
Perverse Instantiation Part Two

Shadow POV

I pull d the EMP trigger and my and Clarke mom screams in pain. I try to fight my tears back as Clarke pulls the chip out of her with the machine. "Mom?" I asked as she then laid there quietly. "Can you hear me?" Clarke asked her. "Come on mom. I know you're in there. Coke back to us" Clarke begged. "We need you" She choked out. Abbys eyes begins to flutter open. "Mom..." I sigh as she looked up at the both of us. "Clarke? Shadow?" She asked. "Yeah...it's us mom" Clarke laughed "You're okay, your okay" Clarke says. "Here..." We both help her begin to sit up. We looks around the room before looking at Clarke and I. "I'm sorry..." She begins to break down crying. "No. No. Mom it's okay" Clarke says as we both hugged onto our mother. "It's okay..." She tells Abby. "Hey...stop" Clarke tells Abby. "it wasn't you..hear me?" She asked. "Mom...stop it's okay...it's wasn't you" I then tell her. "Mom...we need your help" I tell her. The door stormed open and Bellamy, John and Pike come back inside with his guns pointed at our mother. I shield her "No!" I tell at Bellamy. "It's okay. We used the EMP. She's back" I tell John and Bellamy. "What about Ontari. Thought you said we had one shot at this?" John asked. "I told you, Ontari is no longer an option for the Flame" Clarke says. "She brain dead" Clarke finished. "Is the floor secure?" I asked Bellamy as I stand to my feet. "For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom. We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed up" Pike explained. "The stairs are collapse so now ones following us" he added. "Good. Then we have time" Clarke says. "What we don't have is a way down" John stated. "Time for what?" Bellamy asked, ignoring John. "An ascension ceremony" Clarke says. "Ascension? You just said Ontari and went an option" John pointed out. "besides she's still chupp r. And we no longer have an EMP" John reminded us. "We're not putting the flame in Ontari head. We're putting it in mine" Clarke tells us. "Clarke...that thing killed Emerson in seconds" I tell her. "Liquefied his brain" I added. "Emerson wasn't connect to a Nightblood" She tells me. "Transfusion?" Pike asked Clarke. "Not exactly" she says. "Connected like Mount Weather" our mother spoke up. Clarke turned to her. "Yes. Everything we need is in your med kit" Clarke spoke. Our mother stood to her feet. "No. It's too dangerous and there are too many variables" she told Clarke. "But no options" Clarke tells our mother. Octavia rushed in with more people. "Whatever you're doing. You better do it fast" she tells us. "Why? What happened?" I asked her. "they're climbing" she says. We run over to the large window and see all the people below. This ain't good. "I have to do this" Clarke says. "Mom....Trust Clarke" I tell her. "I do..." I smiled to our mother. "Okay. I'll help you" she says before we all entered back inside.

I watch as our mother puts a needle into Clarke arm that caused Clarke to wince as she let out a hiss. Our mother then checks the tubing before taking the needle down. "Balcony is greased" Pike says as he comes into the room. "No one's getting in through here" he added. "Good. There's enough lamp oil to cover every window on the floor except the Commanders chambers" Bellamy explained. "Then that's where the fighting starts" I tell him. "We'll dig in there" Pike then says as him and Daniel left the room. Octavia begins walking with them "O" Bellamy called out to his sister. She looked over her shoulder at Bellamy. "Be careful" he warned. She didn't respond before turning and leaving the room. "We're all set" Abby tells us. I walk back over to Clarke and join at her side. "Ready?" I asked Clarke. "Yeah..." She tells us. Abby turns the nob on the tube and Clarke blood begins to filter out of her body. Clarke hands the Flame to me. "Do you remember the words?" She asked. I nodded "Yeah." Our mother walked over to Ontari body and opens the tube and the black blood begins to enter Clarke body. "Try doing that hanging upside down" Bellamy jokes with Clarke. "This will work..." Clarke tells us. "And if it doesn't?" Abby asked her. A year skips down my cheek. "If it doesn't work then she dies" John bluntly tells us. "If she doesn't try then she dies with the rest of us when the climbers get here" He added. "Lean forward" I instructed Clarke. She dropped her head down as she grabbed my other side tightly. "Ready?" I asked her. She nodded "Do it." "Ascende superius" I say. The chip opened with little wires moving. I bring it to the back of Clarkes neck and it grabbed a hold of her skin and began to bury itself. "Uh!Uh!Ah!!!" She screamed, griping onto my hand. "Ah!" She screamed again before her body went limp and her eyes closed shut. "No no no" our mother whispered. My heart dropped "She okay?" Bellamy asked. "Her hearts racing" Our mother says. "Get that thing out if her head" Our mother tells me. I shake my head "I said get that thing out if her head!" She yelled at me. "No..." Clarke spoke. "Not yet" She says. "Are you in any pain?" I asked Clarke. "No. I'm okay. I know how to stop Alie" Clarke says. "I have to take the chip..." She tells us. I knit my brows together "What?" I asked her. "I have to go into the city of light and find the kill switch" Clarke explained. "Clarke listen to me. Alie wants the flame. If you take the chip you're giving it to her. The second someone see you Alie is going to know that you're there. She'll kill you" Our mother tells Clarke. "If your mind dies. You die" She tells Clarke. "The Flame will protect me. I don't know how I know. I just...know" Clarke spoke. I walked over and picked the chip off the table. "I believe you" I tell Clarke before walking back over to her and extending the chip out. "Do you even know what you're looking for?" Our mother asked Clarke. "I'll know when I find it" she stated. Abby leaned in, placing a kiss on Clarke forehead. "May we meet again" she tells Clarke. "We will" Clarke says back. "We'll keep you safe" I tell Clarke before handing her the chip. She takes it l, closing her eyes. "I'm going to check on Octavia, you coming?" Bellamy asked me. "Mom..." I asked. My mother nodded to m "I got this, you make sure nobody gets in" She tells me. I walked with Bellamy out of the throne room and down the hall to see Miller helping Daniel down the hall. "You left Octavia with Pike?" I asked Miller. Miller nodded and I glanced at Bellamy before we run towards the Chambers to see Octavia watching Pike get beat up. "O!" Bellamy yelled at her. "What are you doing?!" I hissed as we rush into the room. "No!" She tried to grab Bellamy as I aimed my gun and pulled the trigger, shooting one of the Grounders and Bellamy shit the other. "Ah!" Pike grunted in pain as we run over to him. "Come on, can you stand up?" Bellamy and I grabbed Pike arms and helped him to his feet. Pike limps on one ankle "She cut me" Pike tells us. I glared over my shoulder at Octavia. Just then more Grounders jump into the window. "Come on! We got to go!' I yelled out. "We can't give up the room!" Pike yells back. "We already have" I tell him as we helped Pike escape the Chambers. I look over my shoulder to see my father coming through the window. "Dad?" I choked out. slam the doors shut, pushing large furniture in front of the doors to hold them close. "You need to get yourself under control Octavia if we're going to survive this!" I hissed at her. "O, listen to me. I know how you feel. I let my need for revenge put me on the wrong side. I don't want that for you" Bellamy tells Octavia. Suddenly there was a large kick, causing us to jerk forward but we kept holding the doors shut. "You keep it closed. I'll get more for the barrage" Octavia tells us before walking off. "Wasn't the wrong side" Pike tells Bellamy. "If the grounder army was still there when Lexa died they would have attacked and you know it" Pike tells Bellamy. "I wanted to see things like you. I needed that to believe that they were bad and we were good. I don't know what I believe anymore" Bellamy confessed as the we keep getting jerk forward by the Grounders running at the doors. "I just know I have to live with what I've done" Bellamy tells Pike. "Bellamy..." I whispered to him. "My dad...he's chipped" I say. "We'll get him back. I promise" He tells me.

We keep piling more things into the barricade but more force is being used to open the door. "look out!' Octavia says as she throws a chair on top of the pile. Miller then throws more with Daniel. "This isn't going to hold for long!" I shouted at them. "How the hell they even get in here?" Miller hissed out. "Doesn't matter. This is where we make our stand" Bellamy tells them. "Sounds like there's a lot of them" Miller says. "May be time to go grab the guns" Miller suggested. "I have something better than guns" Pike tells us. "Surprise" he added. We all went with Pike plan. "Do not kill my father under any circumstances. Got it?" I warned everyone before we hide. "Wait! Kane! I give up" Octavia says as they break down the door. "I'll take the chip" she tells him. "Good. No one else has to die ever" My father spoke. "Maybe you can convince your mentor of that?" My father asked as Bellamy hands me a electric baton. "Indras a live?" Octavia asked him. "Yes...On the cross suffering needlessly" he tells her. "Now!" Octavia called out. We come out and I turn on tu baton as Octavia stood on the dresser we all throw them into the water they stand in. Suddenly the hallway it lit up as the water zaps them all they fall to the ground. "The charge is clear" Bellamy called out as the electricity stops flowing. "Hurry up and get their weapons" Bellamy ordered. I appoarched my father, touching his face softly. "Why did you go and take the chip dad?" I whispered before taking his weapon from him.

We reach the thrown room barricading the doors. "This is it. We have to keep Clarke safe. They're unarmed but they won't feel pain and they won't stop until they're out Cold" Bellamy called out as we got ready to fight for our lives against our own people. "Copy that. Go for the knock out" Miller says. My mom cocked her gun and I look over my shoulder at her. "Only if they get past you" She tells me. A loud thud erupted as Alie people slammed against the doors. Slam! Slam! Slam! The barricade falls and they crash through the room. "Here we go!" Bellamy called out and someone ran right for me and I punched them in the face, a crowd of Alie people run into the room before I knocked one person out. I turned around and punched another in the stomach and then in the head, knocking them out. I was suddenly grabbed and I turned around to see my father. He goes to hit me but I duck and hit him in the stomach. "Dad! Stop!" I tell at him. He then throws another punch. "Dad! Please!" I begged him as I ducked again. He grabbed a hold me of and slammed me on the ground before climbing on top of me. "Dad! Stop!" I screamed. He wraps his hand around my throat and began to squeeze. "Dad!" I cried out but his squeeze gets tighter around my throat. I clawed at his hands "Dad...." I cry a tear slipping down my cheek as I stared into his eyes. "Please..." I choked out. "Stop...." I begged, my head becoming cloudy but then his grip loosened as he slowly pulled away. I begin coughing, choking as I breathed in the air my lungs had lost. I hear sobbing "S-Sha?" My dad stuttered out. "Dad..." I whispered. "I'm so sorry...." He began to sob and I pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry!" He cried harder. "It's okay...." I whispered to him. She did it. Clarke, she saved everyone. Just then my mother comes over and kneels beside my father. He pulled away from me before hugging onto my mom, sobbing onto her shoulder. I approached Clarke, helping her out of the chair as Bellamy comes over. We looked at all the crying and sobbing people. "Alie's gone..." Clarke says. "Yeah. I figured" I tell her. She glanced at me, pain written on her face. "Clarke, you're not acting like someone who just saved the world" I pointed out. "Because we didn't.." she tells us. "Not yet" she shakes her head. I knit my brows together, what on earth could she mean? Suddenly my head shot towards Octavia as she plunge her sword into Pikes stomach.l and yanking it out. He fell onto the ground dying before Octavia left the throne room. What were we gonna do with her? What did Clarke mean by we haven't saved the world yet? This was not the end and the battle to stay a live keeps going.