
Chapter 2;

"It's them," he said before Stiles immediately took off for them.

"Wait." Scott whispered before he turned off the light so that it wouldn't be seen. He reached for another whiff from his inhaler before he pocketed it and went to follow after his friend.

Scott tried to follow after him but when he tried to avoid both being heard and seen by the lights. He moved into what he thought was a dark corner but as soon as he stepped into it he didn't stop going. He had fallen down a small cliff that he couldn't see in the dark and he was rolling down the hill. Scott slowly got to his feet and started to walk off, trying to find his way back to where they parked Stiles' jeep. That was where he knew Stiles would wait for him…hopefully. It was creepy out here being so dark and him being alone. The flashlight did very little to help. He was in a bit of a daze from it all that he nearly walked into and was trampled by a herd of deer. He jumped off to avoid them and lost his grip on the flashlight. After the deer left he saw the shine from the light and he lifted it to come face to face with a pair of lifeless eyes.

"Whoa," he gasped to himself as he quickly got to his feet. He found the body.

The woman was young just like Stiles had said and, unfortunately, cut in half like he said too. Okay, he'd seen enough. He just wanted to find Stiles and get the hell out of here. Scott then heard some twigs snap and he looked off into the darkness up ahead to see two glowing red eyes staring at him. Eyes that were approaching him. He tried to get away but was hit with something big and heavy and the next thing he knew, he felt a sharp pain at his side.

Stiles stopped and laid over at a fallen tree when he heard the voices of his father and his deputies. It didn't sound like they had found anything yet. He was about to suggest to Scott that they should try getting closer when he noticed that he wasn't there. He looked back but didn't see him or the glow from his own flashlight. Stiles quickly got up and went back a bit to look for him. He couldn't find any trace of Scott anywhere. When he went to turn back to the search party. The dogs started to lead officers close to where Stiles had been and their flashlights were flashing around the area making Stiles duck behind a tree so that he wouldn't be spotted.

"Hey, I think I heard movement over there," one of the deputies said.

"Check it out," he heard his father said.

Stiles immediately took off to where it was dark. He carefully stepped so that none of his dad's deputies would hear him and get him busted. When he was far enough, he broke into a run to distance himself from them. Stiles could hear the sounds of the dogs disappearing in the distance. He was huffing and gasping out in relief so he went to sit over on a big stump to get his heart rate back down. When he settled he suddenly stood up as he remembered Scott. Then when he reached into his pocket he remembered that he had given his flashlight to him. Stiles took out his cellphone and turned on the light on it to try and see through the dark. He started to trek through the trees to try and find his best friend. He suddenly heard Scott's voice but he was screaming.

"Scott!" Stiles cried out. Stiles reached down for a thick branch and ran for where Scott was screaming.

Stiles kept screaming for Scott as his friend's screaming got louder. Stiles came upon Scott being towered over by something big. Stiles didn't spare a moment to think as he raised the branch he had like a bat and swung. He hit it across the back where it let out a growl. Stiles saw a flash of red glowing eyes before it swiped at him knocking him down and made his face hit into the soggy ground. He barely lifted his head up before he felt a searing and burning pain on his arm. Stiles screamed as he was lifted up and then thrown off to the side.

Scott got up in time to see the beast's red eyes staring back at him before it jumped out into the dark. Scott held his side as he ran off into the trees to try and find Stiles. He ran off until he made it to an opening and the main road. Scott suddenly saw a bright light and quickly moved aside as the car swerved to avoid hitting him and honked at him.

Scott stared after the road where the car disappeared off into before he felt something grab him from behind. He started to scream and flap his arms to throw off his attacker as he screamed back at him. Stiles had been the one to grab him with his good arm before he went to grasp his wounded arm and jumped back in fright from Scott's attempts to fight him off.

"Stiles?" Scott said relieved.

"Scott! What are you doing?"

"Looking for you and trying to keep from getting killed."

"Good job then. Running out into the road?"

"Oh, like coming out into the woods at night was a good job."

"Alright," Stiles huffed. "Let's get to my jeep and get the hell out of here!"

Scott was in complete agreement. They didn't seem to have realized that it had started raining. Stiles went off to try and trek to his jeep while Scott trailed behind him. Scott stopped for a moment when he heard a howl go through the air.

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