
Tensura : Crimson Heavenly Dragon

I created this fanfiction as a way to pass the time, especially since I couldn't find much Tensura fanfiction. Please be warned that English is not my first language, so I appreciate your understanding. P.S.: This story is set in an alternative universe to the original Tensura, so there may be some gendered characters and events that never happened in the original. Notice : This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. ______________________________________ After so many years, he did it. Finally, he completed that tower just as he was ready to embrace death. However, fate had other plans for him – an opportunity to reunite with his lover. He accepted that chance, and once again, he found himself thrust into a new world. Now, the question is: Is this world ready for him ? A human who Transcendent The Gods themselves

Rayen_Zouina · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 : A New Player Joins The Game (Part 1)

(3rd Point Of View)

In the span of the last six months, the [Cardinal World] bore witness to unprecedented changes that rippled across the fabric of its existence.

The rebirth of the Storm Dragon, Veldora Tempest, breathed new life into the world, casting a majestic aura over the lands.

With Veldora's resurgence and the birth of a certain slime, the inaugural monster nation, the Jura Tempest Federation, was formed, marking an epoch in history.

Meanwhile, the once-marionette master Cayman met his demise under the rising star, the newly ascended Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest.

Two Demon Lords, Frey, the harpy queen, and Carrion, the Lion King, stepped down from their positions as Demon Lords , becoming subordinates of fellow demon Lord Milim Nava.

These events sent shockwaves through the realms, reshaping the political landscape.

The formation of the Eight Star Demon Lords threatened to destabilize the fragile peace that had been meticulously maintained.

Yet, the culmination of chaos unfolded in a single night.

An immensely powerful [Heroic Haki], was unleashed from an unknown source, shaking the very foundations of the [Central World] .

The once-thriving continent of El Dorado faced utter destruction, only for half of the continent to miraculously reappear mere hours after its disappearance.

Whispers among the spies from various nations hinted at the involvement of yellow-colored Daemons and the enigmatic Golden City Demon Lord in an epic battle.

Amidst the chaos, an unexpected turn of events unfolded – the absolute defeat of the formidable ancestor of the yellow Daemons, "Jaune" and "Platinum Saber" Leon Cromwell.

Many dismissed the notion as absurd until the man himself, Leon Cromwell, released an official statement three days after this incident.

Accompanying the statement was a video showcasing the events of that fateful day.

And to add to the astonishment of the world, Leon Cromwell signed a formal treaty of friendship with the enigmatic figure known as Alexander Bell.

Thus, in a single day, the [Cardinal World] descended into absolute chaos, grappling with the consequences of these extraordinary events that defied expectations and shattered the equilibrium that had prevailed for so long.

The appearance of a man capable of shaking the foundation of the world with just his presence.

The absolute defeat of the formidable ancestor of the yellow Daemons, "Jaune," and "Platinum Saber" Leon Cromwell.

It's not too much to say that a new [Hero] has finally emerged into this world.


(Guy Crimson Point Of View)

Location : Ice Continent , Frost Place

Within the grandeur of the Frost Palace, Guy Crimson, one of the oldest Demon Lords, sat regally upon his icy throne.

His crimson eyes, ancient and discerning, were fixated on a crystal sphere held delicately in his hand, replaying the spectacle of the battle between Leon, Jaune, and the man known as Alexander Bell.

Days had passed, but the allure of the fight continued to captivate him.

As he observed the intricate dance of blades and magic on the crystal-clear surface, Guy couldn't help but be amazed by that unknown man's swordsmanship. Unlike him, whose style emphasized brute force, or his dear friend Rudra, who mastered the art of skills and techniques, that man's swordsmanship seemed to transcend them both. It was a breathtaking display of perfection, a seamless fusion of power and finesse.

The beauty of his swordplay unfolded before Guy's discerning gaze, each movement a testament to the mastery he possessed. His approach was dynamic, adjusting to the situation at hand—employing raw power when needed and graceful flexibility when circumstances demanded. Guy marveled at the precision, the fluidity, and the sheer elegance of this unique style.

