and one low sub realm enhanced demon who was the head of the city's guards, a very lucky and fortunate event given that most enhanced demons moved on to bigger cities.

The guards could see the receptionist's dire need for assistance, so they had no choice but to trust the demon's words. Then they went inside the building and transmitted the information to the higher-ups.

Normally one would expect the high sub realm demons to be dispatched for this kind of situation but surprisingly, the renown enhanced demon, Zulvath had instead responded to this emergency.

Zulvath would typically dismiss such inconsequential occurrences, but according to the reports, the attack was carried out by a high sub realm demon. Zulvath was enraged that this unknown demon was spreading damage in the city where he was. Zulvath desired to make a mockery of this demon.

Zulvath had exited the tower and dashed towards the guild, his choice intact.


The sight of the demons' weapons made Leigh feel threatened. They seemed to emit the same aura of danger as the demon's weapon that Leigh had tracked to this city.

Leigh didn't know why he felt a threat from the weapons, or whether they were genuinely hazardous to him, but he didn't want to find out, so he avoided them as much as possible.

Leigh could also see that the adventurers he had earlier fought had risen, though one was in a predicament due to his injuries. Leigh didn't appreciate being confronted with four demons of the same strength level as himself, while the two below him were just disregarded till now.

Even with his density alteration ability, which allowed him to raise particular sections of his body to a higher rank for a single moment based on his own violation, he disliked battling so many opponents.

Leigh opted to focus on the two weaker demons first to reduce the number of foes before moving on to the four other mid sub realm rank entities.

Leigh adopted flight form and flew towards one of the lowest sub realm demons, materializing above her and striking her with a density altered knee attack, quickly crushing her skull and neck and causing her head to hang back. She was unquestionably dead.

Leigh then attempted to perform the same action against the remaining lower sub realm demon, but was unable to do so. He failed because one of the other four demons saw what Leigh was up to and blocked him while swinging his sword at Leigh's half-formed leg.

The sword slashed Leigh's leg as well as some of his grains that were floating in the air. The attack was unexpected, and Leigh did not fully form himself to perform density modification, thus he suffered a significant amount of damage. Leigh had lost some of his grains owing to the strike for the first time in a long time.

Leigh then took off in a more open area and stood back, peering at the five demons in the hopes of spotting an opening.

Leigh re-examined the scenario, noting the placements of the demons and their weapons. There was still one severely injured mid sub realm demon, one slightly hurt mid sub realm demon, and two uninjured mid sub realm demons. The same could be said for the low sub realm demon.

Leigh then rushed forward, not using his flight form for the time being because his defenses were weak in that state. Leigh strengthened his legs to jump higher, then stuck down his strengthened leg vertically at the demons below while in mid-air.

The demons clearly saw it coming and raised their swords in an attempt to prevent it, but the low level demon was too slow and met a horrific crushing end. The swords, surprisingly, blocked Leigh's high sub realm strike, but Leigh's move was not quite complete.

Leigh then brought his other leg forward and kicked under the swords, towards the demons' chests. The demons closer to the kick reacted and moved away, but the demon under the sword that stopped Leigh's kick couldn't do much because withdrawing his sword would have allowed the first kick to strike him.

Leigh's density-altered kick landed on the demon, breaking his bones which penetrated the demon's organs, causing death.

"three more to go"

Though Leigh with himself when all of a sudden he saw a figure enter the corner of his vision.


Current seen ranks


1. Demons - normal demons, low sub realm demons, mid sub realm demons, high sub realm demons

2. Enhanced Demons - low sub realm enhanced demons


1. Heavenly bear - low sub realm creature

2. Angels - mid sub realm angels

3. Archangels

4. Principalities