
Teen Wolves

When Stiles brought Scott to look for a body in the woods, he never imagined that they would end up bitten by a werewolf. Stiles is fascinated by it all while Scott just wants their normal lives back. But when Allison Argent and Derek Hale come into their lives, everything gets more complicated between them on top of the animal attacks happening in town.

DivineOverseer · Ti vi
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140 Chs

Chapter 3;

Stiles dropped them over at Scott's house because his first aid kit was more equipped than the one in his home. Stiles went to grab the kit while Scott went over to his bathroom mirror to look at the bite. It looked pretty deep and it stung.

"I got it," Stiles said through clenched teeth. The adrenaline from tonight's excitement was running low and the pain in his arm was hitting him in full.

"Thanks," Scott said taking a swab and rubbing alcohol. He flinched as he started to clean his bite. He looked and noticed the dark spot on Stiles' jacket. "That looks pretty bad."

Stiles carefully pulled his arm free from the sleeve to reveal his bloodied arm. Teeth marks were visible that matched the one on Scott's torso. He took a swab and drenched it in alcohol and started to clean it. "You know, without the blood, these might actually look cool."

Scott gave Stiles a look before he went back to cleaning his bite. The two of them then took some gauze and helped the other seal their bites. He lightly tapped on his covered bite. "How long are these things going to hurt? We won't be able to be good at tryouts tomorrow if it's like this."

"Dude, we weren't going to be good without it."

"Go home," Scott breathed.

Stiles rolled his eyes but he put his still bloodied jacket back on. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Night Stiles." Scott said before his hand went unconsciously to his bandaged bite.