In the quiet of the Frost Palace, Guy Crimson found himself pondering a question that lingered in the recesses of his ancient mind

Who, among the three distinguished swordmasters, was truly the best? Him, with his overwhelming force? Rudra, with his emphasis on skills and techniques? Or the man known as Alexander Bell, the one who seamlessly blended both aspects into a harmonious symphony of swordsmanship ?

The crystal sphere continued to play the frozen scenes of the battle, and as Guy Crimson contemplated the answer to his question, the silent halls of the Frost Palace echoed with the eternal dance of blades, leaving the decision suspended in the icy air.

As he continued to watch the unfolding battle within the crystal sphere, his fascination deepened with each passing moment.

The clash between Leon and Jaune had already showcased remarkable magical might befitting their positions as a demon lord and a primordial, but the true spectacle awaited as the scene shifted to a pivotal moment.

A hushed murmur spread through the Frost Palace as Alexander Bell, the enigmatic figure at the center of this duel, broke free from Leon's Sacred Tetrahedron Demon Sealing Barrier. The crystal-clear surface of the sphere reflected the intense brilliance of this transformative moment.

Guy couldn't conceal his awe as he witnessed Alexander's metamorphosis. Strands of red woven into his black hair, the symbol of an [Alpha] adorning his right eye—Alexander had become a living embodiment of power and distinction.

The ordinary-looking katana he held in his hand, with its grey hilt, yellow pommel, and black sheath, radiated an aura that surpassed comprehension.

He could feel his [Demon Sword World], a God Class Blade forged using [Star Heart] and one of the most powerful Blades in existence, trembling at that katana's presence.

As the crystal sphere displayed the intricacies of the ongoing battle, Guy Crimson found himself fixated on Alexander's blade. The katana, an unassuming weapon at first glance, was an instrument of unparalleled beauty and menace. It was a reflection of Alexander's [Essence], a manifestation of the power that now coursed through him.

A Blade infused 48,000 different soul . A Blade that contained the [Essence] of Gods, Demons, and various other creatures.

To think a weapon like this existed in the world.

The Frost Palace's atmosphere became charged with Guy's palpable excitement. Alexander's every movement, every swing of the blade, became a source of fascination for the ancient Demon Lord. The seamless blend of raw power and finesse that characterized Alexander's took on a new dimension, captivating Guy in ways he hadn't imagined.

Guy couldn't help but marvel at the synergy between the transformed Alexander and the blade he wielded. The dance of the sword, the ethereal glow, and the sheer force emanating from each strike were a symphony of chaos and order, enthralling the ancient Demon Lord.

In that frozen moment within the Frost Palace, Guy Crimson acknowledged that what he witnessed, that man was strong. That man was dangerous, which further fueled his desire to meet him. An overwhelming sense of jealousy arose within him.

To think Velzard and Misery would get to have fun with him first.

Silently he cursed himself for signing that [Contract] with Leon.

Now he's stuck here all alone with that useless Rain... Sometimes life was so unfair.


(Granbell Rosso Point Of View)

As he cradled the crystal sphere in his hand, Granbell's eyes were irresistibly drawn to the unfolding spectacle before him.

The release of that man's [Heroic Haki] was a breathtaking display of power, and Granbell couldn't help but be captivated by its beauty.

It shone brilliantly, almost like a second sun; that woman's light paled in comparison. That brightness, which should have been painful to behold, should have blinded anyone daring to gaze upon it, yet it was anything but agonizing or blinding.

As the aura of [Heroic Haki] enveloped him, casting an ethereal glow around him, Granbell's sharp eyes traced the intricate patterns it wove in the air. The sheer force and radiance of the manifestation left him in awe, and for a moment, he found himself utterly immersed in the sheer magnificence of the scene.

His unique skill, [Unyielding], allowed him to empower himself with the souls of his fallen allies. An unintended effect of this unique skill, one he hadn't shared with anyone, not even his master Rudra or his partner Razul, was the ability to see souls—the most essential aspect at the root of all being.

Over the years, he had witnessed various souls, yet he couldn't help but shiver as he saw that man's soul.

Why is it white...?

Is this the sign of this man's most fundamental self...?

This is... How very rare.

With His master, Rudra Nam UI Nasca, when he viewed his soul for that very small instant, showed nothing but blinding gold and praises along with that strange creature.

With Luminous Valentine, he saw a field of flowers that would color the heart.

With his granddaughter, Mariabell, he saw gold that reached to the heavens.

Those were the three most exceptional souls he had managed to view in the last 100 years.

Yet now, the landscape he saw as he observed that man's soul was... white.

Could it be nothingness ?

No, no, no, while quite similar to nothingness, fundamentally it's quite different.

Why, just why is it like this ?

Granbell's fascination deepened as he witnessed the aftermath of Alexander's decisive victory over a demon lord and a primordial. The very air seemed charged with otherworldly energy, and the echoes of the battle lingered in the atmosphere.

Oh, I see... This... This is probably... No, undeniably, this is this man's... will.

Uncompleted... And so pure... Unusually gallant !!!

In that moment, something within Granbell stirred.

It was a recognition, a realization that the figure before him was no ordinary warrior. The man who had defeated a demon lord and a primordial had now become the focus of Granbell's attention.

In a proclamation that echoed through his heart, Granbell Rosso declared Alexander as the one he had been waiting for—the true hero of humanity.

His mind now carried a mixture of reverence and obsession as he acknowledged the significance of this singular individual who had surpassed all expectations.

As Granbell watched him , he couldn't shake the feeling that destiny itself had guided this man to the forefront of the ongoing conflict.

A [True Hero] had emerged, and in the eyes of Granbell Rosso, there was no doubt that Alexander Bell was the embodiment of humanity's hopes and aspirations.

Thus, Granbell stood as a witness to the birth of a legend, his obsession with Alexander growing with each passing moment.

The [true hero] had revealed himself, and Granbell was ready to Guide this extraordinary figure .


( Satori Iwata | Rimuru Tempest Point Of View)

In the tranquil halls of the Tempest capital, Rimuru Tempest sat in her office, the true dragon Veldora Tempest playfully hovering nearby.

The events of the previous night had left the world in awe, but Rimuru, as the leader of the monster country Tempest, she needed to attend to her duties.

It was meant to be just another day in her busy schedule, dealing with administrative tasks and managing the affairs of the Jura Forest.

However, an unexpected development disrupted the routine.

A messenger arrived with urgent news that an envoy from El Dorado had reached the capital, bringing with them a video and an official statement.

Curiosity piqued, Rimuru dismissed other matters and entered her private chamber, where a large crystal display awaited. The video began, and as the scenes unfolded, Rimuru's eyes widened in disbelief.

The footage revealed the impossible—the figure of a man very precious to her heart .

Tears welled up in Rimuru's eyes as she watched the enigmatic being from another world make his presence known in this new reality.

Emotions surged within her—a mix of shock, happiness, and a profound sense of relief. It was a moment that defied logic and reason, yet there he was, defying the odds and standing tall. In the solitude of her office, Rimuru couldn't contain the overwhelming joy that swelled within her.

The tears streaming down her face carried the weight of myriad emotions—relief for Alexander's survival, happiness for the unexpected turn of events, and a deep sense of gratitude for the bond that had transcended the boundaries between their worlds.

As the video concluded, Rimuru, still overcome with emotion, sat back in her chair, contemplating the significance of Alexander's Appearance in this world .

The once-ordinary day had transformed into an extraordinary one, leaving Rimuru with a renewed sense of hope and a determination to navigate the uncharted territories that lay ahead in this new chapter of their intertwined destinies.


Author Notes : hey Guys hope you enjoyed this chapter

Now I want on your opinions on What the effect of Alexander unique Skills (The only two that I still have some troubles adjusting their Exact Power and Abilities

[Valor] aside from negating all mental interference related skills now has the potential to make him the ultimate Hero by this world standards whatever that means

[At the Boundary] a bridge between Life and Death

(please help me with ideas for the exact effects and sub-skills for those unique skills)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts