
That Mage Has A Damn AK-47

After being betrayed by his friends, because of a magic cube he picked up. Chase finds himself reincarnated into a fantasy world. In this world knights,magic and witches realky exist. Lucky for him he ends up being reborn as the sin of a baron. Unfortunately life as a peasant would have been better, because all his brothers try to kill him every chance they get. Luckily the heavens blessed him with a system, that hr van use to summon modern soldiers from Earth. Join Chase in his advantures to conquer this new world and become a mighty emperor. Note: I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I can't write to save my life. Like was a D student in highschool despite being English. Despite that, I don't want you to give up on my novel, just because my word structure sucks. I'm gonna try as hard as possible to transfer what's in my mind, to the canvas. If you like my story after all that, please drop a like. Thanks for even taking the time to read this.

Neon_Celo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Scared Of Nobody

After taking a detour, Chase went back to his base and tied up Issac along with Black Teeth in his HQ. Leaving his soldier's as guard's, he quickly made it back to the fief. Wearing a hood, Chase begaan takig a stroll through the busy streets of the fief.

Sadly the more Chase explored, the angrier he got at what he was witnessing. Poor people were literally laying infront of food shops beggin for food, yet they kept being thrown away by the shops guard's. The streets were dirty with feces laying everywhere as well as rotting animal corpses.The alleyways were dirty and full of prostitutes taking care off clients. Street fights were happening at every corner, yet guard's laid drunk outside tavern's.

Chase knew all this from the memories he received, but to see and smell it personally was a different matter. Needing gold to train and upgrade troops, he had initially set out to introduce some of Earth's inventions here to make some money. Yet seeing how greedy these heartless noble's and business owner's were, he decided to set up his own businesses.

Chase finally stopped at a bustling tavern, which was hidden away in the slums.

After dodging prostitutes and drunks left and right, he finally made it on to the second floor infront of the owner's private room.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"I'm busy fuck off." Shouted a voice from the inside.

"Bang!" Chase suddenly kicked open the door before walking in.

"Who the fu–."

"Malvin you idiot it's me." Said Chase as he removed his hood.

Seeing Chase, the fatty Malvin immediately began to smile before running to Chase and hugging him.

"Bro it's you, I was so worried about you."

"So who are they?" Asked Malvin suddenly.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Chase stop playing, tell me who helped you slaughter the Ghost Blade Army bro?" Said Malvin wide eyed.

"I'll take you to see them later, but now I really need that gold"

"Bro are your backets powerful enough to take on an army of ten thousand knights?" Asked Malvin with a look of hope on his face.

"What the hell you talking about, stop with your stupid questions and go get my money."

"But I need to–."

"Malvin stop messing around and bring my money." Said Chase as he began throwing loose grapes at the fatty viciously.

"It's life and death news, it's imp–"

"Save it, I'm in a hurry." Said chase as he quickly cut Malvin off.

"What's gotten into you bro, you've been acting different since you woke up." Said Malvin with a frown.

"Nothing, I just decided to change my lifestyle." Replied with Chase with a sly smile.

When Chase sent Victoria to Malvin, it was because he had a lot of dirty money hidden away at his tavern. Thats why he did not worry about the fallen soldier's widows kicking up a fuss, because he actually had a lot of money to compensate them with. The previous Chase of Malvin were two of the most crooked nobles in all of the land. From running prostitution rings to literal kidnappings, they organized it all from the dark. That's why Malvin was taken aback by Chase's orders, when he sent Victoria to him.


"Its all there." Said Malvin after throwing a leather bag on the table.

"Bro this bag feels a little light." Said Chase with narrowed eyes.

"It ain't my fault, you're the one who said that I should be generous with fallen knight's compensation" Said Malving while grinning.

"How much did you give them?" Asked Chase with a voice full of anger.

"I gave the widows twenty gold each, as per your instructions." Said Malvin as he nervously backed up.

"Twe...twenty fucking gold coins!" Shouted Chase as he jumped up from his seat.

In Eldorne 100 bronze coins is equal to 1 silver coin, while 10 silver coins are equal to 1 gold coin. Both Squire and Master knights make about 6 silver coins a year, meaning they would need to work about 2 years to even get 1 gold coin. Even uncle Michael the Grand Knight who died protecting Chase, was only making 5 gold a year. So Malvin should at most have given the widows 10 gold, yet he doubled it. Which pissed Chase off, because those same widows are probably already in another knights bed complementing his fighting skills.

"Dammit Victoria, just watch how I punish you." Murmured Chase to himself.

"Bro forget about the money for a second, we have more important things to discuss. For instance the cleaness of your neck, because yourur heads about to roll. Said Malvin wide eyed.

"Stop fucking around we–."

"Here take a look at this" Saiad Malvin as he handed him an item wrapped in cloth.

Slowly opening the the cloth, Chase saw a beautiful blue crystal with a lot of yellow veins inside of it. As he touched it, his hand immediately became hot as veins began to appear on his arm.

"A magic crystal, how the hell did you get it?" Asked Chase completely.

Magic crystals were the official currency of mages and knights in the world of Irimor. Magic crystals were so valueble, that mages would kill their own families for it. Without magic crystals, mages and knights could only really on time and potions to break into the next class. Yet using only one magic crystal,mages and knights saved themselves from three months of magic meditation. not to mention the energy inside is purer, compared to potions that contain all kinds of dangerous component's. that's why they are so rare, with only the big 4 forces in the kingdom having magic crystals. The only way ordering people can get their hands on them, is if it is on sale at Arcanespace Corporation. Arcanespace Corporation is the biggest magic shop in Eldorne, which sells magic crystals on the last day of every month. But people could also try their luck at an auction house, by exchanging rare magic plants for some magic crystals.

"A drunk lumberjack brought it to me, he picked it up from the corps of a dead Wellam Fief guard in misty forest." Said Malvin with a sly smile.

"What does this have to do with my head getting choppeded of ?" Asked Chase with a frown.

"He he he, as I said before I have some life and death news for you." Said Malvin smugly.

"Remember your father's ambush two months ago? Well what if I told you that your father did not die at the hands of some no name bandits."

"Take a look at this." Said Malving as he threw Chase a pendant.

Seeing the pendant, Chase immediately thought about the priest with his 5 guards knights who wore these pendants.They were the ones who followed Reynard and his guard's to the Wellam iron mine. Reynard had called the priest from Dunlath Fief, to come and and cleanse the mine after 10 miners turned crazy and killed each other. The wellam iron mine was actually not man made, but was infact just a cave system that has not been fully explored yet. So everybody immediately thought of demonic entities, that's why the priest from the Holly Church was invited. Sadly tragedy struck when the group was ambushed by bandits. Everybody died, yet the priest and one wellam guard's bodies were strangly never found.

"What are you telling me?"

"The wellam iron mine contains a magic crystals vein!" shouted Malvin excitedly.

"Sigh, unfortunately you will never get to enjoy it, because you will lose your head under your brother's sword."

"I wonder who will get your head first, that dirty priest or your brother." Said Malvin smugly.

"Stop speaking in riddle's you idiot!" Shouted Chase.

"Why are you calling me an idiot, can't you put two and two together you smooth brain. Your brother already knows about the vein too, why do you think he sealed the mine before running to Hoterra County?"

"A light bulb immediately went on in Chase's head when he thought about what happened a week ago. His brother Daniel went out a week ago to inspect the mines again, yet he came back without his guard's and ordered nobody to enter. Right after he and his mother went to Hoterra County in a haste, Hoterra Country also being the home of his friend Timothy Hoterra. 3 days later Count Jacques Hoterra anouched that his only daughter would be getting married, yet nobody knew who she would be wed to.

"Ha ha ha, arrogant bastard serves you right." Laughed Malvin as he saw Chase looking at the ceiling in a daze.

"As we speak your brother is currently marching over here with over 10 000 troops at his side, complements of his father-in-law of course."

"That's why I asked you if your backers were equally as strong, because if not I am afraid that it's time for you to run away my friend." Said Malvin shaking his head.

"Me run, fuck that. I hope his bitch is at his side too, because I want to pipe her down after I whooped his ass." Said Chase before taking a bite out of an apple with a smile while walking away.

"You crazy fucker, don't call out to me when your ass is on that chopping block!" Shouted Malvin in frustration.


"Knock, knock,knock." A knight on a horse suddenly knocked on the door of a moving luxurious carriage.

"What is it? Answered a grey haired old man dressed in all gold from the inside.

"My lord, we have arrived at Bluerose Fief. We are awaiting your orders my lord."

"Good, tell Axel to commence the attack." Said the middle age man as he took sip of wine.

Immidiately the ground started trembling as a cavalry made of of thousands charged past carrige. The cavalry was led by a gold armord knight, sporting a golden horned helmet armed with a huge bred scythe.

"Father-in-law why are we attacking Bluerose Fief, shouldn't we be heading straight to my fief?" Asked a blond man sitting next to the old man.

"Ha ha ha, you're stil wet behind the ears my boy. Though Ascain province borders the wasteland, we would stil need to pass other counties to get here which is dangerous. And since we don't know what other forces know about the vein, we have to set up a supply base before we reach the battlefield. ." Said the old man with a smile.

"Forgive my son for asking such stupid question Count Jacques, his father never taught him any about war." Said a beautiful silver haired mature woman sitting on the other side of the carriage.

"No no no, Lady Stella it's okay. Daniel is now my like my very own son, so it's totally okay for him to ask me anything." Said Count Jacques as he looked at her with lust in his eyes.

"I have to admit though, I never expected your brother to form an allience with a hidden demonic force. But don't worry, I will have you present his head to the Holly Church yourself, this way you could earn a few holly merit points.

Hearing what Count Jacques said, an evil smile emerged on Daniel's face as he thought about Chase getting beheaded.


"Pah, pah, pah.

"Arrgg, I don't know who he is I swear. I only got my orders from pigeon massage's."

"Oh you don't know him huh?"


Chase was currently busy turning Black Teeth's face into a pig head's, as he slapped him left and right.

"For the last time who hired you, and don't lie?" Said Chase while grabbing Black Teeth's neck.

"I don't–."

"So you choosing the hard way huh, okay I will bite." Said Chase cutting him of.

"Clint bring me your rifle!" Shouted Chase.

Clint immediately came into the HQ before presenting his AK-47 to Chase.

"Now tell me, which knee do you like more!" Said Chase.

"Please, you don't know how–."

"Bang." Before Black Teeth could finish his sentence, a shot rang out.

"Arrgggg, my leg aahhh." Screamed Black Teeth in utter pain.

Issac who was chained up to the other side of the wall immediately began pissing himself. He was so scared that he started to shout out everything he knows about priest Lagann.

"ha ha ha, why didn't you speak up earlier. You could have saved his leg you know." Said Chase as he laughed.

"Chase man, my orders were never to kill you. Priest Lagann only wanted us to go mine the vein in secret." Said Issac.

"ha ha ha, you mother fuckers thought that you can just come here and take my shit huh?"


"Noisy fucker."

Without warning, Chase filled Black Teeth's chest with lead killing him instantly. Seeing this scene, Isaac began crying and shaking.

"Don't cry now big boy, you're next?" Said Chase with a grin.

"Chase... Chase brother please, my family will come and pay for my life. Please just wait Chase please!" Shouted Isaac in panic.

"Ha ha ha, okay. I'm giving them a day to come and collect you, if they don't show up it's your ass." Said Chase as he walked away.