
Tensura : Crimson Heavenly Dragon

I created this fanfiction as a way to pass the time, especially since I couldn't find much Tensura fanfiction. Please be warned that English is not my first language, so I appreciate your understanding. P.S.: This story is set in an alternative universe to the original Tensura, so there may be some gendered characters and events that never happened in the original. Notice : This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. ______________________________________ After so many years, he did it. Finally, he completed that tower just as he was ready to embrace death. However, fate had other plans for him – an opportunity to reunite with his lover. He accepted that chance, and once again, he found himself thrust into a new world. Now, the question is: Is this world ready for him ? A human who Transcendent The Gods themselves

Rayen_Zouina · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 : Primordial of Yellow and Hero of Lightspeed (Part 3)

(Alexander Point Of View)

Location : Tower Of Babel (Level 50)

Amidst the colossal remains of a fallen sea serpent-dragon, a creature of immense power and dread, I found myself sitting atop the beast's remains, nursing my wounds.

The once-majestic creature, capable of frightening even the bravest of men, now lay lifeless—a testament to the intense battle that had just unfolded.

The sea dragon's scales, adorned with small "teeth" reminiscent of a shark's body, were as tough as graphene, rendering its hide nearly impenetrable. Fangs, each the size of small ships, protruded from its immense maw, a reminder of the behemoth's capability to devour fishing boats and even ships whole.

As I caught my breath, my eyes surveyed the battlefield, now bathed in the eerie glow of the fallen creature's blood.

The vast sea stretched endlessly before me, a haunting and crimson-stained expanse.

Truly it was a pity; this sea was undeniably beautiful.

In this surreal moment, the Tower finally acknowledged my latest achievement, and the familiar screen appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations, Alexander Bell, for being the only human in the history of the {Tower of Babel} to ever ascend to such unprecedented Heights and for slaying the boss of 50th Floor {Leviathan: The Demon Lord of the Seven Seas} .]

[As a testament to your tenacity and skill, a [Golden Draw] has been granted to you as the culmination of this arduous ascent.]

The gravity of the acknowledgment settled upon me like a heavy cloak—a [Golden Draw] an item whose rarity couldn't be measured.

Ddraig, my wary and experienced dragon companion , sensing my shock, couldn't help but voice his skepticism.

Ddraig: "Alexander, what in the world is a [Golden Draw] ?"

With a perplexed expression, I began to explain.

"Ddraig, it's a rare reward from the Tower. The system basically selects the perfect item for the {player's} growth. The first time I received something like this was at level 25, and it turned out to be the [Boosted Gear] ."

Somehow, I could feel Ddraig's eyes narrowing, a deep-seated mistrust building within him.

Ddraig : "Be cautious, Alexander. The Tower's rewards might not always align with our best interests."

Acknowledging Ddraig's concern, I thanked him for the counsel and proceeded to accept the reward.

Before me, a gigantic roulette materialized, adorned with an array of weapons and abilities from countless worlds.

My anticipation heightened as the roulette spun rapidly, and with a sudden stop, it settled on an enigmatic choice—[The King's Body (God of High School) ].

Before I could even react, a blinding pillar of light engulfed me.

Small Cherubic beings with tiny wings and halos appeared in front of me , their featureless faces were quite unsettling. Their ethereal forms swirled around me, tearing my body apart piece by piece.

My agonized screams intermingled with Ddraig's worried shouts, echoed through the endless sea as those beings meticulously reconstructed me from scratch.

In the wake of this excruciating transformation, a profound change overcame me.

The remnants of my humanity slowly slipped away, replaced by something more transcendent.

As the ordeal concluded, I stood transformed, my essence echoing with newfound power and an unsettling detachment from my human roots.


The one closest to The Supreme God Tathagata: The Jade Emperor, Okhwang. That was the name of the God whose powers I took over.

A seeker of eternal life, in an endless strive for true perfection. Someone whose power I could only describe as a [Ruler of the Universe].

[The King's Body], aside from boosting all my physical capabilities far beyond human imagination, granted me a power that, despite being incomplete, could only be described as a [Divine Authority] over [The Physical Laws], the four fundamental ones to be more specific.

