
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs

Chaos in the Capital

A/N: I've been reading a lot on Wattpad recently since they have a lot more Slime Isekai fics recently so if you want some more fic, check them out.


Currently, I am sitting in a mansion on a wonderfully decorated couch and eating crumpets prepared by Solution Epsilon and drinking Tea alongside Diablo and Rory Mercury. On my left is Ninya, who is the only member of her adventurer troop to still be active. The others all retired after their resurrection.

Peter, leader of Swords of Darkness, agreed to be hired along with Brita, the red-headed adventurer girl, to guard Carne Village and oversee the training of a police force in the village before it becomes a full-fledged city after I invade. The two have started falling in love, which I never would have guessed, but it happened and now they live more peaceful lives.

Lukrut has opened up a general store in the building where Nfirea and his grandmother used to live and work on potions. Now that they moved to Carne, their shop was in a prime position to create a store. Of course, this was only a front. The store sold exclusive goods that could only be obtained in my territories, such as beauty products, minor magical accessories, like a fire-stone to start furnaces, or cleaning stones for laundry. This store, in addition to improving the quality of life of the people and making them dependent on my nation, also acted as an information-gathering spot, where Lukrut would secretly pass on information or spread rumors for me. He was happy to comply when he learned his clients would mostly be housewives and lesser noble ladies.

Dyne Woodwonder, the group's Druid, moved to Tempest upon my request and started dating an Alraune named Daisy. He now helps grow rare herbs and ingredients in the city of Hive under Apito, using his magic to speed up production and decrease pollution. Apparently, a lot of people from around the city come to him from time to time for advice, which he gives for free.

Good guy, that Woodwonder.

Back on track, Ninya is fidgeting to herself while stealing glances at me from time to time. I can tell why she is nervous. Shizue isn't here and she is surrounded by Majin. (She doesn't know Diablo is a daemon).

After a few moments of awkward silence, the door is opened. Sebas and Tuare in a maid uniform steps through. "Lord Momon. It is an honor to see you again sir!" Sebas says as he bows. Tuare awkwardly bows after a moment, seeing Sebas bow.

"This one greets, Lord Momon." She says with almost a whisper.

Ninya is shocked and frozen still. The person in front of her is clearly her sister, but she was taken by nobles to be their plaything. Now she is standing right in front of her. Before she can say anything, I interrupt her.

"It is good to see you well Sebas. Is this Tuare? The girl you rescued?" I say, giving Ninya another shock. She looks at Sebas with tears in her eyes and I see Rory smirk from the corner of my eye. She clearly caught onto what was going on.

"Indeed, Lord Momon. I found her not long ago and I have already purged the cell that held her." He says.

"Very good. Tuare."

"Yes!" She squeaks.

"Tomorrow, you will go along with Sebas back to Tempest with your sister. There, you shall work with Sebas in the Capital." I say.

"Please wait, Lord Momon! You said you know my sister? Where is she? Our village said she ran off to become an adventurer but no one has ever heard from her!" Tuare yells out her pleas before catching herself and straightening her demeanor. "I am sorry, Lord Momon. I didn't mean to shout."

"No problem. I am not offended, though I am disappointed that you wouldn't know your own sister even though she was in the room with you." I said with a smirk.

"He? The does that mean... Ninya?"

"Sis!" Ninya yelled, no longer able to contain her excitement.

"Ninya!" Tuare yelled and they both ran to each other and hugged.

I ignored and tuned out most of the sob-fest that ensued and I could see Diablo was dying inside at the display, though I simply passed him a note with my orders for him and Demiurge before he bowed out. Sebas was looking at them with genuine happiness on his usually stoic face and Solution took the opportunity to collect the plates and leave the room.

After about twenty minutes of sobbing, the two of them left to retire for the night. I had Sebas prepare for his return and took Rory with me out of the mansion. Shizue and one of my bodies who was posing as Momon was being carried to the Capital as we spoke. All that was left was to let Tuare and I guess Ninya too, be kidnapped by the Eight Fingers and start MY version of the Capital Disturbance.

"Lord Rimuru. Are you sure it is wise not to let Sebas know about the incoming kidnapping?" Rory asked.

"I am sure. Noone aside from you, Diablo, and Demiurge will know about it. I have already ensured their safety with [Moirai], so nothing bad will happen to them." I said.


