
That Mage Has A Damn AK-47

After being betrayed by his friends, because of a magic cube he picked up. Chase finds himself reincarnated into a fantasy world. In this world knights,magic and witches realky exist. Lucky for him he ends up being reborn as the sin of a baron. Unfortunately life as a peasant would have been better, because all his brothers try to kill him every chance they get. Luckily the heavens blessed him with a system, that hr van use to summon modern soldiers from Earth. Join Chase in his advantures to conquer this new world and become a mighty emperor. Note: I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I can't write to save my life. Like was a D student in highschool despite being English. Despite that, I don't want you to give up on my novel, just because my word structure sucks. I'm gonna try as hard as possible to transfer what's in my mind, to the canvas. If you like my story after all that, please drop a like. Thanks for even taking the time to read this.

Neon_Celo · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Chaos

Meanwhile back in the middle of Black Iron Mountain Ridge

A blue haired young man was currently laying in a carriage eating fruit. Besides him were to nude women perfoming lewd acts.

*Hmmn, hmmn, this is life." Said the young man with a grin on his face.

"Bang, bang."

"Sir Florian, they are here." Shouted someone from outside the carriage suddenly.

Florian immediately jumped out of the carrige, before walking up to a young man on a horse. With long blond hair, and wearing silver knight armor Dustin Wellam looked like a natural born leader.

"Dustin are your men in position?" Asked Florian.

"Yes, Sir Florian."

"All my archer's have all ready taken up positions according to your instructions." Said Dustin respectfully.

Five minues later Dustin finally came face to face with the enemy, yet it was not the the scary Ghost Blade Army he was expecting.

Intead it was just one man on a horse, followed about 30 other weirdly dressed men behind him. As the moon cleared the cloud's in the night sky, moonlight directly fell on Chase face which immediately silenced the whole ridge because every knight knew who he was.

"That... that...Is yoing lord Chase!" Shouted a knight suddenly.

"Bro- brother, what are you doing here?" Asked Dustin with a bewildered look on his face.

"Dustin, what kind of games are you playing with me?" Shouted Florian suddenly with complete rage.

"Sir Florian, I don't know what–."

"Dustin you piece of trash, how could you let a manage talk to you like that on our own territory!" Shouted Chase while point at Florian fiercely.

"Chase you idiot, Sir Florian was invited here to help us destroy the Ghost Blade Army." Replied Dustin with veins all over his face.

"Now get out of my way, Black Teeth and his Ghost blade army will be here any second." Said Dustin angrily as a red energy barrier began forming all around his armor.

"Ghost Blade army, do you mean these guys?" Said Chase pointing to his soldiers.

Seeing Chase pointing to them, they immediately began stepping outside formation revealing two tied up with their mouths covered. Seeing their faces Dustin almost fell off his horse from shock.

"Imp... Impossible!" Shouted Florian suddenly.

"Ha ha ha, nothing is impossible." Laughed Chase.

"As you can see the Ghost Blade Army has already been defeated by me, Black Teeth and Issac is proof of that."

"But... but how, you don't have any knight's at your side?" asked Dusting.

Yet Chase completely ignored him, as all his attention was on Florian whose were currently glowing with blue light.

"So Sir Florian, how much did Issac have to cough up to get a righteous faction mage like you to commit evil?" Asked Chase.

"That question is irrelevant, because your all gonna die to–."


Florian did not even get to finish his sentence, as a sword passed throw his chest making blood splashed everywhere. Looking at the sword in his chest, all Florian could think about was how he could not sense the assassin at all. Turning around, he could only see a pair of dead eyes staring at him with no emotion. Using his last bit of magic Florian discord something terrifying, his killer literally had no heart beat.

"You demon's!" Shouted Florian.

That was the last he said, before he dropped dead to the ground. Clint on the other hand immediately ran to Chase's side before getting into formation. Issac and Black Teeth looked like their mothers just died, Dustin on the other hand was completely livid.

"You... you... Chase you son of a bitch, you just killed a mage from Nenmore Academy you idiot!" Shouted Dustin

"Is your head filled with cow shit, he literally just admitted that he–."

"It does not matter what his plans were, I could have stil negotiated a deal with him!" Shouted Dustin cutting Chase off.

