
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

A man who had everything. A loving wife. Two lovely children. A successful career. And a job that actually pays well that came with free healthcare and seasonal vocations. A man who had all those. A man who could be said to have succeed in life, mysteriously died one day. Only to find himself in the world of Marvel and in the body of The Mad Titan, Thanos. He was in despair thinking that he would forever be worlds apart form his family. But a mysterious voice suddenly propose a deal to him. He would be able to return to his family and get everything back. But there was a price he had to pay. Which was... Half of all life in the universe. So he had to commit a universal level genocide to return back home to his family. He would have to kill the innocent lives of trillions just to see them again. . . He never accepted a deal sooner. Read as he fought towards the same objective as the original Thanos did but for an entirely different reason and purpose. Read as he stand against all that is good just so he could hold his family again. Will he succeed with his future knowledge or will he succumb to fate and destiny. Will good triumph like it always did or will evil win this time. Read the story of his conquest of killing half of all life in the universe. A small price to pay, for his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : Thanos will be more powerful than his MCU counterpart. He will not be a disgrace like the original who could be overpowered by Wanda and Captain Marvel. He will be able to defeat any avenger in a one on one battle. This will also contain the most vile evil things like killing children, genocide, etc. -------------

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Phim ảnh
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36 Chs


[3rd POV]

"What the fuck just happened?" Thanos asked aloud but deep down he knew what happened.

Astral Projection.

The Ancient One used her magic to push his soul/spirit out of his body. He should've been defenseless but what confused him was how he returned and how his opponent was on the other side with serious injuries.

It was a weird experience, getting your spirit detached from your body. But it was no time to ponder about that, he had a fight going on and he was not going to be caught off guard again.

The Ancient One slowly got up from the side of a huge flying mountain and her eyes turned black as her bones snapped into place and her body healed.

Then she waved her hand and the mirror dimension began shifting to her command. Thanos let her do as she pleased and watched on like a predator as she made different hand signs and crafted symbols in the air.

He would've charged at her if he had not remembered the time he fucked up after the Ancient One pretend to cast a spell and he lunched at her mindlessly.

He made a mental note to never charge mindleasly while she casted a spell again.

So until he was sure, and until his instinct told him that the spell was real, he was cautious. His latest mistake was still fresh on his mind.

The ground shifted and it changed until a platform was made for them to stand on. Thanos watched the ground as it fit like a puzzle, it looked like the floor of some kind of temple but he paid no mind to it because his instincts came alive.

One of Thanos's powers not commonly known was that he could channel cosmic energy in his body. That was why he was so proficient and even capable of using six of the infinity stones at once.

Basically, his invulnerable body was the greatest conductor for this type of energy.

So Thanos conjured up absurd amount of energy from the space stone until his veins glowed blue and his eyes reflected the vastness of space.

Some of the energy from the mind stone also seeped out and was absorbed by his body as he charged up a final attack. 

The Ancient One did the same as the eldritch energy around her turned bright orange, taking a more sinister and powerful color.

The Ancient One spread her hand and the dimension trembled. Cracks began forming everywhere in the dimension like a broken mirror, and each shard went towards the Sorcerer Supreme.

Reality crumbled.

Then the shards turned bright orange when they neared her. The whole mirror dimension collapsed and their essence aided the Ancient's One powerful spell.

"{Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appears now as intangible distortions.}" The Ancient One began chanting and now that he knew it was a real spell, would Thanos let her complete it?

The answer was no, Thanos rushed at her and covered the short distance between them in an instant. But a protective barrier was erected that stopped his punch. 

Instead, everything behind the Ancient one was crushed as if a calamity had struck a thousand times. 

"{..let the collapse of thine origin manifest...}"

Images of the Sorcerer split from her original body who continued her spell as they tired to stop him with the golden whips that binds him.

Thanos tugged at them and crushed them in an instant.

"{...in accordance with the principles of all creation, return everything to the abyss. I summon thee...}"

Every image of The Ancient One was destroyed but it was a tad bit too late. The Ancient One had finished her spell and Thanos retreated a few meters away and got ready for an attack as well.

"{...Crystals of Cyndriarr.}"

The Shards of glass around her glowed and the dimension collapsed on the attack as the orange shards of crystal came shooting at Thanos. 

Everything they touched was reduced to nothing as they flew at him like a broken glass blown by a shockwave.

Thanos also released a destructive wave of space energy as the fabrics of space-time were broken and distorted. 

The dimension was torn into shreds, unable to contain the collision of such cataclysmic force. Thanos was pierced by the orange shards and they stick in his body in multiple areas 

The fleash where the shards impaled were turned into ash but Thanos reminds Invulnarble and in one piece.

The world was distorted and buzzed before everything just vanished and they found themselves in the real world again.

There was not even an aftershock of the attack as it was destroyed along with the dimension. Now he was back in the real world, specifically somewhere dark.

He looked below him and found that it was the same temple-like ground that the Ancient One had made before the final collision. He was immediately alerted.

He looked around and there, he saw it. 

The Eye of Aggamoto.

Also known as the time stone.

It stood at the edge of the place he found himself in and it was glowing green. Thanos always wondered through the fight why the Ancient One was not using it. He thought it may be because the Ancient One was not as proficient as Dr Strange.

But he was wrong.

The ground he stood on lit up in green color that almost blinded him. Then a dome was erected, trapping him.

Thanos tried to run out of the dome with all his strength but he couldn't. He was moving in slow motion, no, he appeared to be glitching.

Because time was continuously reversed inside the dome. But he was moving fast enough to barely be faster than the rewind time, so he appeared to be glitching as he moved extremely slowly.

To move through space, you need time. And since it was rewinding in almost every instance, Thanos only covered small distances every time he moved

Thanos watched with frustration, as the Ancient One appeared, she looked like she was half a step to her grave already.

His last attack had clearly done some lethal damage. But she looked calm as she walked behind the Eye of Aggamoto.

She took in in her hands and wore it with a detmined expression. With the simple rotation of her hand, her injuries reversed and she healed.

Thanos tried with all his might to move quickly but he couldn't. The Sorcerer chanted something and then waved her hands around.

The ground below them glowed again and this time in a myriad of colors. Thanos and the Ancient One got swallowed.l by the light and disappeared from Earth.

When they appeared again, Thanos was out of the time influence and he shook his body awake. His injuries from the shard were gone now but the wounds around it was still not healed, as if they had rotted.

He ignored his injury for now and opted to observing where he found himself, his new surroundings.

It reminded him of the moon. The ground was grey and dark but the difference was that the sky was of myriads of colors. Some colours he knew but more he had never even seen before.

He looked around in confusion and unease until he heard a voice behind him and he snapped toward it.

"Thanos, I've come to bargain." She said with a smile. Thanos noticed that she had the Eye of Aggamoto on her neck and there was a green transparent symbol on her right arm, circling around




No. This could not be happening. He was sure to win, how could he fall for this trap?

"NOOOO!!!" He screamed in rage and shot towards the Ancient One who did nothing to protect herself. Thanos easily crushed her head but then he found himself back to the first time he entered the dimension.

He paused as his mind stopped working.

Then he heard the voice again behind him.

"Thanos, I've come to bargain."




Maybe it was a bad idea to drop to New York afterall.

How infuriating.