"One of my new Ultimate Skills. It allows me to control probability as well as alter fate and destiny." I say to Rory's shock. 'I can't exactly tell her that Akasha made it as my 'reward' for her 'Defeat the Sexy Vampire' quest. Why is she pretending to be a system all of a sudden anyways?'

[Answer! I always was a system master. You just never said 'Status' and thought the [Stomach] of your skills was different from your 'Inventory'].

'Uhu... You're bored aren't you...'

[tsk. Let me have my fun, stupid master, baka master, idiot master...]

'Now you're a tsundere?' I thought before being contacted by Renner.

'*Rimuru-sama. Everything has been prepared. I have called Blue Roses and Sir Marquis Raeven to discuss our raid of the Eight Fingers.*'

'*Good. In a few hours, the capital will be in total chaos, be sure that you are seen helping the people during the fighting. I shall ensure Climb is given the highest of merits by defeating a Greater Daemon.*' I said.

'*Very well*' Renner finished and resumed what she was doing.

"It's gonna be a long and interesting night..."




Its late at night. Well not really, its only 8pm, but since this is a mideival society, that's considered late without any electric lighting and with the sky having been surrounded in a veil of darkness for hours already.

I look down at a gathering of nobles and criminals as they taunt Sebas. He approaches them with the letter to serve as proof of kidnaping and is led into a circle of 4 A- Ranked individuals in gaudy armor. I can't really hear what they are saying, but if Sebas punching all of their heads off is any indication, then they probably insulted me or something else like in canon.

I look over to Climb and Brain Unglaus sneaking in through the back door, trying to rescue Tuare, who is currently standing on a platform of air besides me with her sister.

I figured out exactly how [Moirai] works when I gave them its protection. Both women were about to be raped by the guards and a noble who were supposed to watch them, but the guards tripped and stabbed the foot of the noble, causing him to lose his boner and berate the guard before they both left. It's ridiculous how effective that was.

Anyways, I gave Ninya and Tuare a little speech about what just happened and made up a lie about him fighting them because they insulted the duo. If Ninya wasn't in love with Sebas for saving her sister, she definitely was now.

Anyways, after the small fries were delt with, Solution and Rory killed off the other nobles and I stored their souls with [Samsara] before using them as payment for summoning a Greater Daemon.

"Such reached souls you have given me master. What will this one do for you?" the creature said. It looked like one of Diablo's subordinates who was originally consumed by Rimuru in canon. The tall one.

"I want you to use whatever powers and means at your disposal to kill the nobles in this town, though the princess and the King are off-limits. Also, I want you to have a believable 'defeat' at the hands of this individual." I said as I held up a picture of Climb.

"Understood master." The daemon said as it teleported away.

The Mage's guild has a way to track the summoning of daemons to their origin point and will see all of the bodies here and assume it was the Eight Fingers. Akasha has already started swapping the magicules in the air to seem like it was one of the nobles whose corpse can be found here who summoned it in his dying breath.

"Now that that's done..." I say as I float down with Tuare and Ninya. Both girls run over and hug him but I simply walk down towards where Brain and Zero are dealing currently.


"I am the Strongest in this Kingdom!" Zero yelled as he began charging power in his fist.

"You lot seem to be taking a while." I said as I walked inside.

"Who are you?" Zero asks while slightly frustrated that he was interrupted from his cool moment.

"I am Momon, trash. Adamantite-Class Adventurer and Majin." I say while pulling out my blade.

"Adamantite hu? Oh yeah, you were supposed to be coming too" Brain said cockily while sheathing his weapon.

"Lord Momon!" Climb yelled. He remembers me from when I visited before and seems happy.

"Tch! It doesn't matter. With my limitless stamina and various martial arts, you stand no chance!" Zero said as he shifted his attention towards me and threw a punch which I stopped with my finger.


Everyone was surprised by my display and Zero even began panicking before jumping back and aiming apex preditor under the sun to empower himself further. After a moment, all of his various magical tattoos were glowing and his magicule's density increased threefold.

"Now let's see you stop me!" He said as he ran towards me.

"You know, there is one creature you missed when naming all the mighty creatures of the world, well several actually, but that's beside the point," I said remaining completely still.


A massive fist the size of my head slammed into my center and a large gust of wind blew dust everywhere.

"The Dragon" I finished before I thrust my hand through his chest, trapping his still-beating heart. From the other side of Zero's body, Brain, Climb, and that other old dude were shocked. My hand was in a three-pronged shape similar to Sabo's from One Piece. I looked at zero with an evil smirk as he looked back at me with horror in his eyes before the light faded from them completely.

I let go of his heart and pulled out my hand before pushing over Zero's body. I held up my hand for them all to see before it glowed green and the gore was immediately removed with magic. Brain smirked and Climb looked happy before Sebas, Tuare, and Ninya walked in.

"I must thank you for your help in this matter, Lord Momon." Climb said before I simply waved him off.

"It's fine, it's fi-" I started talking humbly before faking a look of extreme shock and panic before I ran out the door. Everyone was confused except for Sebas and Rory, who was hiding in my shadow currently.

The moment I stepped foot outside I cast {Fly} and zoomed off to the location of where Blue Roses and Shizue encountered Diablo as 'Ordog'. They were currently fighting. Tia, Tina, and Lakyus were badly injured and Gagaran was dead. Shizue had sustained some wounds along with Evileye. 'Ordog' was also injured, though he always regenerated from any injury. Suddenly, their situation changed for the worse when a hug aura entered their senses, equal in terms of power to the demon in front of them.

"Ordog, you disgrace. You were stopped by such lowly creatures?" A demonic voice said as all the combatants were frozen with fear (except for Shizue who was acting).

"Don't look down on them, Jaldabaoth. They are 'Adamantite'" Ordog said with amusement in his voice. He was clearly playing with them and they knew it. Blue Roses even thought that if it wasn't for Shizue being paired with their group, then they wouldn't have survived against this Ordog character by himself. They were barely holding on as it was, but now their are two of him.

"Hurry up. Stop playing with your food and kill them. I don't like leaving our forces alone for so long." Jaldabaoth said as he landed next to him.

"Fine fine. I guess the lot of you will be seeing your friend again soon. Oh, wait, no you won't, because I'm about to eat your souls!" Ordog yelped in glee before charging up a magicule attack that could level 5 city blocks.

"Time for these bitches to go. Goodbye!" Ordog yelled as he fired the attack.

Shizue jumped in front of the team and used 'all of her power' to conjure a huge torrent of flame on her sword before thrusting forward and colliding with the magical orb of power,


The explosion could be heard across the city and all of Blue Roses were thrown backward. After a moment, they got up and looked at Shizue in time to see her being held up by her throat by Ordog.

"Impressive. Oh how I will love to break you and that defiant spirit in your eyes!" the demon grinned. He reached for Shizue slowly before stopping.

Blue Roses and Jaldabaoth looked confused before they all heard a whistling sound coming from above.

"SMASH!" I yelled as I meteor punched Ordog in the face, blasting him away and catching Shizue in a princess carry.

Ordog's white majin mask was broken with the entire think resembling shattered glass rather than the imposing ceramic white mask which was devoid of all markings or holes to see out of now gave way to a face full of blood with angry bloodshot eyes and a veiny disgustingly burned and deformed face.

He got up with difficulty while Jaldabaoth watched on. His Frog-like appearance seeming to grimace at the sight of me.

"Momon! What are you doing here!?! I thought you ran off to serve that new Demon Lord Rimuru rather than joining us! All we need are a few thousand human souls and we will evolve into Demon Lords!" Jaldabaoth explained.

He was purposefully giving up information for Blue Roses to hear so that they will know why they are attacking.

"Demon Lord Rimuru represents everything you two are not! He is kind, just, and empowers us all! You were fools to flee from his offer of servitude when he forbade you from killing humans." I said, making up a riveting backstory for us all.

"He is a fool! He doesn't even know that the humans are planning to invade Jura soon! His reign will be short and his legacy will be that of a fool who tried to bargen with fire to not burn down his home!" Jaldabaoth said before Ordog charged at Shizue and I at supersonic speed.

"Tch! No, you don't! {Crystal wall}!" Evileye yelled out as a wall of Crystal erupts in front of us, only to be immediately shattered by Ordog like it wasn't even there.

I put down Shizue and slam into Ordog's gut with an open palm before a shockwave errupts from Ordog's body. He spits up blood and looks up at me only to by punched in the gut again.

