
That Mage Has A Damn AK-47

After being betrayed by his friends, because of a magic cube he picked up. Chase finds himself reincarnated into a fantasy world. In this world knights,magic and witches realky exist. Lucky for him he ends up being reborn as the sin of a baron. Unfortunately life as a peasant would have been better, because all his brothers try to kill him every chance they get. Luckily the heavens blessed him with a system, that hr van use to summon modern soldiers from Earth. Join Chase in his advantures to conquer this new world and become a mighty emperor. Note: I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I can't write to save my life. Like was a D student in highschool despite being English. Despite that, I don't want you to give up on my novel, just because my word structure sucks. I'm gonna try as hard as possible to transfer what's in my mind, to the canvas. If you like my story after all that, please drop a like. Thanks for even taking the time to read this.

Neon_Celo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Big Tatas Everywhere

"Arrgg my damn head."

"What the hell happened?"

Opening his eyes, Chase found himself in a luxurious room decorated in gold. The most surprising thing was that it was lit up by candles, there were no electric lights in the room at all.

He immidiatly began slapping himself, before opening and closing his eyes again. Yet the scene infront of him remained unchanged, which great startled him because he knew that he should be dead right now.

"My Lord you're awake?" A females cry suddenly came from behind him.

Before Chase could make sense of the situation, a pair of huge breast were pressed into his face.

"My Lord, I thought i had lost you. What would this lonely servant do without you." Cried the beautiful woman as she tightly hugged Chase.

Meanwhile Chase was struggling to breathe between her huge melons, when he final broke lose he took a huge breath of life.

"What in the fu-." Before he could finish his sentence, he was left stunned as he looked at the woman.

Because she was wearing a silk like bikini, if you could even call it a bikini at all because it was so small. That poor bikini was hanging on for dear life, as it struggle to contain her huge smooth white melons. They were the biggest pair of melons Chase had ever seen so up close. Even more outrages, was the tiny panties that covered almost nothing, Chase could literally see all the glory.The only thing that made her look like a maid was her maid headpiece.

"Uh my Lord, I need to go and prepare your breakfast. But in the meantime I don't want you to leave your bed okay." Said they maid before rushing out.

"Holy moly, where the hell am I?"

Just as he was getting up to go explore, he immideadly fell back on his bed as a sharp pain invaded his brain. Different memories began flooding into his head right after.

"Holy shit, I was actually reincarnated!" Shouted Chase softly in amazement.

Turns out that he was currently in a world called Irimor, and the country he currently resided in was called Eldorne. Eldorne consisted of 5 province's, overseen by the 4 Prime Dukes. Except for the Central Province that contained the royal capital, it was overseen by the Archduke who was the head of the Prime Dukes. Eldorne contained another province, yet everyone called it a wasteland because it was just one huge dark and gloomy forest.

Emperor's have come and gone, yet non of them have ever managed to conquer Purple Moon Forest. Even the Heavenly Church has failed to get a foothold in Purple Moon Forest, because the residents thought that they were all swindler's.

This place was exactly where the Wellam Fief was located, making the Wellam Fief basically an independent fief unable to be ruled by the royals.

In this world things like magic and dragons really existed. From orcs to elves, these were beings that really exist in this world.

Chase also learned that magic, witchcraft and witches really existed in this world. Not to mention he was the son of a Baron, who was a powerful knight that could break bowlders one swing of his sword. The previous owner of his body, surprisingly was also named Chase. He was Baron Reynard Wellam's 3rd son, who he loved so much that he made him first in line for the title of Baron. Baron Reynard had 4 wives and 4 sons, with the oldest being 30 and the youngest being 11. Chase's mother was the 3rd wife, sadly she died during child birth. Just 2 months ago his father died too, after an ambush on his way back from the Wellam mines.

Today was the day he should have officially been made baron, according to his fathers wishes.Yet he too was ambushed 2 days ago, during his return from the neighboring Dunlath Fief. Which was quite understandable, considering that the Wellam Fief was really rich. It lied just on the outskirts of Purple Moon Forest, making it a great pitstop for hunters all over the empire. Wellam Fief had over twenty thousand residents, yet it's standing army only numbered two thousand. That's why every neighboring fief's wanted to conquer it, because it had more merchants than knights.

Yesterday when the previous owner woke up, he heard news so devastating that he immediately passed out again. Turns out that his step mom who is also his father's 4th wife attacked the Dunlath Fief out of anger, when she found out that they were part of the ambush. It was a disastrous attack that left have of the Wellam Fief's army dead.

"Phew, what a mess. But atleast I ain't back on Earth no more." Murmured Chase in realief.

Thinking about how he was hunted like a wild animal by his friends, before getting killed made shivers run down his spine. He stil could not believe his own friends killed him just became of that strange cube.

"I wonder what happened to that cube?"

"Ding, System Initializing." Out of nowhere a sound entered Chases ears.

"What The hell!"

"Ding, Chaos Magician System is activated."

"Ding, Initializing magic transfer."

"What's goi...arrgggggg."

That was all he could say, before his whole body began twitching in pain. His blood felt like it was boiling. Each organ felt they were being squeezed by a human hand. It was the worst pain he has ever felt in his life, yet no matter how he screamed no sound escaped his mouth.

The whole process only took a minute, yet it felt like an eternity to Chase. When it was finally over he was covered in sweat.

"Ding, Congradulations host you have received the full inheritence of the Chaos Mage.

"Ding, Base buildings are now open and ready to be summone."

"Ding, Headquarters/HQ, Troop Training Ground, Butchery, Walls are loaded.

"A system, I actually got a–."

Before Chase could inquire more about the system, his bedroom door was suddenly flung open. Followed by the arrival of two female knights each armed with a spear. What shocked him was that they too were almost completely naked like his maid. The only thing on their huge breast, were the small nipple caps made of gold. The only armor they wore are iron shoulder protection, and a pair of thigh high iron leg armor. Other then that the two red head knights were basically naked.

A second later another women came into his room. Wearing only a short white see through night gown, Chase could practically see everything .With a pair of huge breast, and thick thighs she was truelly the most beautiful mature blond he had ever seen. This was Victoria Claremon, his step mother and his little brother's mother.

While he was stil lost in her beauty, she had already walked up to him before bending down a kissing him. Which immediately almost gave Chase a nose bleed.

"Hmmn, you look different" Said Victoria as she sized him up.

"Um, um what do you mean I look different." Asked Chase stil in a daze after that kiss.

Victoria suddenly grabbed his wrist, before closing her eyes as a white light enveloped them.

"Oh my heavens, you've actually become a mage." said Victoria in surprise.

"Oh yeah, I began feeling magic energy just a while ago. I must have awakened my magic pulse when i was injured."

"Ha ha ha, I wonder what looks your enemies will have, when they find out that they are the reason for your awakening" Said Victoria with a smile.

"Sigh, Honey I have messed up. But how should I have know know that those slime balls would get external help." said Victoria as she pouted.

"Dammit Victoria, how could you do something so stupid!" Said Chase shacking his head.

"I was just–."

"You were just trying to get a quick victory, to prove to Daniel that you're useful to him after I died and he became baron right?" Said Chase suddenly as he cut her off.

"No, it was–."

"Enough, just go to Sir Malvin and ask him to repay the favor he owes me."

"Wait, are you telling me you stil have gold hidden away?" asked Victoria in surprise.

"Of course, with that money I'll hopefully be able to calm the anger widows and noblemen."

"Okay, I hope your little plan works. Because if your brother comes back and the war is stil raging, the chances are high that the nobles will all go against your father's wishes." Said Victoria before leaving.

As Victoria was walking away, Chase could not help but get lost in the rhythm of her huge smooth ass that was swaying left to right.


Meanwhile in a church in Dunlath Fief, the same fief that was currently at war with the Wellam Fief.