"Sigh, why am I even arguing with you about this. I should be in a brothel right now celebrating my victory." Said Chase as he began heading back to the fief.


Dustin was so livid that no words were able to come out of his mouth. After calming down, he ordered his men to go clean up the battlefield at the ridge entrance.


"How is that possible, where did he get the help from" murmured Victoria as she looked at the letter in her hands.

"Victoria what's wrong, did something happen to my little Dustin." Asked a silver haired women suddenly with panic on her face.

"Don't worry Angela, it's actually good news." Said Victoria before handing her the letter.

Reading the letter, tear's began to fell from her eyes. She literally began shacking as she quickly had to sit down. Because she knew that after this night, her precious son will never have a chance to become baron. Yet thinking about how his brother saved him, left her torn between hating Chase and appreciating him.

"When will they be back?" Asked Angela.

"They should be back in a few hours, let's go and organize the victory banquet.


After a few hours near day break, the ground began trembling infront of the Wellam Fief gates.

"They are here, they are here." Shouted a guard from on top of the huge wooden walls.

"Commence the festival." Shouted another guard.

Immediately drums and trumpet's began playing as the whole fief turned festive. The residents immediately began singing and dancing.

The Wellam troops were marching through the gates with big smiles on their face. Some held their chest up high, as to show they courage as young women threw flowers at them.

Everybody was happy, except Dustin who was riding his horse with his head down. Different nobles cam up to him, yet he completely ignored them as he headed straight to the castle.

"What's the matter with him, why does he not show me respect at all?" Asked a fat noble covered in gold angrily.

"Ha ha ha, forgive him Sir Arkan. The kid was just bested by his younger brother on the battlefield, so it's understandable that he's not in the mood to talk right now." Said another noble with a grin.

"Dustin honey, where's your brother" Asked Victoria.

Yet Dustin only snorted, before storming of into the castle. Seeing this, his mother and Victoria immediately ran after him.


"Crack, crack, boom bang." sounds rang out as a man was currently busy throwing furniture around.

"That piece of shit is not my son, he's not my son arrgggg!" Screamed the man.

Bodies of dead nobles and knight's layed all around him in pools of blood. Yet continued to grabbed a few tied up nobles, before slamming his fist covered in magic energy threw their chest.

"You son's of bitches, it's because of you that my son's are dead. Tell me now who your working for!" Shouted the man while holding a knight by his throat.

"Baron Dunlath, I don't know we were just following–."


Before he could finish his sentence, a hand covered in flames had already passed through his chest. Baron Dunlath threw the knight's body with the rest of the corpses.

"Following orders huh, well than go follow those orders in the underworld too." Said Baron Dunlath with schorn.


The throne rooms doors suddenly flung open, before a beautiful red haired women walked in and went onto her knees infront of Baron Dunlath.

"Clovis, I beg of you to go save our son. I know he did wrong, but he is stil your son." Said the red head women with tears in her eyes.

"Enough! That demon spawn is not my son." Shouted Barin Dunlath.

"Clovis please, they are going to hurt our son. Please send–."

"Enough! Guard's take Bemia to her room." Shouted Baron Dunlath.

At the same at Dunlath Fief's holy church, Priest Lagann was currently throwing ariund furniture too.

"Those useless bastards those utter morons!" Shouted Priest Lagann.

"Issac you useless piece of shit, you better die in that little shits hands. Because what I will do to you is undescribable!"

"Emil! Have you manage to contain the news." Shouted Priest Lagann suddenly at a young knight besides him.

"Em.., em master... I'm afraid that news of last night's battle has already reach the capital." Said the Emil nervously.

"Dammit, quickly rush to the capital and tell Bishop Carter that I need the Forsaken Legion!"

"But master they can't be controlled, we can't–."

"Stop your blabbering, do as I say!" Shouted Priest Lagann.


Orden Royal Capital City, Crown Prince's Palace.

"Ha ha ha, who would have thought that the great Euric Fletcher's little brother would dying in the hands of a savage." Said a blond young man as he laughed.

"Crown Prince, this is not the time to be exited. Florian's death means–."

"I know what it means Advisor Walter, it's just that I see positives in every situation." Said the Crown Prince as he looked at a grey haird old knight besides him

"But your highness, this will throw the whole order of business in the capital into chaos." Said Advisor Walter with concern.

"That's true, but you forget one thing. Without chaos its impossible for men with ambitions like mine to climb to the heavens and conquer the land's" Said the Crown Prince seriously.

"For 10 years now my Burnside Royal Family, Hell Guard Knight Academy, Nenmore Magic Academy and the Holy Church have been keeping each other in check. Yet with this new force emerging, chaos will once again rain on the lands of Eldorne." Said the Crown Prince.

"But what if it was just Chase is just another mindless barbarian, who simply did not know who Florian was?" Asked Advisor Walter.

"Smh, it really doesn't matter. What matters is how Euric will react to this."

"Come on Euric, get out of your rat hole and go avenge your little brothers dead. Come out and show me how powerful you really are." Murmured the Crown Prince to himself softly as he looked threw his window at Nenmore Magic Academy.


Nenmore Magic Academy

Currently ten men were sitting around a huge table, as they all looked at a scar faced old men sitting at the head of the table.

"The news has been confirmed, Florian Fletcher has indeed died." Said the old man

"Euric I'm sorry for your loss, your brother's death shall be avenged." Said the old man as he looked at one of the hooded man with a fox mask on.

"Thank you master." Replied the man with not bothering to lift his head.

"Bang, Enough of this shit!" Shouted another man with a leapord mask on as he hit the table.

"Why are we stil sitting here, we should be in Purple Moon Forest slaughtering the Wallen Fief right now!"

"We are acting like a bunch of bitches right now, we need to call our enemies–."

"Drustan, shut your damn mouth and let master finish!" Shouted rabbit masked man.

"Are you all done?" Asked the old man eith his eyes clothes.

"Sorry master, it won't happen again." Replied Drustan hurriedly.

"Bang." The huge hall golden doors suddenly flung open.

Followed by two knights and a pair of knight's armor floating in, surrounded by purple magic controlled by the old man. With a wave of his hand they floated on to the middle of the table.

"Speak." Said the old man to the dark armored knight.

"Urrgg, my lord's I'm called John from the–."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your life story tell me about the Battle." Shouted the old man.

"Yes... yes my lord." Said the knight hurriedly.

He immediately began telling everything about the Battle between Chase and the Ghost Blade Army. From the weird magic that was used, to the invisible thunder attacks knights from the Ghost Blade Army died to. He even told them everything Chase said word for word.

"As you can see from the armor, what ever weapons that boy's army wields is beyond anything thr royal family has." Said the old man

"The projectiles that did this damage were not used with magic at all, these are the projectiles pulled from a few dead knight's bodies." Said the old man as mangled bullet projectiles floated to each mask man.

"Dammit, master are you telling me that a new force is currently rising?" Asked a chicken mask man.

"I can't be sure yet Leofric, we should ask him." Said the old man looking at the Wellam Fief.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the Wellam Fief knight spilled all the beans. From the weirdly dressed army that follows Chase around, to the way Florian was killed.

"Wait, are you telling me that my little brother never saw the sneak attack?" Asked Euric suddenly as he jumped from his chair.

"Yes...lord he even looked surpr– "


The knight did not even have a chance to finish his sentence, as he was hit by a magic attack sending him flying.

"Lies,lies lies!" Shouted Euric as he walked up to the knight coverd in black and green magic energy.

"I thought my brother everything he knows, inly a few assassin's can sneak up to my brother like that."

"You can go die now." Said Euric.

"Cough, cough wait lord I have more to say, cough."

"Before your brother fell to the ground, he turn around and said cough,cough." Said thr knight as he coughed up blood.

"You demon's, that's what he said as he looked at the assassin." Said the knight.

"Boom,boom." the 2 knights suddenly exploded as they were hit with by the old nans purple energy blast.

"Euric you shall do nothing, it's clear that this is a trap set by the enemy to test our power."

"For now let's have other forces press Chase Wellam, to see if he is really a vessel for the Demon Army or not."

"Meeting adjourned, Euric come with me." Said the old man as a hidden door appeared behind him.