
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

SlyOW · Tranh châm biếm
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139 Chs


To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


[Asher's POV]

While a bit disturbed by the notifications, my instincts were still sharp enough to get the incoming attack as I ducked under, reaching out for the gun the member of Team Oceania had been using.

As I grabbed the gun, Witcher Guy did not even try to dodge however as he rushed straight at me, as if he wanted to be shot.

Of course, I knew that if shooting him with the shotgun didn't kill him, then this handgun wouldn't.

So I didn't aim at him, and instead at the other two. Unfortunately, the swordswoman who had opened her Genetic Constraint was behind Claire, so I could only settle for Kimiko, as I shot her three times before Witcher Guy arrived on me and kicked me into the wall behind me.

I could practically ignore the impact thanks to my increased Stats, but it did force me to drop the gun as I once again found myself unarmed, facing someone armed with a sword.

But as I prepared for the confrontation, he pointed his palm at the two newbies, who had been hiding themselves in the corner of the room, and muttered, "Igni."

Feeling the warning from my instincts, I rushed at him to stop him, but I wasn't fast enough as jet of flames burst out of his hand, swallowing the two newbies nearly instantly.

[Score -2. Your current Score is -3.]

I landed a punch, followed by a knee strike to his chest, but his armor tanked most of the damage as he backhanded me, before kicking me in the leg.

The kick was unexpectedly precise and powerful as I felt my leg turn numb, forcing me to stagger back.

As for Witcher Guy, he still looked focused yet at the same time nonchalant in the way he walked towards me. But then, he paused, and his face turned grave as he said, "Saabira, Homelander has been killed. Hurry up."

Homelander had been killed? Then Alexander was on his way here!

But by the look of things, he might not arrive fast enough.

Witcher Guy showed a faster speed than before as he appeared in front of me in a flash, going for a stab this time.

Since I knew blunt strength wasn't going to work against him, I slammed my hand against the tip of his sword, stabbing my own hand doing so. However, that also allowed me to block his sword in place and wrap my legs around his neck.

I felt my hand be torn apart by the sword, but I ignored the pain as I twisted my legs and sent Witcher Guy flying through a wall.

[Score +1. Your current Score is -2.]

[Score -1. Your current Score is -3.]

I turned to look at the side with alarm, and saw a gruesome scene.

Claire had Kimiko's arm going through her chest, grasping her heart. Claire hadn't gone down without a fight however, as her own sword was lodged in the middle of the swordswoman's head.

I instantly felt immense fury fill me as I rolled on the ground, grabbing the shotgun I had thrown earlier, and shot Kimiko in the back, sending her flying along with the two other corpses.

I wasn't done with her though as I jumped across the room, landing on her back. She whimpered in pain, but I couldn't care less as I shot the back of her skull.

Despite the armor piercing rounds, her scalp was barely scratched, but I only kept shooting rapidly.

Kimiko was strong, and resistant, but with the third bullet, her skull was pierced through. And with the fifth, came God's notification.

[You have eliminated Kimiko Miyashiro. Rewarded Rank C Reward and 3000 Points.]

Barely had I received the notification however that I felt a warning from my instincts. But just as I tried dodging, I felt the Genetic Constraint close itself, and my body get paralyzed from the backlash of opening it.

A sword impaled me from the back, while I could only watch as it stuck out of my chest.

Whether he was surprised at my lack of response or not, Witcher Guy kicked me off his sword, making me fall against the wall as I spurted out blood.

I… fuck. I knew I should have trained my Genetic Constraint while in Naruto, while I had the opportunity, but I hadn't. Not because I didn't have the time, but because I had almost died the first time I used it, and was too scared to open it again.

This resulted in today's situation, my Genetic Constraint closing itself before the fight was over.


Witcher Guy looked down at me and said, "Your team is strong. But you rely too much on your leader, hence your defeat."

My mouth felt sluggish, but seeing the opportunity to earn time, I asked, "How did you find us?"

Despite what he had said about hurrying up, he still took the time to reply, "Your leader, Julius, he got us good. But he isn't omnipotent. When we first met, our psychic placed a mark in the spirit of one of your members. That overweight girl."

He was speaking of Maria. Fuck, she was with Sarah.

"We almost fell in Julius' plot, but when we sensed your Team moving out of the mansion ahead of the mission, we realized something was wrong. Quickly enough, we managed to find about your plot, and this is the result. Now, I'm sure your leader will live and become even more powerful in the future, so I suppose you could say we lost. But then again, seeing the odds we were given, having to fight a Team as strong as yours, I personally take this as a win, despite you killing several of our members. Well, I don't suppose my opinion really matters in the grand scheme of things, only survival matters."

I was starting to feel my body again, despite the pain, so through gritted teeth I informed him, "Our leader's name is Alexander, not Julius."

He placed his sword against my chest, right in front of my heart, uttering, "Yeah, we guessed that wasn't his real name. But it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, if we ever see each other again it will be to kill each other again, and if he had the ability to disguise himself this time, not only have I not even seen his real face, he could simply change disguises, so his name is irrelevant. But still…"

He suddenly paused, before chuckling, "Fine, Naseem, I know he is coming, but we still have time to leave."

His eyes focused back on me as he asked, "Any last words?"

[Score +1. Your current Score is -2.]

He once again lost his focus for a moment, and using this as my opportunity, I grabbed Claire's sword, which had dropped from the swordswoman head, and stabbed him through the chest. I knew he could regenerate and everything, but I couldn't just go without throwing in a last ditch effort.

Witcher Guy looked down at the sword going through his chest, and snorted, "After shooting my with a shotgun, you seriously think a flimsy sword is going to kill me?"

I couldn't care less about his words however, as I closed my eyes, and grunted, "Fuck off, chatterbox."

The expected finishing strike never arrived however, as I only heard him mutter weakly, "What the fuck?"

[Score +1. Your current Score is -1. You have eliminated a member who awakened the First Genetic Constraint. Rewarded Rank C Reward and 5000 Points.]

I tried to open my eyes, but did not find the strength as I fell into unconsciousness, a tear mixed with grief and relief as I laid next to the second real friend I had made in this cursed game.

Shoutout to nkdmon

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