
The Aberrant Being

The world is a cruel place where every single person only looks out for themselves and no one is willing to offer aid to another living being. This has been proven over and over again by the actions of others to Leigh, a 19 year old college student. He despises all living beings and holds the world responsible for all of his traumatic experiences, but he also blames himself for being weak. But one day everything changes when he wakes up to see the world through a different body. Follow Leigh's journey as he transforms from a human to a unique entity, attempting to control his emotions and overcome all obstacles in order to endure the cruelty of the world and the three great realms.

Peppercorn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

A Demon of Suprises

Special Abilities, abilities that are distinct from those earned via conventional growth of one's power, such as flight or weapon creation. Special abilities are seen as one of a being's strongest points, whether it be a demon or angel. Many people desire special abilities, but they are not easily obtained. One must either be born into a bloodline with abilities, be lucky enough to be born with one by chance, or be strong enough to earn one through unorthodox methods. But don't be dismayed, for putting in the effort to obtain one can result in riches and power you can not ever conceive - Road to power II


One of the guards asked with a demanding tone, "show your identity badge".

Leigh had understood the guard's request once again, but he did not answer in any manner. He was trying to figure out how to get out of the predicament.

He couldn't react since he couldn't talk, and he couldn't even utilise body language because he didn't know how to give a lengthy explanation using only one's body. He could flee, but what then?

He also had the option of fighting, but that would just aggravate the issue; after all, he was just trying to connect with these demons he considered his kind at the time.

As Leigh stood there in silence, the guards glanced at him with an impatient attitude, as if he was wasting their time, which he was.

"I'm talking to you bastard... your identification badge?" said the guard who had initially requested Leigh for his identification badge, a token provided to anybody who enters the city through legitimate ways.

Leigh awoke from his trance at the guard's statement; he had been so preoccupied with the situation and his options that he had lost track of his surroundings. Leigh had resolved to interact with his body since it was the only option he had other than fighting. Obviously, he couldn't tolerate fleeing a prey, and his purpose was also to stay and build a connection.

Leigh attempted to send many responses and intentions using his body, ranging from utilizing his head, hands in a crossing configuration, and body to convey that he does not have such a thing and does not know what it is.

The guards clearly grasped what Leigh's actions meant; it took some time, but they did. The adventurers, on the other hand, could understand the problem but just did not care enough.

Leigh just stood there after completing his activities, waiting for a response of some kind, whether it was puzzled, favorable, or negative.

The guards then exchanged glances with a tiny mischievous grin on their faces. The demons appeared to have other plans for Leigh.

The guards, as demons of the first rank's mid sub rank, are stronger than a large number of civilian demons that are not even as strong as the low sub rank of the first rank, yet they are still rather weak in the realm of cultivation and power. There are many better individuals than them, and the fact that hell is a world of the strong doesn't help matters.

When the guards discovered that Leigh is a crippled demon who cannot speak, it was as if they had discovered their calling, as such situations were extremely rare for them. They could do whatever they wanted to Leigh without anybody knowing, whereas doing the same to ordinary residents is harmful because the citizens may just denounce the guards but not Leigh.

But they had no idea they were dealing with a being as powerful as a high level demon when he used his density alteration ability.

The guards approached Leigh and sarcastically whispered, "Can't do anything about it now, can we?"

"You are under arrest for the robbery of the Dusty Otyugh Tavern," one of the guards said in a more demanding tone.

In his own way, Leigh was stunned by the guards' conduct; he didn't know how to react. He was witnessing the same behaviors and people as those in the human realm. He was enraged, unhappy, and befuddled, but he was also aware of his own stupidity and error.

What irritated Leigh even more was that a prey dared to act in such a way, as if his demonic half was yelling at him to lash out at the guards and tear them apart.

When the guard approached Leigh and attempted to grab him, he was met with an unexpected punch. Leigh had thrown an enhanced density altered punch at the guard, sending him flying back against the guild's wall. The guard had been slain by a straight hit to the head because he had let his guard down.

The adventurers and guards looked at Leigh as if they were taken aback, as if they hadn't expected it. While the adventurers were taken aback, they stayed relatively cool, whereas the guard was visibly shaken, fearful of what had just occurred.

Leigh then leaped forward and used a modified kick to hit the opposite guard. The kick knocked the guard back, but not quite enough to kill him since the guard successfully somewhat repelled the assault.

At that time, the adventurers joined the guard to take down Leigh because they thought he was a dangerous person.

Six of the adventurers surrounded Leigh, as the one who appeared to be the receptionist hurriedly departed the guild. The receptionist was attempting to alert other authorities to the incident, as is customary in such instances.

The guard, on the other hand, remained in the back, using his injury as an excuse.

Leigh looked around with hatred at everyone. There was a brief pause before one of the adventurers leaped at Leigh.

Leigh simply transitioned into his flying form and flew behind the circulation, landing behind another adventurer and instantly throwing a modified punch forward before completely regaining his original complete form.

The adventurer was taken off guard and thrown into another guild member, both of whom crashed on the floor a little further away. All of the adventurers were taken aback because none of them had ever witnessed such a ability, even among those born with exceptional powers due to their bloodlines.

Leigh took advantage of his astonishment to kick another adventurer to his left. Leigh did not utilize his density alteration ability on his kick because he used it to fully plant his other leg into the ground, giving him a stable foundation against any other adventurers who could have tried to exploit his position.

His planning clearly paid off, as one of his foes attempted to kick his leg in an attempt to throw Leigh off balance, but failed miserably and instead received an elbow in the face.

At that point, the adventurers unsheathed their weapons and directed them at Leigh, ready to kill this time rather than simply capture since they had failed.

I'm runing out of ideas for chapter names :(

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