Currently sitting in the churches confession booth, a young noble man was currently shaking as he looked at other side of the confession booth window.

"So, how did it go?" Asked a man on the other side.

"Uuh Priest Legann, no no I mean master we... we–"

"You failed me again!" Shouted Priest Legann

"But the mission info was wrong Master, Chase had a grand knight by his side sir."

"So there's no-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses, a failed mission is a failed mission." Said Priest Lagann angrily.

"Master, just give–."

"Enough! What's done is done. i'll give you one more chance to prove yourself to the church."

"Anything master, I will do anything." Said the young noble man hurriedly.

"Go to Crimson Peak, and tell Black Teeth to commence the attack. Tell him that I request you to lead the troops this time."

"Master do you mean–."

"Enough! Get out here and complete your mission." Shouted Priest Lagann.

"Yes, yes master."


Meanwhile back at the Wellam Fief.

"What does she mean i look different."

Jumping out of his bed he immediately walked up to a bronze mirror on his wall. Yet as he saw the face in the mirror, he immediately stumbled back. The face in the mirror was that of a beautiful blond green eyed man.

"Holy shit, it's my original face."

"The system must have changed my appearance too." Murmured Chase to himself.

Shacking he got under his bed, before stsrting to pull a hidden leaver. After a minute of struggling a secret passage way final opened under his bed.

This was a secret that only the former Chase knew about, it was built by the former lord of the castle. Getting in he immediately closed it, before lighting a torced and start walking into the darkness.

After 30 minutes, he finally reaced a ladder, climbing up he found himself inside a hollow tree. Punching out a square piece fell to the side. As he got out, he found himself inside a dark and gloomy forest. The dark trees stretch to the heavens, with their brances blocking out the sky. Only small amounts of moon light could seep through.

"Oh heaven's." Was all Chase could utter as he looked around him.

He knew the dangers of these forest from the previous owners memories, but being in the forest personally was stil terrifying. Especially considering the forest contained literal witches, and all kinds of humanoid creatures.

"Pull yourself together, stay cool." murmured Chase as he began running deeper into the forest.

After 5 minutes of running, he found himself on a river bank, with a small river running from the north.

"Okay, this will be an ideal place to build my base."

Sumoning the system, a hologram screen immideadly appread infront of him. On the screen there were three buildings in green, the rest were stil black because they have not already been unlocked yet.

*Headquarters/HQ: A building for the lord to reside in.

*Troop Training Ground: A building where the lord can train different kinds of assault troops.

*Butchery: A building where the lord troops get their meat from.

*Walls: A defensive fortification used to protect the lord from enemies.

Not wasting anymore time, Chase immidiatly summoned everything. Light's lit up the forest, as the buildings began appearing one after the other. Huge stone walls also began rising from the ground as the formed a base around Chase. The buildings were huge, luckily the forest trees were huge too so nobody would be able to see them.

Chase immediately summoned 30 troops, ehich was all he could summon because he was out of the free meat he got from the system. He would need to fill his butchery with animals and his Headquarters with gold, if he wanted to create troops.

After 5 minutes, 30 tier one troops walked out of the training grounds. They were called soldiers, a tier 1 troop whose main goal was to gather resources for the base. Each wore soldier gear and were equipped with an AK-47.

"System, show me my stats."

"Ding, initializing lord's stats."

*Name: Chase Carter

*Occupation: 2nd Rank Adept Mage


*Strength: 14

*Agility: 16

*Dexterity: 12

*Magic Regeration: 11



*Magma Arrows(Level 1): The lord fires a channeled barrage of magma, piecing foes and setting them aflame. Range is 30 meters.


*Frost Blast(Level 1): The lord unleashes a hail of ricocheting icy bombs to slow and immobilize your foes.


*Crimsom Bolt's (Level 1): The lord unleashes a flurry of 10 crimson bolts that seek out nearby foes.

"Ha ha ha, looks like im gonna enjoy life in this world very much." Said Chase as he went back to the castle with his troops.