Ordog bends over, really in pain that time, while I bend in to whisper into his ear. "That's for holding up Shizue by her neck. Not cool dude." I said before giving him a spin kick which sent him flying into the treeline.

"it seems you have become stronger. Before you were the weakest of the three of us." Jaldabaoth claimed before he grew metallic claws and began shipping the air with wide arcs, sending wind blades towards me.

"{Rho Aias}!" I yell as the familiar pink flower shield appears in front of us and blocks the attack, but not before Blue Roses saw the air blades cleave right through Gagaran's Adamantite Harhamer like butter. They all sweat-dropped before Lakyus began reviving Gagaran and Shizue gave everyone potions.

Jaldabaoth sighed before retracting his claws and Ordog appeared next to him completely fine. His clothes were bloodied and his mask broken, but it looked like he had regenerated from all the damage he had sustained. He looked ready to go for round two but was stopped by Jaldabaoth raising his hand.

"While killing you would bring me nothing but the deepest of pleasures, I am afraid that our time is up. We have a ritual to attend to. Good day." Jaldabaoth said as he and Ordog disappeared.

"They're gone for now..." I said.

"Lord Momon!" Lakyus called out while walking towards me. She was a little beat up but otherwise fine after drinking the potion. It wasn't a Full Potion, since those are reserved for my own nation and if any go missing or leave my borders without my permission Akasha instantly ruins the liquid.

Being able to bend reality for petty reasons is so convenient.

"You are Lady Lakyus if I am not mistaken?" I say casting {Greater Healing} over the hole group, recovering them fully.

"Yes. I am Lakyus of Blue Roses. It is an honor to meet you in person. Thank you for assisting us." She says as she bows.

"It is no trouble, adventurers have to stick together right?"

"L-Lord Momon." Evileye squeaked out before composing herself. Unfortunately, this was all caught by Blue Roses and Shizue despite her trying to hide it. "You knew those two daemons before?"

"Unfortunately. We grew up together and were close once, but those two began to hate humans and try to conquer and dominate them. I never liked hurting innocents, so naturally, we fought, but I was too weak to stop them, so they continued to torment humans until we were all defeated by Lord Rimuru. He offered his hand to us and wanted us to work for him in exchange for our lives and to atone for our crimes. When they did that, I took an offer to join Lord Rimuru but the others refused. The only reason they are alive is that I begged Lord Rimuru to spare them, though I now see that as a mistake." I said, creating a decent backstory for our interactions in the future.

"I see. Is there anything you can tell us about those fiends? Anything helps, especially if they are planning to kill a huge amount of people to awaken as Demon Lords." Lakyus said.

"Fiendish Boss has a point," Tia said.

"Evil Boss hit the nail on the head." Tina repeated.

I looked at the two of them with half-closed eyes while Lakyus became beat-red. I just visibly sighed and told them that Ordog was incredibly physically powerful with Regen and infinite stamina, though he is susceptible to fire. He also doesn't think with his head and is wildly sadistic and likes to torture his victims. Jaldabaoth was a magic genius but wasn't great at CQC. He is a complete sociopath who cares about nothing other than his own goals and only kept Ordog and me around to stroke his ego when we praise him for his genius.

After we finished talking, a giant bright light appeared in the center of the noble district in the Capital. Flames rose a hundred feet tall into the night sky and shined with a multitude of colors. I could see many shadowy creatures crawling around the parameter, though each of them was concealed with illusion magic to appear as though they were low and mid-level daemons.

"What is that!" Gargaran yelled as she walked over, having woken up a few minutes ago and finally shaking off her grogginess at the sight.

"Jaldabaoth you bastard!" I said.

"What are they?" Evileye asked.

"Jaldabaoth said that they had a 'ritual' to attend to. I think he is trying to cheat the system by using the Flames of Gehenna." I said.

"Momon-san what are the Flames of Gehenna?" Shizue asked.

"Flames that dramatically raise the power of daemons and monsters inside their radius. Jaldabaoth and Ordog aren't strong enough to evolve into Demon Lords even with all the souls they require, but if they are powered up by Gehenna's Flames..." I implied.

"We need to move. We should regroup with Princess Renner's forces and the other adventurers as soon as possible." Lakyus said before Blue Roses, Shizue, and I began to run for the Castle.

'All according to plan' I thought.

Slightly longer chappy today. Hope you like it.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts