
The 100th Power

Marcus Leeway, an orphan who was ridiculed his whole life for being without 'talent', stuck on level 0 since birth, runs into a mysterious old man on his 15th birthday. He saves the old man while he was crossing the street, preventing a car crash. The old man gives Marcus a mysterious orb as a 'birthday gift'. Who is this old man and how does he know so much about Marcus despite never meeting before? In this magic filled world where mana exists and people 'level up', Marcus faces trials, battles, danger, friendship, and sinister plots. Will he prevail and save this world from destruction?

DaFatPanda · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Demon's Den: Part 2

As Marcus slowly lifted his eyes, he was immediately reminded of last nights events as the stench of blood and rotten flesh came back. As his mind cleared up by the stench, he heard footsteps descending the staircase. "Kakakakaka. It seems that my esteemed guest has awoke. First things first, you need to be fed. Here." As Azrael snapped his fingers, a plate of eggs and bacon came out. "Here. I heard you humans eat this for breakfast?" Marcus nodded his head without even meaning to, and the demon's smile just extended. "Eat up." As he finished saying this, Azrael flew out of the room and left Marcus to eat. 'Whew, I thought he was about to feed me some human flesh or something.' As he rejoiced at the thought that he would at least be fed good, he noticed that he didn't have any utensils. 'Eh, I could just make one.' He used metal magic to mold and curve into a fork. He wolfed down the food and was kinda sad he only got one plate of it, but then quickly reminded himself that he was the prisoner of a demon. "Oho, it seems that the guest has finished eating? Well then you can surely answer my questions now right?" Marcus didn't know what type of question he daemon was about to ask him but he just nodded. "Great! Now then, what are the humans planning hmm? Are they going to launch an attack against the daemons? Or are they gonna infiltrate us?" Marcus didn't know any of this, so he just answered "I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know?! You're level 40. By human standards that's pretty high! You should be part of the government right? And plus, you reek of the two humans I killed 16 years ago." The last sentence awoke something inside of Marcus. '16 years ago? That was when I was 1...And that was also when my parents died, in this dungeon!' "Was the two people named Andrew and Lara? Were they level 35?" "Hmm? Oh no, their names were just as you said but they were quite higher leveled than that. They were the highest leveled people I ever met among the humans! The man was a whopping level 60 and the woman was a whopping level 58! How do you know them?" Marcus was in shock at the information of his parents being so high leveled. 'Were they like me? Did they also meet Avarex?' But his immense anger wiped away those thoughts. "You....YOU KILLED MY PARENTS!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU DEVIL!" "Woah Woah Whoa, slow down! First of all, there's no way you could kill me as of now, and second, I'm only level 150, not quite at the rank of 'Devil' yet, but still a 'Peak Daemon'. And also, I haven't finished my interrogation for the day yet." As the demon finished saying that last sentence, his sadistic smile appeared. "Well then, you say that your parents were Andrew and Lara eh? Well then you should know the answers to what I'm about to ask you. Are the humans siding with the Gods? Are they really lending their power to wipe out the demon race?!" Marcus didn't know why he even had to answer him, but this question was just confusing. He couldn't answer even if he wanted. "What are you talking about?! I know no such thing." But as he answered that, the daemon's face contorted in rage and he screamed "Don't lie to me you nasty creature! I'm sure that's what happened! There's no way you weak humans have enough power to destroy half our planet! You must have borrowed the gods' powers!" "Nope, no idea." Marcus hated the daemon so much that seeing him in that raged state was quite funny. "Oh, you think this is funny hm? Did you forget what I said when I brought you here? That you would be tortured if you didn't answer truthfully." As he said this, the daemon's sadistic smile came back. The bars of Marcus's dungeon opened and the daemon grabbed him by his hair up the staircase. As they arrived at the daemons main room, he tied Marcus up with chains, which was already uncomfortable, and took out a whip with spiky hooks on it. As the demon smiled, he whipped Marcus once. "GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" That was the most painful thing he ever experienced! He could feel the skin from his front torso get hooked on the hook, and pulled off when the whip retracted. "Answer me again! Are the humans siding with the gods!" "GUh, n-no." Marcus decided to just make up an answer. "You liar! heh heh heh, you better think twice before lying again!" After the daemon said this, he switched Marcus's position so this time his back side was exposed. "N-no. Puh p-please." Marcus whimpered, but the daemon only seemed to become happier after hearing that. As the whip hit Marcus's back, he screamed again, but the daemon didn't seem to mind and was about to strike him again before stopping himself. "If I beat you too much you won't even be able to last two weeks! Hmm, that's it. I'll just change the time limit of your stay to 1 week! KaKaKaKaKa! You better tell the truth now!" After that, the daemon dragged Marcus by his hair back to the dungeon. He was sputtering out blood all the way to the dungeon, and once he was thrown inside the dungeon cell, he just passed out. 'Ghhh....this is going to be one long week. Hehe, I guess this was my fault for underestimating this dungeon. Oh well, it isn't my fault that they didn't release information about daemon's having no limits. And also, how does that daemon even tell if I'm lying? It's just unfair...' As he passed out, some light blue energy came out of his body, but it just disappeared as fast as it appeared. 'HUH?! What was that?! I just sensed some ridiculously strong energy from the dungeons! Is it the brat?!' But when Azrael went down to check on Marcus, he was still passed out with dried blood all around his body and mouth.  'Huh, must've been my imagination.' He thought as he walked back to his room...