
Tempus Infinitum

Read at your own risk! Gonna rewrite this soon

Ataraxia_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 12

After 1 month of training his physical department, ataraxia has now improved his movement sharper than before as well as faster, his body much more flexible as well as his strikes precise than before

Right now the two are jumping from tree to tree in the forest searching for any beasts that they can fight

They have already killed other beasts while searching through the forest although the beasts are weak, only at the level between normal and evolved beast

There are also ranks in beasts the same as humans that max told xia before , it starts at [No Class] which means the weakest of the monsters then the [Advanced Rank], beasts at this class are those that can already feel and use mana to certain extent, to certain extent means they can use mana to move things beasts in this class would have a certain awareness too, next is Evolved Rank, beasts at this rank can already use mana then [Rare Class] which can use mana to strengthen their bodies, the beasts would also have higher awareness, then [Elite Class] beasts at this class have higher mana proficiency than the rare class as well as they would have intelligence.

Next is the [General Class] beasts awaken their first element, [Vice Leader Class] higher proficiency in their element then [Leader Class] which gives them enough power and authority to rule onto a piece of land more likely in a forest and turn it into their territory, most monsters at this class would then rule over their species in the forest unless there are stronger beasts, beasts that reach this class will also empower beasts of its kind and rank them up by one tier, that is why leader class beasts are so hard to deal with as not only they have intelligence the same as humans at this point but they also have empowered allies as reinforcements

Next is the Knight Class beasts after this is the Noble class and then so on, max didn't deliberately tell them to me as beasts at this are at most at Leader class with some reaching knight and noble class which he told me would not pose a problem to him

Xia wondered at that time what rank is that fire tiger beast if he can take on a knight class beast?

While fighting before, he can see max is really strong but even then it looks like he can't maintain it for long, heck with the fatigue building up sometimes ataraxia would see parts of max become translucent

"Get ready xia, a Buffalkor is up ahead, its an Advance Rank beast"

When xia heard max he immediately readied his self, he then held the handle of his sword ready to pull it out later

When they came across the Beast max shot forward as xia followed

"Be careful of its inherent ability, elemental beasts are different from normal beasts since elemental beast already awakened their ability at their birth and this one obviously has a stone element"

Xia listened to max as he looked forward and saw the moving boulder. The buffalkor looks like a living rock literally

When they came close to the beast, the buffalkor roared loudly as it shot sharp stones from its mouth

Xia blocked some of the stones using his sword by slashing them while dodge others, using his Time he also caught the other stones as he then redirected them to the buffalkor while also using his Time to accelerate both him and max

Time Alter: Double Accel

The two sped up as they neared the buffalkor but the beasts didn't let that happen as it stomped its stone foot and multiple sharp stones that resembles spears erupted outward, the beast as its center

The two immediately halted as max then held his sword at the sheath, he opened his eyes as he unsheathed his sword and swing it infront of him

Sword of the Autumn Fall

After that a sword slash made up of mana passed through the spikes that made the spikes grew weak as it crumbled apart as an illusion of falling orange leaves can be made out

Xia can't helped but be amazed at how beautiful that sword technique is it made him wonder if his sword would be able to replicate that

The two run again as they immediately got near the buffalkor, xia immediately swing his sword to the buffalkor but before he can a sharp stone immediately shot out of the body of the buffalkor that made xia back out as he then used his Time to trap the buffalkor in a loop

The buffalkor can't dodge the sphere of time as one of the weakness of buffalkors is that they are too slow and heavy that only if they reached Leader Class would they be able to move fast enough to dodge attacks so all it can do is to tank them and hope that its rock hard defense can hold on

Seeing this xia didn't waste any time as he used his sword technique to slash through the defense of the buffalkor

Sword of the Winter Despair and Emptiness

A cold and dry air gush out of the sheath of xia's sword as he slashed through the trapped buffalkor

The sword with the bluish white and a subtle purplish black slashed through the trapped buffalkor, the buffalkor then died with its body cut into two

Xia then got near the buffalkor as he then put it inside his inventory

Hearing a clapping sound he looked at his back to see max looking at him congratulating him again just like the past hunts they did today that made him roll his eyes, at first his thankful and a little bit flattered as he can already kill beasts without running away although he concealed the emotion, but with the repetitive congrats it became annoying

"I really wish i also have that kind of... sigh" max said as he looked at the place where the body of the buffalkor is before it was taken into xia's inventory

Xia thought that people here would have this so called space ring or space bag that he read from some manga or novels but in this past months they lived he realized that there's no such thing as that

Xia thought that maybe he could study how to create a space bag using his space element when he awakened it fully and gave max a gift for all the things he has done for him so far

"When i know how to create an artifact i would create an artifact that can store things, though that would need to wait until maybe i started studying" xia said as they rest under a tree for a few minutes

"Really?! Alright i will take you up on that, it would be very convenient for adventurers to have that kind of an artifact. It would be easier to bring and store things and if you could also sell them i'm very sure that many people would be shocked and amazed with it, many people would buy and the price would also skyrocket and then...."

Xia sighed as max started to blabber around again, max has a point though, with the space bag many people would be delighted and sure but it although just like what he said, it would need to wait since he can't even craft a sword much less a space bag and his space element isn't fully unlocked too

After a few minutes of rest they then darted through the forest searching for another beast that they can hunt