
The Tinder Box

Shadow POV

I'm standing outside, the breeze hitting my face. I missed Bellamy, my heart aches to know he's okay and safe, hunters coming back. I walked into the Rover storage and see Clarke talking to a woman. Bellamy team had come back but without Bellamy and I only got more worried. I looked over my shoulder to see a man walking Octavia in the building. "Octavia!" I shouted and rushed towards her. "She just stopped breathing" Harper tells me, sobbing. I shoved everything off a table "Get her on this table!" I ordered. "There's a stab wound on her. She's soaked in blood" Harper explained. "First thing first" I placed my hands on Octavia chest and began compression as I counted. "Who are you?" Clarke asked the man who brought Octavia in. "How did this happen to her?" She questioned. "Ilian Kom Trushanaku. I was on my way home from polis when I found her" he explained to us. I opened Octavia mouth and blew a breath of air into it. I then place my ear against her mouth to check her breathing. "Come on..." I begged her. I blew more breathes, about five more about Octavia began breathing. She opened her eyes and coughed for a moment. "Get her to medical now!" Clarke ordered. "Getting her here saved her life. Thank you" I tell the man. Octavia begins struggling to move, trying to speak. "Hey...it's okay. You alright. You've lost a lot of blood but you're home now" I whispered to her. "Clarke and I are gonna help you" I say. "Azgeda is coming..." I hear her whisper. "What is she talking about?" Monty asked. "I don't know..." I shake my head. "Azgeda...is coming. Army is marching" Octavia whispered. "War is here .." she tells us. My eyes widened at her words "Take her. Go!" I ordered them. "Start an IV. Blood and fluods6" Clarke instructed them. "And get a suture kit ready" I added. "Hey. We have to do this but get my father one the radio and find out exactly what the hell is going on" I tell Monty. "on it" he rushed away as I walked up to Harper who's sobbing. "Harper! Hey look at me" I say to her. "Convene the guard. Millers dad is ranking officer. If Azgeda is coming we need a plan our defense. Okay?" I tell her. I Rushed to medbay to Octavia.

"Ok. We station gunners along the wall. That way we can thin their numbers before they get a chance to close the distance" Miller dad explained. "And when they get close?" Harper asked. "Hydrazine. We buried what was left in the engines when we landed. It's being dug up as we speak. We're gonna pour it it into trenches" Miller dad explained as we walked into the room. "Hey. How is she?" Harper asked me. "Strong" I nodded to Harper. "Listen. All we have to do it spread it in front of the outer wall. Then when. The army gets close we light them up" Miller dad says. "You want to light a fire outside the ship. We just spent the last month getting ready?" Monty asked him. "That's not happening " Clarke shakes her head and speaking up. "Any word word from my father?" I asked Monty. "No. But Jaha found the cargo truck 12 hours out. No sign of Bellamy or Stephens" Monty tells me. My heart felt like is was breaking but I kept it together. "I...have to speak to Roan" I shake my head. "What?" Clarke asked me. "Something happened, some sort of misunderstanding" I stated. "Shaw, if he wanted to talk he wouldn't be coming with his army" Harper tells me. "Right, but there's only one way to get here from Polis. I'll ride out and meet him" I suggested. "Are you...no absolutely not" Miller dad tells me. "Actually. That might work" Monty spoke up. "Monty. What are you talking about?" Harper asked him. "Ice Nation thinks they have the element of surprise but that is to Octavia we do" Monty explained. "Pike showed us how valuable that can be" He added. "You're siding with Pike?" Harper scoffed. "As awful as that sounds, yes" Monty answered.

I stand where I see Roan and his army and he sees me, holding his fist up in the air. "We need to talk!" I called out to Roan. "Little late for that" he tells me. "Archers! Target Trikova wamplei" he called out to his army. All the archers in front of me locked a target on me with their bows. I smirked, looking towards the rocks above us as green lasers locked on Roan. "Bring the prisoners" Echo called out and men brought two people forward with black sacks over their heads. Suddenly the ripped them off and I see Bellamy and my father on their knees. My breath got caught in my throat. "Your move Trikova Wamplei" Roan tells me with a smirk. I look back towards our people with he guns pointed at Roan as Azgeda warriors point swords at Bellamy and my father. "10 minutes. That's all I ask" I begged Roan. He then gets off her horse and I begin to walk away and towards the cave. "I suppose you think you've got us right where you want he" Roan spoke as he followed behind me. "Roan. We're allies. What are we doing?" I asked him, turning to look at him. "We had a deal, you broke it" he simply tells me. "I broke it?" I knit my brows together. He smirked before turning and walking further into the cave. "You nearly killed Octavia. You're holding the man I love hostage. Along with my father" I pointed out. "You marched an army here to what exactly?" I questioned. "Why would you kill us when you know we're all gonna die soon, anyway?" I asked him. He turned and shakes his head "We're not here to kill you, Shadow. We're here to take your ship" he informed me. I let out a sigh "The ship you restored to save your people, not mine" he hissed out. "That ship is a backup plan. It'll hold 100 people tops" I explained. "Then you won't mind if we take it" be stated. "Hey..." I walk in front of him, standing inches from his body. "Before you took him hostage, did my father tell you about the nightblood solution?" I asked him. "He tried. Sounds to me like you're making the next commander, also a violation of our deal" he whispered. I rolled my eyes "The flame is fine. And you know it" I tell him. "If Octavia is to be believed" Roan tells me he then walked around me. "Roan, this isn't a conspiracy. We are doing everything we can to save all of us" I try to tell him. "No you're not" he shakes his head. "The Great Trikova wamplei. The Shadow of Death. Always behind Wanheda the Commander of Death. Who they both say they want to save everyone. Yet builds a ship for herself and her people" Roan pointed out. "The nightblood solution will save everyone" I tried to convince him. "I don't believe in miracles" he tried to turn away from me. "It doesn't have to be like this " I tell him. "Yes it does!" He raised his voice at me. "The way I see it you have two choices. Tell your shooters to stand down give us your ship and use what ever time we have left to find your night blood solution. Or tell them to open fire" He offered. "We have more bullets than you have men. You'll lose" I stated the obvious. "Maybe, we'll both take losses. Your father and lover among them" He arched a brow upward. Tears formed at my waterline as anger boiled in my blood. "You think you can shake my resolve?" I questioned. "I was willing to sacrifice my own sister to stop the Mountain men, or did you forget me telling you that?" I reminded him. "And I was willing to sacrifice my mother to help you" he reminded me. "Ain't we a pair?" He asked. I sallow the lump that formed in my throat as I tried to stand my ground. "Fight it is" Roan tells me before turning and beginning to walk away. "Wait!" I called out. He stopped "What if we share it?" I offered. He turned and smirked as he looked at me.

"50 spots a piece. I can't live with that" Roan nodded. "Can your people? They wanted war" I reminded him. "I'm a king, Shadow. I don't have to ask my people what they want" he reminded me with a smug smirk. "The real question is, how are you gonna tell this to your people?" Roan asked me. "They won't be happy losing half their seats in the lifeboat" he tells me. "They don't need to be happy. We need to survive" I pointed out. "If Skaikru won't follow you, when the times comes to close the door, Azgeda will see that it gets done" he stands to his feet. I stand to mine and get closer to him "Let's hope it never comes to that" I say before extending my hand to him. He takes his blade and slicing it across his head "We bind ourselves with blood." He extended the blade over to me and I take it. "We bind ourselves with blood" I repeated as I sliced my hand open with the blade. We then shook hands with one another, now binding by a blood vow. We walked out of the cave and I couldn't help but feel guilty about the deal I made with Roan. We get to part of the woods and I see him, Bellamy. "Bellamy! Are you okay?" I asked, running up to him and wrapping my arms around him. "No one died today" he tells me. "So, what did we miss?" Roan asked, staring straight at Bellamy. "Nothing Sire" Echo tells him. I tell Bellamy everything along with Echo and Clarke. "And the ship?" He asked me. "If we can't crack night blood we'll share Arkadia" I informed him. "Fine a way for us to survive together" I added. Suddenly a huge explosion went off towards Arkadia. "That came from Arkadia" Clarke informed us.

My father, Bellamy, Clarke and I all rushed back to Arkadia with Roan and Echo following behind to see the entire place up in flames, people frantically running out. "I have to find my sister" Bellamy tells me. "She was in medbay" I explained. "How did this happen?" I asked some people but nobody answered me. "There look!" I pointed to where Octavia is. "O!" Bellamy and I rushed toward her as she being carried by a guy and a woman. Bellamy is quick to pick her up and carry her away. "Hey it's okay" I tell Octavia as we rest on the ground. "It was...it was Ilian. I tried to stop him" Octavia tells us. I lifted my head to see the guy who brought Octavia to us and stared at him in disbelief and horror. The stuff began to explode all over, causing me to jump back in fear as tears formed at my waterline. One last huge explosion caused the entire ark to fall to pieces as the fire burn our place to ashes.