
That Mage Has A Damn AK-47

After being betrayed by his friends, because of a magic cube he picked up. Chase finds himself reincarnated into a fantasy world. In this world knights,magic and witches realky exist. Lucky for him he ends up being reborn as the sin of a baron. Unfortunately life as a peasant would have been better, because all his brothers try to kill him every chance they get. Luckily the heavens blessed him with a system, that hr van use to summon modern soldiers from Earth. Join Chase in his advantures to conquer this new world and become a mighty emperor. Note: I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I can't write to save my life. Like was a D student in highschool despite being English. Despite that, I don't want you to give up on my novel, just because my word structure sucks. I'm gonna try as hard as possible to transfer what's in my mind, to the canvas. If you like my story after all that, please drop a like. Thanks for even taking the time to read this.

Neon_Celo · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Ambush

Getting into his secret tunnel, Chase decided to leave his troops there before getting back into his room. Putting new clothes on he immediately made his way to the dining hall, because Carmen was clearly taking to long with that soup. After absorbing all the nemories, Chase finally learn that the big boob maid was actually called Carmen. She was his personal maid, who took care of all his needs.

As soon as he stepped outside, he was immediately left flabbergasted. Because all he could see were a bunch of naked maids running up and down in the halls. From young to old, all of them wore the same outfits as his maid Carmen.Even the silver haird grannies were running around in these outfits.

"Holy shit, Reynard was really one horny bastard."

He knew Baron Reynard required his female workers to dress like this, but knowing it from memory and seeing it up close was totally different.

As he was walking through the halls, the maids kept bowing making their melons bounch up and down. Chase felt sorry for his little brother who was begging to be released from his pants.

"My Lord, My Lord urgent news." suddenly a voice can from behind him.

Turning around he saw a young knight squire out of breath running to him. Equiped in full knight armor, he looked like he was on his way to war.

"Marcus, what the hell are you so excited for."

"My Lord, I'm on my way to the battlefield. I was just sent by Madam Victoria to inform you that Sir Malvin has indeed repayed your favor."

"Okay, that's good. But why are you armed when war is practically over?"

"That's exactly the reason I'm current armed young Lord, Black Teeth's Ghost Blade Army has totally destroyed the Dunlath army in an ambush.

"Shit, that's not good."

"Not at all young lord, because the Ghost Blade Army is currently making their way here."

"But that's not a course for concern accourding to madam Victoria, Because 2nd young Lord Dustin has invited a 5th rank adept mage from Nenmore Magic Academy." Said Marcus excitedly.

Chase new all to well how powerful a 5th rank adept mage was. Mages and Knights were both split into 8 clases, with each class further split into 6 ranks. An adept mage was only 3rd in the class rankings, yet any high rank adept mage could easily destroy an earth class knight. His father Reynard was an earth class knight, yet any adept mage from Nenmore Magic Academy could kill him.

"Let me guess, she sent you here to tell me to flee immediately right?" asked Chase with a smile on.

"Uh... uh, that's right young Lord." Said Marcus hurriedly.

"Tell Victoria not to worry, im already done packing I'll be out of here in 30 minutes." said Chase before hurriedly going to his room.


Outside Wellam Fief's territory on the outside of Black Iron Mountain Ridge, an army of a thousand troops were currently marching. Drums were echoing throughout the forest, as the troops were singing war songs no stop.

"Ha ha ha, I stil can't believe you're so cold blooded. To kill you own brothers, is something I never expected from you Baron Isaac Dunlath." Said a scared face man with black teeth.

"Shut up Black Teeth, you know it's a taboo to throw around that title when my father is stil alive."

"Dont worry, after this mission is complete your father will be meeting your brothers soon enough." Said Black Teeth with a grin.

"By the way, what's the mission report" Asked Isaac.

"Dustin Wellam has set up an ambush with an army of 500 in the middle of Black Iron Mountain Ridge for us."

"The kid really thinks that he can trap and slaughter our army. Unfortunately his archers can't do nothing against our shields, this will be another slaughter fest." Said Black Teeth with a grin.

"Just make sure you kill as little of the Wellan troops as you can." Said Issac.

"Why in the hell would I do that, this is a war not a fist fight" Protested Black Teeth

"Idiot, a fief without an army is useless. Dustin and Daniel are already hated by their own citizens in Wellan Fief. If I am able to kill Dustin, his troops would immediately switch sides."

"Okay, that makes sense. But how are you gonna able to kill him between all those troops.

"Dont worry, the Heavenly Church Provides." Said Isaac with a grin.


Meanwhile at the entrance of Black Iron Mountain Ridge, Chase was currently laying in wait with his 30 soldiers.

"Alright, Squad Leader Pipes I want you to take your squad and set up position on the other side of the cliff.

"Yes sir." Shouted soldier before taking his leave with nine other soldiers behind him.

"Squad Leader's Max and Clint, I want you take up position up on cliff's on my left."

Seeing the 3 squad leaders leading the soldiers, Chase could not help but get nod his head in excitement. This was a feature provided by te system itself, it assigned certain troops to act as leaders for troops Chase summons. He only needed to give them name's to command them more easily.

After getting the info from Marcus, Chase quickly went and gatehered his troops before taking a detour through the forest. He knew that his brother planned to ambush the enemy in the middle, so he ran to the entrance to set up his own ambush. He did not care about no credit, he just wanted everyone to know that he ain't somebody to fuck with.

"Krrrgg, krrggg, krrrggg," Suddenly Chases radio went off.

"Status report soldier, krrgggg" Said Chase.

"Krrrggg, The enemy is 50 meters from target position Sir, krrgg."

"Krrggg, Okay fall back to your position."

As Chase began to listen, he began to hearing the war cries of thousands of soldiers. The ground was trembling as they marched forward in unison. Seeing all those soldiers made Chase's heart want to jump out of his chest, yet he mustered up his courage and began preping his magic attacks.


Back inside Black Iron Mountain Ridge.

"Hold, hold." Shouted Black Teeth suddenly as he look around vigilantly.

"Black Teeth what the hell are you doing." Shouted Isaac seemingly irritated at him taking command.

"Shhh, my instincts are never wrong. Something is def–."

Yet before he could finish his sentence, crimson lighting bolts suddenly came down from the cliffs and struck the troops. The ten crimson lightning bolts were dancing like snakes, as they jumped from one knight to the other.



"Skrrreee, skreee, skree."

"Sraaaaa, sraaa."

"Arrgg, my eyes I can't see."

"Arrrgg, water give me water please, put it out."

"My arms, my arms."

Black Teeth watched helplessly as his knights were being cooked alive.Some were desperately trying to get out if their armor, as their clothes beneath had caught fire."

"It's an ambush, raise your shield's." Shouted Isaac hurriedly.

just as they were getting to their offensive positions, a large number of knights suddenly began falling to the ground as sounds of thunder echoed throught the ridge.

"Bang,bang, bang,bang."

"Drrrr, drrrrr, drrr."

"Ting, ting, tang, tang."

Sounds of metal hitting metal followed by large claps of thunder rang out non stop throughout the ridge. Everywhere Isaac looked his troops were dropping to the ground like flies. Arms and legs were flying everywhere as the assault continue.

"Isaac, Isaac you fool pull up yourself together! Shouted Black Teeth trying to make Isaac come back to reality.

"Huh?" Asked Isaac stil in a trance.

"You fool, we have to retreat immideadly." Shouted Black Teeth with a look of panic on his face.

"Yes, yes sound the drums." Said Isaac as he regained his fighting spirit.

Yet just as they turned around burning lava rocks began suddenly fell from the sky, setting his men on fire. Followed by another barrage thunderous bangs.

Issac saw hundreds of his men get ripped apart limb from limb. Some were so badly mangled that they were pleading for death, yet their cries fell on death ears during the chaos.

All Isaac could think about at the moment, was what type of magic was being used against him and his troops. In all his life he has never heard of a mage that can summon lightning and lava rocks.

Suddenly as he looked up five huge balls of ice began falling from the sky, luckily Black Teeth tackled him out of the way. Yet some of his troops were not so lucky, as they were crushed. Although they did not die, they suffered broken legs and arms.

"Issac you idiot, isn't that mage supposed to be on our side." Shouted Black Teeth angrily.

"He... uh he, I don't know what's happening." Said Isaac in dispair as tears began rolling down his face.

He was only 16 after all, so he was very much scared of death. Not to mention he might fall into the enemies hands, he did not want to imagine the tortures they will put him through.

"You.. you, wait a minute the the attacks have stopped." said Black Teeth in surprise.

"Thats right, quicky let's get out of here." Said Issac as he jumped on a horse.

Yet just as he was on, he heard a loud bang before his horse collapse with him on top of it.

"Where the hell do you think you're going." Said a voice suddenly from on top of the cliffs.

As Isaac and Black Teeth looked up, they saw a tall young blond man step out of the shadows. He was wearing weird clothing, yet it looks very neat and beautiful to them. Behind him 10 other men stepped out as well, dressed in weird clothes they had never seen before. Their faces were covered in war paint, and they each were holding a weird black object with both hands.

Seeing Chase's face Iissac was immediately confused, because Chase was supposed to be dead according to the reports.

"You're, you're Chase Wel–"

"Shut up, who allowed you to talk." Shouted Chase cutting him off.

"All of you drop your wepons, and lay on the ground." Shouted Chase.

Every knight immediately drooped their weapons, before falling to the ground in silence. They were only knight squires and master knights, they had no business being on this battlefield in the first place. The only sound stil on the battlefield were that of the injured knights, they were screaming for their mothers because the pain was so bad.

"Sigh, Clint go finish off the injured." Ordered Chase.

Clint immediately jumped down with his squad, before going to the injured knights and shooting them through their heads. Seeing this scene, Isaac immediately started to piss his pants. Black Teeth was equality terrified of the black objects objects the enemy was wielding.

Bangs continued ringing out for another 5 minutes, as Clints squad walked between the soldiers and finished them of. Sone injured knight's even began thanking Chase, seeing how painlessly they were being killed.

"As for the rest of you, you're free to go." Said Chase.

"Never forget what you saw here tonight, because I want you to go and tell the world about me and the black hand." Shouted Chase.

"Now get the hell out of here, except for Isaac and Black Teeth. You will be my guest for a while"

Those knights immediately jumped up and began running out of the ridge as fast as they can. Seeing this scene a trace of longing appeared on Isaac's face, because he knew what comes next can't be any good. Yet he stil did not have have the guts to quickly slicebhis own throat.

"Clint, tie up those two bitches behind this horse." Said Chase as he got on to the horse.

"Sir Chase, no no I mean Baron Chase Wellam. Is it possible for you to quickly introduce me to the mage on your side. I know we are enemies, but can i atleast see the face of the legendary mage that whipped out my army." Said Isaac suddenly.

According to what Isaac knew about mages, is that they are always in need of gold. So the Wellam Fief must have showered Sir Florian in gold to switch sides. All he needs to do is to meet him, and he will be able to turn this whole battle around by promising him even more gold.

"Wait a minute, why are u so eager to meet our mage?" Asked Chase with a frown.

"Eh, I'm just a huge fan of the arcane arts young lord Chase." Said Issac nervously.

"Nah, I don't believe you." Said Chase

"Wait a minute now, of course it all makes sense now. No wonder you two idiot's were willing to walk into Dustin's ambush, it's because you have an ace at his side.

"Sir Florian is his name if I recall correctly. But how did you two idiots manage to pull a Nenmore student to your side?"

"Young lord Chase, I don't know what–."

"Shut up, there's no reason to waste your breath. I will find out eventually who you two are working for." Said Chase cutting Isaac off.

"Clint, remove your clothes and put on some knight armor." Ordered Chase.

After getting dressed Clint started to run into the forest with a sword in hand, meanwhile Chase continued deeper into the ridge towards Dustin's position.