
school with bat people

3RD person POV:

As the bright morning sun slowly rises and illuminates the world signifying a new day has started. birds chirping and awakening to start there day, crowds bustling, car horns sounding, people rushing to get to work on time. through all of this, a lone girl with sky blue hair with mixes of silver within lay sleeping soundly without a care in the world.

As the morning light pierces through the curtains we see a figure identical to the girl the only difference being the red eyes the colour of blood itself. she lay there staring at the girl still sleeping peacefully admiring her beauty not wanting to ruin the moment. after another hour of watching the girl sleep, the girl with red eyes waves her hands and in the next moment the curtains open obeying her command. As the bright light hits her closed eyes she starts to stir awake only to bring the sheets over her head in a struggle to not awaken.

"Master, it's time to wake up, you'll be late for your first day."

"We can just teleport to school, there's no need to rush." the girl retorts groggily.

"that isn't an option master. What if someone see's and people are going to question how you got there without walking especially if you constantly do it. i know this won't be the only time either if i let you do it now. it is better to get into a habit." As the girl with red eyes mercilessly rips the covers off of the sleeping beauty she shrinks into a ball trying to preserve the left over heat of the covers.

"cielllll. just a little bit longer, please it's too early for this." the girl whines gripping at any possibility that will let her rest longer.

"No means no master." With a wave of ciels hand the bed disappears only for the girl to fall onto the floor.

"ughhh. can you atleast help me get ready." the girl replies still half asleep as she slowly raises herself to her knees, still rubbing her eyes.

"fine. only because i let you sleep in. if we don't hurry we'll be late" she says resignedly.

Rimuru POV:

'ugh why does school have to start so early' she thinks as she grumbles to herself.

[you're the one that kept nagging me to help you come up with a reason and plan to allow ophis to let you go to school.]

(I know ok, i just didn't know it would start this early, how do humans do this every day for 12 years.)

As i approach the classroom i've been assigned too i wait outside the door for my teacher to call me in.

'im so nervous i haven't talked to anyone outside of my siblings. i hope i don't act weird. onee-chan should of let me go to school earlier'

After she calls me in walk through the doors and stand in the middle of the classroom to introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is rimuru tempest, i hope we can all get along."

silence falls upon the room

more silence


"Kyaaaa rimuru-chan you're so pretty."

"How is your skin so smooth"


"step on me!"

"Make me your slave!"

"dominate me!"

'Is this normally how high schoolers act? the girls are kinda weird i don't think im that pretty. they're making a big deal out of nothing. but the boys….. there's three of them that said some weird stuff….

One of them even has a… dragon(?) inside of him. ewww, why is it so weak, you can't even call that thing a dragon i feel yucky thinking we're the same species.'

[that thing is nothing better than a lizard. It can't even compare to masters majesty.]

'yeah ciel-chans right it's nothing better than a lizard, though i'm not exactly sure why or how he has that thing inside of him, but he's the worst one out of them all. He keeps staring at me with creepy eyes.'

[i'll make sure to castrate him later.]

(did you say something ciel-chan?)

[it's just your imagination]


"you can take a seat over by the window in the back."

As i head towards the back of the class to my seat i realise there're multiple mana signatures in the school, albeit extremely weak.

'could they be the bat and bird people onee-chan told me about? Wahhhhh! I'll finally get to meet some. Onee-chan can't even get mad at me either since we all go to the same school. mhm, that's right, it's not my fault. i'm just talking to my peers that happen to be bat or bird people. i'm so intelligent.'


(is there something wrong ciel-chan?)


'hm, wierd'

as i stare out the winder searching for the mana signatures i felt earlier trying to find where they are i figure out that they're all bat people. a lot of them are in the same year as me while only a couple are a year ahead with 2 a year below.

As class ends i get up to leave the classroom, but im suddenly swarmed by all the girls in the class along with a few boys waiting for they're turn to pounce. why are humans so aggressive, they keep bombarding me with questions and won't leave me alone and the boys keep giving me weird stares with the lizard boy being the worst.

when i finally get away from that death trap i continue to watch them all through out the day. i figured out that there are 2 groups at the school. the student council president seems to be the leader of the first group while the second groups leader is a girl with red hair and…. 2 lumps of fat. the other bat that's in the same year level as her has lumps of fat as well. it seems they gather at near the back of the school and are called the occult research club…..

a bit too on the nose if you ask me. but i mean in one of the manga i read, it said the best disguise is to hide in plain site. i think my brother would agree with there methods, although he refers to them as sacred texts, im not really sure why.

As school ends i continue to watch them until the sun goes down. By that time im getting pretty bored so i decide to go home and have ciel cook me some dinner.

'ciel-chan, can you cook me some omurice and some curry tonight'

[of course master]

(ciel-chans always the best)

[fufu of course i am]*smug face*

(hehe, you're so cute when you make that face)


Following day

'What the fuck. the first thing i see when i walk into the classroom is the lizard boy who is part bat as well now…..

what the hell happened yesterday. maybe i should go ask him...yeah let's do that, no harm in asking it's not like it will matter.'


(something wrong ciel-chan?)

[…..no master]



well anyways moving on, i go to take my seat like yesterday and i managed to evade all the weird humans, now all i need to do is wait till after class.

Ok listen, i'm not stalking him alright. i'm just waiting for the right moment to stop him and ask him why he's a weird mix of lizard and bat. i just haven't found the right time, im just waiting till he's in a dark alley or secluded spot. what? it's called stalking? no it's not. you're just being delusional. i'm an opportunist. i just have to wait for the right moment.

as i'm talking to myself i notice another person stal- ahem, waiting for an opportunity to talk to him as well. as i take another look to see who the fellow opportunist is, i realise it's one of the fallen bird people that onee-chan told me about.

i decide to wait and see what he's going to do, but out of nowhere he starts attacking him! like, what the hell! now he really looks like a stalker. honestly it's kind of sad. just as he is about to strike down the lizard-bat, i try sending a small attack at him…..which ends up vaporising him not leaving anything behind…..

'WHAT THE HELL. why are they so weak…..onii-chan usually just hits them away or lets them hit him…..i didn't know bird and bat people were this weak'

as i'm still amazed at what happened i realise the weird boys still standing there. as i turn around to ask him why he's part lizard and bat a teleportation circle appears behind him and the 2 bat girls with lumps of fat appear.

"thank you for saving my peerage member from death. may i ask what you're doing here and why you decided to help him?" she asks in a cautious tone

"hmph, that's none of your business." as i say that i teleport back to my apartment.

"Who does she think she is apearing out of nowhere as if she owns the place, argh. now i have to wait till tomorrow to ask him. such a pain" as i say those words i allow myself to fall onto my bed and drift off to sleep.

"the president wants a word with you." he says in a stone tone as if saying i have no choice.

'what is wrong with all these bat people they're all so rude. first they appear out of nowhere now he comes into my class telling his fat sack of a president wants a word with me? GO.TO.HELL'

"why should i care? tell her to come to me if she wants a word, and can't you see i'm in the middle of class? i might drop by later if i feel like it. if she wants a word sooner she can come find me"

as the words leave my mouth, he stands there shocked as if i said the most unexpected thing. did he just expect me to go along with it and follow him in the middle of school? what an idiot.

"ah, i'm sorry sensei i'll take my leave now " he gives a little bow and runs away with his tail between his legs.

'ugh, i still want to know why that boy has a lizard. i guess ill go say hello after class'

As the day ends i start making my way towards the occult research club. As it starts to come into view i can't help but be dissapointed. it looks worn down and is covered in moss and vines.

'isn't this supposed to be there meeting place? why does it look like it's about to collapse. what the hell is wrong with these people'

As i enter the building i start to make my way towards the room with the most energy signatures. As i reach the door i swing it open with a good push. sitting on the couch is the red headed bat. standing behind her are her peerage with the lizard boy in the centre. i start to make my way towards the couch opposite her and sit down. before i can even say anything she starts talking.

"i don't think we've properly met yet so let me introduce myself. My name is Rias gremory, heiress to the gremory clan." she stated and indicated that it was my turn.

"rimuru tempest" i stated in a blunt manner wanting to get over this conversation quickly.

"so, rimuru tempest, who are you and what are you doing here. why did you save issei yesterday?" she asked in a curious yet guarded tone

"i'm here to go to school? as for who i am, i can't tell you. onee-chan would kill me and i wouldn't be allowed out ever again" i stated as i started to shiver just thinking about it.

"as for why i saved him it's because i want to know why there's a lizard inside of him."

"lizard? what are you talking about?" this time it's the boy that's been giving me weird looks.

"don't play dumb you should know what i mean" i said with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

"oi lizard, speak up, don't just stay quiet i know you can hear me and can talk" i said facing the boy named issei.

as soon as i said that a weird glove thing manifested on his arm.

"pfffft- what the hell is that, hahahahaha. why does it look like some kids toy you buy at toys R Us" by this point i couldn't hold in my laughter. i could feel my stomach starting to ache and tears begin to form because of how much i was laughing.

after i compose myself i star talking again.

"so lizard why are you inside the boy."

"child, i suggest you correct yourself before you regret it. i am not a mere lizard as you say i am but a proud dragon, one of the strongest in existence at that" he states loudly with a prideful tone.

i just stare and dead pan at the toy on the boys arm.

"is that suppose to be a joke? if so it's not funny." i state in a monotone voice

"it is true, he is known as the red dragon emperor" rias quickly buts in with a hint of irritation.

"ohhhh, i remember you onee-chan told me about you when i asked about dragons. she said you and that other white one were really weak but got even weaker after you got put in a sacred gear or something"

at this point everyone in the room is looking dumbfounded and cant find any words to say including rias.

"child, may i ask who your sister is?"

"i have a name lizard forget to use it again and i'll take your owners head. And no, you may not. if i tell you onee-chans name she might find and and come to take me back. I can't go back. it's so boring at home. the only thing to do is read manga, watch tv with onee-chan or fight with onii-chan."

"also can i ask why you're with such a weak bat person? dont get me wrong i get all of the bat and bird people are weak but the one you chose is really weak. why him?" as i ask the lizard i can see most of the people in the room get furious at my question but i just ignore them.

"it is because i have taken a great interest in the boy. nothing more nothing less"

"im not going to lie to you. the state your in is pathetic. you were already weak before but now your choosing to be even weaker? oh well not like it's my problem hope you have fun with the bat people. i found out what i wanted, i'll see you around." as i get up to leave im stopped by issei.

"just because you're hot don't think that makes it ok for you to come in here and insult not only me but devils and my partner. as if im going to sit here and do nothing, im going to beat you up and add you to my harem!" he states loudly. as soon as the words left his mouth he charges at me.

as soon as he takes the first step i activate thought acceleration.

(ne~what's a harem ciel-chan?)

[it's a heinous thing where one person has a large group of lovers master]

at field explanation i can't help but look at him with absolute disgust. as i turn off thought acceleration i move so fast none of the people in the room can see my movements. in quick succession i punch him leightly in the gut before using my hand to slice his head off. all of this happened in a mere fraction off a second. as everyone starts to realise what happened i open my mouth and speak in a cold monotone voice and let out some of my aura and bloodlust.

"speak like that towards me again and i will take the head of every person in this room saving you for last so you can watch them all die because of your foolishness" as im talking no one in the room dares make a move, as every fibre of there being is screaming at them to run away as death is the only ending. they can only watch in horror as tears fill there eyes.

afteri finish talking i walk over to his body and reattach it with magic and restore the blood flow. as i turn around and start to walk away i stop at the door to and open my mouth to speak to them for the last time before i take my leave.

"be greatful im feeling merciful today. i shall spare you're lives, but there will not be a next time. do not bother me or try to talk to me without me approaching you first lest you wish to forfeit your lives" with that i disappear from the door way leaving nothing behind.

'Maybe i went a little too far…. i shouldn't of told them not to talk to me it probably would have been more fun if i stayed around them and made friends….'

[I think master did the right thing, that bug dared to even think about adding master to his disguisting harem. if anything master was too lenient.]

(thanks ciel-chan you always know how to make me feel better)

[of course master]