
That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix

In the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime there are seven sins. Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. But what if there was one more sin, a sin that everyone who knew about it thought it was almost impossible to obtain. Follow our young mc as she tries to find her place in the world, while trying to get over her horrific past. This is the story of the sin of Sorrow. I do not own that time I got reincarnated as a slime everything belongs to their respected owners. I also don't have any right to the image above. If the artist wants me too I will take it down.

Dark_light · Tranh châm biếm
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200 Chs

Chapter 27 Preparing For Battle


"God damn it Steve, why are you like this?"

"Would you two shut up! The creator is trying to work" Yama yelled at the two Wraiths as he had become quite annoyed with them.

"Sorry sir"

"Just ignore them and concentrate on the task at hand" Mika said while patting me on the back.

"Easy for you to say, your not the one literally creating life here"

I was currently concentrating pretty hard on what I was doing while trying my best to ignore everyone around me. I was in the Junkyard standing in front of one of the broken ships that littered the whole area. Compared to the last time I was here the place was rather barren to say the least, most of the stuff that used to be here was either already repaired completely by me a while ago or was used in fixing up the town.

I stood there sweating a little as I pulled out more and more black blood from the abyss, I also focused hard on keeping the large artificial soul in place as it began to fuse with it's new body. After about a minute more of this and a little waiting for the soul to fully fuse my job was finally done, I then watched as the once broken and run down ship began to be covered in a ghostly green mist, seconds later the ship slowly but steadily began to rise up into the air. As it got higher in to the sky what looked like a group of ghostly skeletons slowly appeared on it's deck as several cannons also appeared and were made out of the creepy green mist that surrounded the whole ship.

"Finally done" I said as I collapsed backwards on to the ground completely exhausted.

I have been working non stop since the last meeting a couple of days ago and to say I was tired was a very large understatement, even my skills that specifically helped me deal with this kind of thing couldn't keep up with how tired I was actually feeling at this very moment. As I lay there panting to myself I looked up at the thirty to forty massive ships that were floating high up in the sky. I had created them to help with air combat and support in the upcoming battle, they were flying ghost ships or to be more precise they were called Abyssal phantom wrecks. They had some intelligence but they were unable to speak and weren't able to use thought communication, however, they were still able to understand orders and protect themselves so it was fine.

"You should really get some sleep, you look exhausted" Mika said while looking down at me concerned.

"No! I wouldn't have ever figured that one out, thank you, seriously, thank you for the great world shattering news you have bestowed upon me, truly this have changed my life completely" I said with a lot of tiredness and sarcasm in my voice.

"Okay that's enough sass from you, but anyway, you do really need to get some rest"

"Sigh. Yeah, I get it, I really do, but the battle will be starting sometime pretty soon so I needed to get everything ready before hand" I spoke while waving my hand at her dismissively.

"I know that but it will take us at least a couple of hours to get everyone ready and updated as well as a day to actually reach our destination anyway, so you have time to rest up now while we do the rest of the work"

"Fine but later, right now there's still things that I need to check on, for instance I need to meet up with Kaen before he and the other Harbingers head out on their mission" this got me an eye roll from her.

"I can do that for you, right now you must rest my Mistress" Fuyuko said as she seemed to appear out of nowhere, usually that would have scared that crap out of me but I've gotten used to it at this point.

"You too huh" I grumbled while looking at her getting a glare in return.

"Fine... I'll take a break, only because if I don't do it you guys will keep pestering me about it all the time until I do, however, after this I'm getting to work again if there is anything else that needs doing around here" I said finally giving in to there demands.

"Good, now if you don't mind me I have to go and check with the others about the current state of our forces" Mika said as she vanished an reappeared close to Yama and everyone else.

"I must be going as well Mistress but please, do try and get some rest, after all, you are also very important to the plan"

"Yeah yeah, I understand" I said waving her off lazily.

"Mistress, I am being serious. You. Better. Get. Some. Sleep" she said while glaring at me again.

"Okay Okay I get it, I promise that I'll rest for a while before doing anything else"

(Scary) I thought with a shiver.

"....You better" she said while sending me one last glare before walking off to do whatever it was that she needed to do.

(Aren't I supposed to be the leader around here) I thought with a sigh.

(Let's just hope that everything goes well... god damn it, who the hell am I kidding, it never goes well) I rolled on the ground as I thought about all the crap that could go wrong.

"Maybe I should just head back to the castle... the flight back may actually help me clear my head, even if only a little" I said while sitting only to collapse back down when another wave of intense tiredness hit me.

"Yep, that's not happening"

"Miss Suu, are you doing well?" I suddenly heard the very familiar voice of Gramps, I turned my head to see that he was walking over to me with a smile on his face.

"Oh... hey old man. Also yeah... sigh, I'm fine, well mostly fine I guess"

"It would seem to me that you have quite a lot on your mind now a days young one" he correctly judged my situation as he sat down next to me cross legged.

"Well of course, after all, I am literally about to lead an army into a possible war zone, an army that I gave life and sentience too, I might add. And finally, there is a somewhat big chance that a lot of them will die with out me being there to help them at all.... god, now I know how dad felt when we had to fight the orc lord" I explained while imagining the deaths that were coming.

"Are they really just an army to you or are they something more?" He asked with an unreadable and blank expression on his face.

"What! Of course not they're.... they're my responsibility after all, I was the one that brought almost all of them into this world when I created them, so of course there my responsibility to take care of and protect yet here I am asking them to fight a war for me that has nothing to do with them what's so ever. I mean it's not that much a stretch to call me their mother at this point... which is a very strange thought that makes me feel very weird and uncomfortable, but anyway, you get the point that I'm trying to make" I explained while looking down.

"So you care for them?" He asked with the same unreadable expression.

"Yeah, of course I do... why wouldn't I care about them?" I looked over at Mika and the others who were bickering about something and found myself smiling fondly for some reason.

I had to admit, I had become pretty close to the small group of idiots, it was a similar feeling that I got from Zeref and the others. I couldn't stop myself from chuckling a little as I continued to watch them from my lying position, they had honestly become like family to me at this point.

[Bonds have been made]

(I was wondering when that would happen...) I thought with a small smile on my face.

"Well then, if you really do want to protect them then I'll give you a small piece of advice that I think you need to hear"

"Oh, and what would that be exactly?" I asked curiously.

"In this world a single person can do almost anything they want as long as they have enough personal power, of course this kind of power is something that only a very small minority can manage to reach. It's the kind of power that lets you destroy whole nations with ease or just raise the dead back to life, it's the kind of power that allows you to stand above everyone else because no one wants to anger you. With that kind of power and strength you can do practically anything you so desire without any consequences" he explained while looking up at the sky.

"And how is that supposed to help me?" I asked not understanding were he was going with this.

"Sigh... child, you are incredibly strong, especially for someone your age, even if you are a legendary creature like a Phoenix it still quite impressive. So what I'm trying to say is rather simple all things considered... stop limiting yourself and your skills already, use your powers to the fullest and stop worrying about collateral damage, just fight, fight like the legendary monster your supposed to be" he said with a calm yet knowing expression on his face.

"Huh?" I looked at him slightly confused for a second as he got to his feet and walked away from me.

"Wait, what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I yelled after him but got no response to my question.

(What does that even mean...? I mean come on, sure I do hold back sometimes but if I don't restrain myself a little I might cause a hell of a lot of damage, also there's the fact that I could lose it again. Sigh, I suppose he does have a point though, if I want to protect them all I can't really afford to be holding back at a time like this, it is a fucking war after all and who knows what could happen if I keep restraining myself all the time) I thought while letting out a long breath.

(Well... well I guess that I can think about it more after I get some much needed rest but right now I need to check on something real quick) I thought as I stretched my body out a little.

"I just hope that they're ready for what is to come, after all, we will be needing them in the upcoming battle so I hope they are prepared" I spoke to myself while activating my Thought communication skill.


'Yes my queen' a strange almost insect like voice answered back from the other side of the link, the person who spoke said so in a sencia and almost reverent way.








'Ready your swarm, we have a cult to destroy'

(A/N. God, I love cliffhangers, don't you? Anyway, hope you are looking forward to the upcoming battle)