
Tempus Infinitum

Read at your own risk! Gonna rewrite this soon

Ataraxia_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 11

After that day max didn't stop training xia, he would always spar with him, correct his postures, giving xia advice when performing certain movements and also giving insights about the latter forms of the sword technique

Xia didn't idle either as after training with max he will train his ability even without resting first thus forcing and constantly pressure his mind as well as body

Ofcourse after training his power he will then take a rest and continue his training after all resting is also a part of training but even then you could see that the rest isn't enough and thus the training he's doing is slowly taking a toll on his body

Xia tried recalling the feeling of his hope being shattered, his dream collapsing or the feeling of emptiness, this didn't even took him a few minutes as he immediately recalled it successfully and together with this feeling he trained with the sword

Day by day xia has shown improvements in his movements, swordsmanship as well as in the technique as shown on how he was able to manifest the power of the third form of the technique but the technique performed is incomplete or more likely it is missing something, something that he can't put his words on

Xia didn't know what should he do to completely perform the technique to its full power, he tried everything he can like intensifying his emotions more alas it didn't show any results

Max who saw this didn't comment either as he knows that xia must figure it out on his own and not completely rely on his teaching as someone wouldn't grow if he didn't discover or experience it himself

As so to compensate for the lack of power of the sword technique, xia train much more vigorously, he compensated the lack of power through doing much faster, deadly and precise attacks

And this is where he excels the most speed!

In just about 3 weeks xia's movements have become much faster, precise and deadly that even max suppressing himself so he can match xia can't help but to be overwhelmed

With this xia wouldn't have a hard time against rare class beasts and would be able to stand his ground against elite class but impossible to defeat it

In the 2nd week of xia training he already manifested the technique albeit comparably weaker and thinner than the original but a progress is still a progress

In the 3rd week the technique manifested is atleast better than the 2nd week but still weaker than the orginal

By now its already been 1month and 2 weeks since xia has come to this world

And in this 1month and 2 weeks many thing has already happened to him

In the first few weeks his life was in constant danger as he struggled to live and avoid dangerous beasts all through out of his journey

And then at the 2nd week of struggling to live he met max and he never been thankful for meeting another human before

After meeting max he has known what is the kingdom he is in or empire, he still can't believe that he's now living in a world where magic exists

All his life he thought that magic and fantasy stuff can only be found in novels, comics or maybe in tv's too

But now everything is real, him being in a fantast world, having his own magic, training his swordsmanship, fighting beasts instead of fighting customers or your boss

Everything is real, his world before is now the past, this is his present now

Slowly he should accept this as his new reality because he knows that if he didn't the death is the only thing awaiting him

He need to his everything in order to survive here after all a fantasy world is every comic fantasy fans dreams

He even wondered if dungeons also appears here or maybe gates?

If earth became a fantasy world what would happen? He imagined it being chaotic after all the world deemed magic as fantasy stuff and not true but they ironically believe in a god

He even wondered if he would be able to comeback to earth

Is there a way? Maybe he can create a portal that can bring him in his previous world? But even then why would he go back? There's nothing waiting for him there anyway if any he would only want to take revenge after all putting those people behind bars isn't enough, he feels that if he was the one to punish them would it feel satisfying? Would it bring him peace?

But all those thoughts should be thought for later as he didn't even fully awakened the spatial ability right now much less create a portal

Unbeknownst to xia a certain someone was looking at him with excitement and astonishment

"Ohh ohh!"