As I climbed the {Tower of Babel}, I encountered many different beings who gave this power different names: Primordial physical force manipulation, fundamental interaction, unified field manipulation...

The names may change, but one fact remains: this was a power no mortal should have — the ability to manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe: Strong force, weak force, electromagnetism, and gravity all in one.

Then, using those four forces as a foundation, one can grant himself almost any power that exists in the world, reaching any effect they could desire.

I could rearrange matter to create other configurations, transmute elements, and manipulate space-time to a degree by using gravity to distort them and so much more.

But still, there were some limitations to this power since, at the end of the day, this power was still incomplete without the [Sage Wisdom].

First, unlike the original, I can only manipulate a single force at a time.

Second, I still suffer quite the mental backlash from overusing this power.

Of course, such limitations could be easily overcome with the help of the [Blade Of Tathagata] and the [Boosted Gear]. But considering my current state, I didn't want to risk anything.

But still, the very nature of my power made the sight I'm currently seeing all the more fascinating.

As Jaune raised her hands, a palpable tension filled the air, sinister energy swirling around her. The very fabric of reality seemed to shiver in anticipation.

Suddenly, with a gut-wrenching roar, Jaune unleashed an unfathomable surge of magical power. A blinding light enveloped the surroundings, obscuring the vision of anyone unfortunate enough to witness the unfolding catastrophe.

Within the epicenter of this radiant storm, an invisible force took hold, as though the very laws of nature were contorted at Jaune's whims. Gravity itself seemed to betray its conventional constraints. The air grew heavy, and all objects in proximity began to quiver under an unseen pressure.

Then, with an abrupt and cruel intensity, the localized gravity field manifested, compressing the space within its grasp. In that compressed zone, a surreal distortion of reality ensued. The unfortunate victims caught within this magical maelstrom experienced a terror beyond imagination. Their bodies contorted under the crushing weight, bones snapping like brittle twigs, and the air itself seemed to conspire against them, making every breath a struggle.

The cruelty of Jaune's magic was evident in its indiscriminate wrath, sparing none within its reach. As the seconds ticked by, the gravitational force intensified, threatening to crush not only bodies but the very essence of matter itself.

If left unchecked, the relentless force promised an ominous climax. Jaune, seemingly insatiable in her thirst for destruction, reveled in the impending chaos.

At the brink of calamity, wisps of darkness began to emerge at the epicenter. The fabric of reality itself seemed to fray as the condensed energy reached a critical threshold — the creation of a small black hole was imminent. The energy, now a maelstrom of power, spiraled toward a single point, a focal nexus where all the destructive power of the magical assault converged; in other words, it headed straight towards me.

Still, attacking me with gravitational-based attacks despite their magical nature is as useless as Sakura. I raised my arms ready to nullify the attack.

But then something interesting finally happened.

"Oh, Holy Spirits, Flutter! Sacred Tetrahedron Demon Sealing Barrier."

Oh, so he finally decided to show himself.

Moments before Jaune's attack reached me, a radiant tetrahedron manifested before me. Each side of the crystalline structure gleamed with the ethereal essence of crystallized spirits, forming an intricate lattice of divine energy.

The tetrahedron hovered in the air, a symbol of celestial prowess, and from its vertices, four pillars descended like pillars of light. What was interesting was that these pillars were not mere constructs; they were crystallized spirits, bound to the service of the caster.

As he focused his will, the tetrahedron began to expand, growing in size until it loomed large over the battlefield. With a gesture from his hand, the celestial barrier moved with purpose, encircling me. It was a graceful dance of holy power as the tetrahedron wrapped around the subject, forming an impenetrable shield of divine light.

The crystallized spirits hummed in unison, their harmonious energy resonating within the barrier. Soon enough, the world around me dissolved into an endless expanse of white, an ethereal void devoid of time and space, trapping me within an isolated realm — a stark contrast to the chaotic battlefield I had just faced.

How intriguing.

Ddraig : "indeed .... Alexander, this barrier, while fundamentally different, carries echoes of the one used by the God of the Bible to seal me into the [Boosted Gear] .

Quite the ingenious use of [Eternity] to harness the target's magical power to reinforce the barrier."

Shifting my focus, I activated [Mid-Class God's Eye] and began scrutinizing the intricate details of this divine construct.

Ddraig : "Why go through the trouble of analyzing the barrier, Alexander ? We could easily break through it with brute force."

Without averting my gaze from the expanse of this endless space, I replied,

"Understanding the nature of this world's [magic] and [skills] is essential. Analyzing this barrier is a step toward acquiring that knowledge, and while Jaune's nuclear magic has no use to me, this, on the other hand, is quite amazing."

As I delved deeper into my analysis, an unusual sensation stirred within the depths of my soul.

The voices, an amalgamation of thousands, spoke to me in a discordant chorus. Each voice carried its unique tone of rage, resentment, and an unquenchable thirst for vengeance. They conveyed their collective disdain for the one who imprisoned me, their master, in this ethereal void.

Sensing the profound shift within my soul, I couldn't help but smile. "Looks like you're finally awakening. I guess three months without tasting blood was too much. I'm sorry, Ddraig, but it seems I won't be borrowing your power in this battle."

Ddraig's response was palpable, a mix of awe and trepidation. "This power... I See ... . Be careful, partner. The [Blade of Tathagata] is not to be taken lightly. "

As the voices crescendoed in intensity, the boundless white void began to bleed, and a blade fully materialized before me.


(3rd Point Of View)

The aftermath of the intense battle between Jaune and Alexander left the surroundings in disarray. Jaune, seething with rage, turned her attention to him, her eyes flashing with fury at his interference.

The air was charged with tension as Jaune confronted the powerful figure who had inserted himself into the fray. Jaune's voice thundered with anger as she spoke, "Leon Cromwell! You Bastard ... How dare you humiliate me ! ... How dare you interfere in our Battle ? This was between me and that man!"

Clad in his Golden Armor, Leon remained silent, offering no immediate response to Jaune's enraged outburst. His stoic demeanor, however, betrayed a hint of acknowledgment of the chaos he had unintentionally fueled.

Surveying the destruction caused by the battle between Alexander and Jaune, he couldn't help but acknowledge the role he played in the chaos.

Finally breaking his silence, he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of regret. "This is my fault; I should have dealt with this sooner. My non-interference regarding your existence within my domain has only made matters worse," he admitted solemnly, realizing that he should have dealt with Jaune sooner.

Both warriors steeled themselves for an impending confrontation, fully aware that they needed to settle their differences.

However, before they could engage in combat, a sudden sound of breaking glass interrupted the tense atmosphere.

The source of the disturbance was none other than Alexander, breaking free from Leon's seal. However, Alexander appeared different, his black hair now streaked with strands of red, and his right eye adorned with the symbol of an [Alpha].

What caught the attention of both Leon and Jaune was the ordinary-looking katana he held in his hand.

The long-shafted katana had a grey hilt, yellow pommel, and a black sheath, appearing deceptively unremarkable.

However, the terror emanating from the blade sent shivers down their spines, especially Leon, who, thanks to his unique [Ultimate Skill: Metatron Lord of Purity], could sense every soul within the blade—filled with hatred, rage, and despair.

Jaune whispered silently, "Not even rouge [Demon Sword Tenma] was this fearsome."

Before they could react, cuts began to appear across their bodies, blood splattering in all directions.

Leon, in particular, suffered severe damage as his hands and arms were sliced. Jaune, horrifyingly, was literally sliced in half.

Leon, realizing the severity of the situation, murmured, "Even with [Thought Acceleration], I couldn't follow his movements. Those cuts… both my soul and body were injured, and he didn't even draw that katana from its sheath."

Approaching Leon, Alexander kneeled beside him. Leon, mesmerized by Alexander's sheer presence, listened as Alexander spoke, "Leon Cromwell, you're truly interesting, especially with that [Ultimate Skill] of yours that provoked such a reaction from my blade .... Killing you here would be a waste.

How about this? I'll spare your life and even help you repair any damage that I and that Demon did to your kingdom. In exchange, would you be willing to make a deal with me ?"


Author Notes : Happy New year everyone

Now please tell me your honest opinion about this along with any idea you have for the future

( I honestly feel this the worst chapter I've currently written)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts