
That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix

In the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime there are seven sins. Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. But what if there was one more sin, a sin that everyone who knew about it thought it was almost impossible to obtain. Follow our young mc as she tries to find her place in the world, while trying to get over her horrific past. This is the story of the sin of Sorrow. I do not own that time I got reincarnated as a slime everything belongs to their respected owners. I also don't have any right to the image above. If the artist wants me too I will take it down.

Dark_light · Tranh châm biếm
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200 Chs

Chapter 19 Touring The Town

(A/N. Sorry for the late update, I was a bit busy yesterday. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, my sleeping pattern is shit right now)

(God damn it, why the hell did you stick her with me)

"Birdy, hurry up already" a very excited Milim yelled in annoyance.

"Hurry up, hurry up, HURRY UP"

(I swear that I will get you back for this dad, just you wait)


"Oh who might this be. Hi there little runt"


All we could do was watch as Milim punched Gabiru in the face sending him flying off into town. For a moment we just stood there in stunned silence only moving when we saw Milim start walking after him.

(Well, she lasted five seconds..... why do I have the feeling that this is some kind of record for her)

It didn't take us all that long to catch up to Gabiru, in fact we were able to see him land painfully on the road. Sadly he ended up destroying part of it in his landing. I could only sigh as I watched the hard work of the builders be ruined in a single day.

"Do you have a death wish, call me a runt again I dare you"

(Well at least she was holding back a lot compared to when she hit me)

"Listen, I promised Rimuru that I would behave so I only used a bit of my power but next time I won't be so generous"

"I think you knocked him ou-" I was cut off when Gabiru suddenly sat up from his laying position and screamed in apparent pain.

"I stand corrected"

"Look there's father, he's waving at me from across the river to the great beyond" Gabiru was apparently still a little dazed.

"Your father's still alive you dork" Rimuru said slightly amused.

"Huh? By the way who is this litt- grown up looking lady" Gabiru quickly corrected himself when Milim growled at him.

"This is Milim, word is that she's a demon lord"

"Wait, SERIOUSLY!" Gabiru's mouth was wide open in shock.

"I get it but be chill dude"

"See, even he can't believe your a demon lord" this got me an annoyed glare from Milim.

"Listen here Milim, you can't just go around slugging the crap out of people when you get mad" Rimuru lectured her.

"Hmmmm. Well he shouldn't have insulted me, it's not my fault he can't handle how i say hello"

"No one can handle how you say hello, so don't do it" Milim puffed out her cheeks angrily at this.

=========sometime later==========

Rimuru had called a town meeting to introduce milim to everyone. We had set up a podium where me, Rimuru and milim were now standing. While we were setting up everything I told Rimuru what happened in side of the abyss, to say he was surprised would be an understatement.

"Allow me to introduce you all to our new ally. She is visiting here as a special guest so please treat her with respect"

"Hi, I'm Milim Nava"

"No way, Milim as in the demon lord"

"I never thought there would come a day where I'd get to meet her in person"

"Your the greatest lord Rimuru"

"Wow, to think he befriended such a tyrant. Thanks to his efforts tempest might be able to exist in peace from now on"

"See, I told you I was a demon lord" Milim whispered to me with a smug grin.

"You still look ridiculous though"

For just a moment Milim glared at me before a mischievous smile appeared on her face. She then turn back to the small crowd of monsters.

"I'll be living here starting today, thank you"

"WHAT!" me and Rimuru yelled at the same time.

However much to my dismay the crowd started cheering happily at this declaration. I could only grown in annoyance as I had an idea on where this was going.

"You mean like live here, live here" Rimuru asked.

"Yeah, what else would I mean. I'm really excited to start living in your monster town"

"Errrr. W-well right what she said, starting today we have a new resident" the crowd cheered again.

(God damn it)

"And if you need anything at all I'm happy to help" the crowd cheered once more.

(You win this round Milim, you win this round) I thought in defeat.

"Yeah. I know, it just doesn't feel quite right does it" Milim looked down at Rimuru.

"Wait, you heard that?"

I looked at the two with slight confusion for a moment, I didn't understand what they were talking about. Milim seem to think for a second before continuing.

"I think we're not actually friends...."

"We're best friends!" the crowd was basically screaming at this point.

"Huh?" I watched as Milim suddenly picked Rimuru up and was now holding him above her head.

"Best friends?"

"We are, r-right?"

Milim was now looking at Rimuru with teary eyes. Seeing this, even I had to admit she looked a little cute.

"We're definitely besties, hey everyone were besties for esties" Rimuru said while panicking.

"besties for esties"

"besties for esties"

"besties for esties"

I had to cover my ears because of how loud the crowd had gotten. I could barely hear a thing when Milim said something to Rimuru. It took a minute for everyone to calm down but I could finally hear again.

"Hehehe" I turned to see Milim sticking her tongue out at me.

"Got something to say?" We glared at each other until Rimuru finally had enough.

"Okay, if you two insist on arguing with each other so much then you can continue arguing some where else. Suu please give Milim a tour around town, you two can consider this a punishment"


=========flashback over=========

So here I am being forced to show this so called demon lord around. All because Rimuru wants me and milim to get along, well that's was he says anyway. I think he just doesn't want to deal with her so he made me do it instead.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming already and for fuck sake stop shouting"

"I wouldn't have to shout if you weren't so slow"

"Yeah yeah whatever, are you coming or not" I said as I walked past her.


After that we started to walk around town, I showed her the different shops and even the training ground. Something that i had noticed was the fact that a lot of the towns people would completely stop what they were doing just so they could look at us as we walked passed.

This was one of the things that I have never managed to get used too, even after living here for several months. It just feels.... strange, going from nobody giving a damn about you to being one of the most important people in a town.

"Hey, what's that smell?" Milim asked while drooling.

"It's probably just one of the food stands" I unconsciously said while still lost in thought.

We walked for a bit more until we reached a crossroads, I could see the food stand at the end of one of the paths. I glanced over at Milim only to see her looking at the stand with hungry eyes.

"Sigh..... you want to go get some?"

She didn't even take the time to answer me before dashing over to the stand. It took me a second to register what just happened, once I took a moment I walked over to her. She was excitedly jumping up and down at the back of the small line.

(I don't get it, how can she be so care free like this all the time.... I guess that's why she annoys me so much because I just ca-)

"Hey!" I jumped backwards when I realized that Milim was right in front of my face.


"Here, I got you one" she says as she hands me a meat kebab.

"Errrm. Thanks, i guess"

Milim started eating with a happy expression on her face, I on the other hand was a bit confused. After a second of thought I started eating as well, even though I didn't really need too.

(I.... i guess she is not all that bad after all) as I thought I didn't notice the slight blush that started to appear on my face.

Afterwards the two of us continued around the town while eating different types of foods. Eventually we had to come to a stop as i needed a minute to think on where to head next.

"Lady Suu"

"Huh?" Turning around I found the twins excitedly running towards me.

"What's up?"

"Lady Suu, lord Rimuru told us something that you are gonna want to hear" Yin said with sparkly eyes.

I was about to ask what was so exciting when Yang noticed Milim standing behind me. With a curious expression she looked back at me.

"Lady Suu who is this?"

"Oh right, this is demon lord Milim Nava"

"Your a demon lord!"

"So cool"

"And as for these two. Demon lor- lady, errrm... how do I address you?" I asked.

"Just call me Milim"

"I thought only Dad was allowed to call you that" I pointed out.

"Well.... your his daughter so I don't mind as much" she looked away with her cheeks puffed out.

".....Anyway, Milim this is Yin and Yang"

"Hey" Milim gave them a wave and they shyly waved back

"Now what was it that you two wanted to tell me?"

"Oh right, lord Rimuru told us that while we were gone they finally finished the hot springs"

Hearing this made me very excited, I've been wanting to try this since Rimuru came up with the idea. As thanks for the information I patted them on the heads which got me a purr in return.

"Before we head there would you mind telling me where Zeref and Kuro are?" I was curious.

"They both went off to do their own thing. Zeref when to take a nap and I think Kuro is going to meet up with Geld" Yang answered me.

"Alright, let's go then"


"What is this place, it's so warm an relaxing"

"I guess we can agree on something after all"

Me, milim, Shuna, Shion and the twins were all relaxing in the hot spring. I had never been in one so this was a pleasant new experience for me, in fact I was enjoying it so much I didn't even notice that there was someone else in the bath with us.

"One of the dwarf brothers went and made it for me. It's a bath that uses the local hot springs" it was at that moment when I noticed Rimuru who was in his slime form.

"Wow it's so big, you can even swim"

Shion and the twins looked as if they wanted to swim around the bath as well, unfortunately for them Shuna stopped them from doing so.

"You shouldn't be swimming in the bath. You three shouldn't either"

The twins and Shion looked rather down after that, however there expression soon changed when they noticed something. Milim and Shuna also noticed it, the only one who hasn't yet is Rimuru.

[WARNING. Imminent danger detected, chance of survival 63%]

"What danger?"

[Turn around]

"Huh?" Rimuru slowly turned around to see what was going on.

"Oh, S-Suu what's up"

Rimuru had finally noticed the dark aura that was surrounding me. I stood there covering myself while glaring at him. It seemed to take him a second to realise what was going through my head.

"N-now Suu I kn-know this looks bad but I..... i don't have a gender so I-it's fine hehe, right?"

Before he could say anything more, I kicked him as hard as I could. He let out a scream as he went flying over the wall into the male side of the hot spring.



///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

Bonded (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro)

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

Abyssal heart.(Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none
