
The 100th Power

Marcus Leeway, an orphan who was ridiculed his whole life for being without 'talent', stuck on level 0 since birth, runs into a mysterious old man on his 15th birthday. He saves the old man while he was crossing the street, preventing a car crash. The old man gives Marcus a mysterious orb as a 'birthday gift'. Who is this old man and how does he know so much about Marcus despite never meeting before? In this magic filled world where mana exists and people 'level up', Marcus faces trials, battles, danger, friendship, and sinister plots. Will he prevail and save this world from destruction?

DaFatPanda · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


As Marcus's eyes slowly lifted, he noticed that he was not dead and still in his makeshift shack. It was already morning by the looks of it, in fact, it looked to be already 2 pm. 'I was out for 12 hours?! And was that orb not poison?' He wondered to himself as he realized that his whole body still ached and felt very weak. But when he relaxed a bit and sat down, he noticed that mana was entering into his body at a very fast rate, and it felt like it was healing his body slowly. It was a rather pleasant experience, and as he was enjoying the feeling, a voice suddenly spoke behind him. "Know what happened yet? Judging by your face, no. What I gave you was the seed of a fruit from heaven. The fruit is popular amongst the gods as it tastes very good, and the seed can break the limits of your body. Do not ask where I got the seed 'cause I won't tell you either way. As you may know, the human limit is level 100 but...judging by your face, you didn't know that?!" Marcus was dumbstruck by this old man's rambling. What's that about human's limit is level 100? Didn't everybody know that it was level 50? And fruit from heaven? What is this guy, some sort of saint? "You think I'm crazy huh? Well you're gonna think that even more after I tell you what happened to your body. You consumed the seed at 1 minute past midnight so although your limits have been broken and you can now level up 2x faster than humans, you missed the best part. You see, at your birthday, if you consume it right when you age up, which is the midnight of your birthday, your level would've instantly shot up to what your age's level should be, except 2x that. So....around level 20? Yea you would've instantly become level 20 if you consumed it at midnight like I told you." At that point, Marcus was basically losing his mind. He wanted to shout curse words but he was too dumbstruck to even talk. "Anyway, you must have felt tremendous pain, no? In fact, I'm surprised you made it out alive after that. Breaking one's limit is a huge test of endurance that normal humans won't be able to accomplish. You did well boy. Anyway, pack your bags 'cause you can't live your normal carefree life anymore. We leave in one hour." Marcus finally snapped out of his trance after that last sentence, and finally asked, "Woah woah woah, going where? How should I even believe you? And who said I'll listen to you and go with you?" "Well don't you wanna become the strongest human that ever lived? Don't you want to conquer the dungeons and get revenge on your uncle? And plus, if you don't go, what are you going to do? Suicide? Well if you were then I wouldn't let you. After all I only took with me one seed of power." Marcus thought about these words. True, if what the lunatic said that his limits were broken and he could actually level up now, then he could definitely become strong. And if the old man was tricking him, then that was fine too since he had nothing worth robbing. He was planning on suiciding already too. At the end, he took the risk and decided to go with the old man. "Where will we be going? And are we gonna walk or do you have a car?" "Oh, boy your means of transporting are so inconvenient! Haven't you ever heard of teleporting?" Teleporting? No, no human on earth should be capable of such thing yet. At most, flying was possible for those above level 40 but what was this man talking about? Was he truly some sort of saint? "No boy, not a saint but you're pretty damn close on your guess!" The old man chuckled as he grabbed ahold of Marcus's arm. In the blink of an eye, the scenery around them shifted into a lush forest-well, more of a jungle than a forest really. There was a giant waterfall in between the jungle and there was multiple rocks in the middle of the rushing river. "This is where you'll train for a year, boy. And than after you reached level 20, I will personally train you for another year. Got it?" Marcus was still dumbstruck that they actually just teleported and just slowly nodded his head at the old man's words. "Good, now do well to survive boy!" With that, the old man just simply disappeared. Marcus just sat on the ground for a minute, still processing everything that just happened, and what the old man just told him. Evening was slowly coming by, and he decided to first find shelter. He decided that what the old man meant by 'training' in this jungle was by simply staying alive. Sounded easy enough, but Marcus recognized this jungle. This was a jungle on Icedew island, a place that often appeared on tv because hunters often hunted there for the powerful beasts and the prices they would fetch. But that wasn't all. Hunters often died here because the beasts were very powerful. 'But Icedew island is on the left district, and my shack was in the United Islands of Bastion, a big country on the right district. Which means we teleported...16,700km?!' As Marcus slowly started to realize the gravity of his situation, he decided to quickly find shelter. Luckily, he found a cave nearby pretty quickly and set up shelter there. His game plan was like this: Hunt at night, Meditate and gather mana in the morning, and workout for the whole afternoon. As night came, he readied himself and picked up the makeshift spear he made by tying a sharp rock to a sturdy stick with some strong vines. He soon heard the howling of Stormwolves, a species of mana mutated wolves. As he inched closer to the source of the howling, he readied his spear, and...!!!

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