
Ruined innocence

Rimuru POV:

I've been really bored lately so I've been watching the bat people that go to my school. Their lives look so interesting, it's almost like a movie. After they solve one problem another one comes up soon after.  They ended up adding some blonde girl to Rias's peerage and turning her into a bat person after saving her from some creep, It's ironic because she's supposed to be with the church but I mean she did get exiled so I guess it's ok.

In my spare time, Ciels been showing me memories of my other siblings from what she calls the "cardinal world". I don't really get why it's called that but it has some complicated reason behind the name I didn't really understand. After watching some of my memories I realised where onee-chan learned how to take care of me. I'm pretty sure it's from my other older sisters and the way they "disciplined" Veldora Nii-chan. At least onee-chan isn't as extreme as the other two. I don't think I want to meet them if I'm being honest....

The perverted boy who was saying creepy things to me started going to some guy's house who dressed like a magical girl. At first, it seemed like he hated being there but it seems like he's enjoying it now.... It's a little concerning but I'm not really that surprised since after watching him for a while I got to know his personality a little

[You should have let him die when you cut his head off. He's a parasite that shouldn't be allowed to live.]

'Ciel-chan seems to really hate him after what he said to me...'

Ouh, ouh. That Rias girl just teleported into the perverted boy's room. I hope they go do something interesting. Why is she taking her clothes off.....

(Ciel-chan, what's virginity and why'd she ask him to take it?)

[Don't worry about it, master. You can learn about it when you're older.]

(Why can't you just tell me now? I'm already old enough, I'm not a child anymore.)

I say to Ciel with a slight pout.

'Whatever, since Ciel won't tell me and I doubt onii or onee-chan will tell me I'll just ask her about it tomorrow.'

[Look master she already left.]


I start frantically searching for her so I don't miss any of the action.

[Don't worry master she was just picked up by a maid and is currently at home.]

(Oh ok. That's fine then. Let's head home


As I knock on the club room door and enter I can see they're all staring at me warily.

"Jeez, it's not like I'm going to kill any of you. I just had to teach that perverted boy a lesson. And anyway, even if I didn't do it I know 3 other people that would have done worse to him and all of you."

I say in a carefree tone.

After I finished speaking I could see them all start to sweat profusely. It's kind of funny seeing how scared they are of me. I'm probably the nicest one out of all of my siblings from what I saw from my memories and what I know about onii and onee-chan.

"Why have you come here, Miss Tempest?"

Rias says in a concerned tone thinking that it's something bad.

"Oh yeah! I came to ask you a question!"

"A question?"

She replies relieved that I'm not here to cause trouble.

"Mhm. What's virginity? You were talking about it last night with the perverted boy."

I ask her in an innocent tone.

She stares at me for a moment with a look of pure shock on her face.

"Have you been.....stalking us?"

"W-W-WHAT! O-OF C-COURSE N-NOT! I um, I just happened to be in the area? Yeah, that's it, I was just in the area when I sensed your mana. Mhm yeah."




"Why are you all looking at me like that.....I SWEAR I WASN'T STALKING YOU! I was just in the area at the same time as you by chance. I swear that's all!"

I say frantically trying to justify how I knew not wanting to come off as a stalker.


"Anyways, back to my question. What's virginity and why were you so eager for him to take it."

"Why are you even asking me this? Don't you have anyone else to ask?"

She says looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Nope. Everyone I know would just say I'm too young or they'd tell me when I'm older."

She stays quiet at first and looks hesitant to speak

Until finally answering my question.

"Well you see, it's when...and then...it also doesn't always have to be with a man."

As she finishes explaining I can tell my face is a bright shade of red.



I say the last part in a mumble asking the question to myself.

"Does it at least feel g-good?"

As the words leave my mouth I can feel my face start to burn up again and smoke start to leave my ears from asking such an immoral question.

"Well, yeah. Even though I haven't done it yet when I asked the people I know that have, they say it's supposed to feel like one of the most pleasurable experiences someone can have."

She says in a resigned tone.

When her words enter my ears my brain starts to process what I heard and I start to imagine multiple scenarios and what they'd feel like. An imaginary puff of smoke starts to float from the top of my head.

Before I can start asking more questions a magic circle starts to form on the ground as another bat person with a woman appears. He starts to spew pretentious nonsense and keeps rambling on. I stopped listening after the first sentence and only tuned back in every now and then to get the gist of what he was saying.

Basically, he was here to "claim" his finance, which I'm pretty sure is another word for a mate. The more and more I start to know the sadder onee-chan seems. She's supposed to be reallyyyyy old but still doesn't have a mate, but on the other hand, most of the people on Earth already have one when they are only 30. Even Rias has one although she doesn't seem to like him that much.

As the conversation starts to get heated I tune back in.

'Kyaaaa, they're gonna have a rating game! I can't wait it's going to be so much fun.'

Obviously, I won't help. Maybe only a little if things seem bad. Anyone would do something if a TV show they enjoyed watching was about to be cancelled.

Yep. I'm sure all bat people are perverts. The egotistical bat person just summoned his peerage (which are all girls by the way) and started touching one of the girls in a lewd way even though we're all standing here along with his supposed mate. I tried reallyyyy hard to not look but my curiosity won out.

The perverted boy tried fighting the bat person but he got stopped easily by one of the bat person's pawns. I didn't really expect much out of him but that was just pathetic. He couldn't even do anything to her.

After some creepy words and lustful stares later he left along with all of his girls.

"Um, is that what you'd call a "lecherous" person?"

I ask Rias out of genuine curiosity as I turn to her.

"Yes. That's probably the best word to describe that man."

"Ohhhh, so that's what that word means. Anyways what are you going to do? You know you can't win at the moment right?"

"Yes, I know. But I refuse to marry that man without at least putting up a fight. We're going to train at a cabin in the words that I own so we can raise the possibility of winning as much as we can."

She states with a voice full of conviction.

"Well, good luck. I'll make sure to come watch. Please don't lose. If you do I'll lose my only source of entertainment on earth."

Leaving those words behind I teleport back to my room only to find an angry Ciel waiting for me.

"Did you have fun without me, master~?"

She says with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

"I hope leaving me here on my own was worth it."

"W-Wait! I-it's not my fault! You were sleeping really peacefully and I didn't want to wake you up. I swear I didn't do it on purpose!"

I frantically try to make up an excuse hoping to avoid Ciel's wrath, but I immediately deflate at Ciel's next words.

"Did you forget the only way I can stay asleep that soundly is if you do it, M~a~s~t~e~r."


Well, it's the day of the rating game and to be honest, I'm really worried. If they end up losing this I'm going to be extremely bored until I can find something to entertain me. And I doubt it would be as fun as watching what the perverted bat people do.

Since I forgot to ask what time the rating game would take place, by the time I arrive I can already sense them inside a separate dimension so I ended up having to force my way in. As soon as I manage to get in I get attacked for no reason by a muscular man with a pair of bat wings and black hair.


"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

'Um is he stupid? Of course, I'm here to watch.'

"Rimuru tempest and I came to watch my friends rating game?"

"Don't joke with us! We weren't informed about anyone by the name "Rimuru Tempest" coming to watch. And what's more, you broke into the separate space instead of just going to the viewing room."

The cutting board with blue hair that was standing behind the man said.

'I'm a little hurt that Rias didn't even let them know I'd be coming. Does she not like me that much? But I haven't even done anything to them.'

"Can you guys just move outta the way? You're gonna make me miss all the good bits."

They didn't even answer me before the muscular man lunged toward me sword drawn faster than any normal human would be able to see, although to me it was no better than a snail trying to touch me. He swings his sword from the side trying to take my head off but I simply step backwards evading it. As realises he missed he quickly retreats to reveal the ironing board with a large fireball double the size of me. I just stood there and took the attack head-on since it was far too weak to affect me. As the smoke clears and they realise I'm still standing a dumbfounded look appears on their face before turning to fear at the realisation that I'm unharmed without a scratch or singe on my body or clothes.

"Ah, sorry about this I wanna get to the game quickly so I can watch so you're gonna have to take a nap for me."

After I at least tell them what's about to happen out of courtesy I instantly appear in front of the door before she can even realise I moved. As her eyes register that I'm in front of her, her brain tries to catch up as she quickly tries to retreat while casting another spell. But before she can even take a step away I disappear from her sight and hit her on the back of the neck knocking her out. After I catch her body and lay her down the muscular man leaps into the air attempting to kick me in the side of the head with a roundhouse kick and knock me out. I simply grab his leg and slam him on the ground forming a 10-metre crater effectively shattering most of his bones and knocking him out as well.

'Weren't they a little too weak for guards? Maybe I shouldn't have done that to the poor guy, it looks like it hurts a lot.....'

[It was their fault for thinking such lowly beings were ever even a match for masters divine being hmph.]

'Ciel can be a bit scary sometimes.....'

After overcoming my disappointment at not being able to fight anyone strong I made my way towards Ria's mana signature. As I arrive at Ria's location I'm met with the pathetic sight of the perverted boy crawling on the ground battered and bruised. I can't believe she wasted all of her pawn pieces on that lizard. As Riser starts walking towards the worm to finish him off Rias suddenly surrenders?

'Ugh, what the hell. Does this mean I need to go save them? What a pain. She should have gotten more useful pawns instead of wasting all of them.'

As the rating game comes to an end Rias walks over to riser as a teleportation circle forms under their feet leading to the underworld. After they leave I slowly float down to the unconscious body of lizards host.

"Oi, lizard. I know you can hear me. What's the plan? Do you have a way to get her back or do I need to help?"

"I'm not sure. It depends on whether or not issei is willing to make a deal with me to gain more power by giving me his left arm. Since his body is too weak to handle the power he'll only be able to maintain it for 10 seconds."

Ddraig responds in a slightly concerned tone.

"Yosh. I'll only step in if he ends up in a pinch but don't tell anyone because I don't want them relying on me. Good luck!"

As I start to fly off I can hear the distant chatter of Ria's peerage discussing their next course of action while healing issei. As I get further away I start to think about all the information I learned in the past couple of days which makes my face heat up at the reminder of what Rias told me.

'I wonder if I'll ever find a mate?'

[Master doesn't need anyone else besides me. I'm already masters legal wife.]

(Did you say something Ciel-chan?)

[it's just your imagination.]


(A/N: Bit of a rushed chapter. I didn't rlly wanna write about the rating game with riser so I kinda condensed it a bit. I'll probably condense a lot of the unimportant canon events that aren't as interesting or are the same as canon with minimal changes.)