
Chapter 6: Sheriff

Chapter 6: Sheriff

"Stiles I am telling you it is fine. I still have some time and I can solve these cases." I heard the Sheriff tell his son, as Mike, Donna and I entered

"I know dad, but…there must be something I can do." Stiles said to his father.

"There is." The Sheriff said, as he grabbed his son's shoulder, and pulled him into a slight hug, "Focus on getting better."

Stiles sighed, as he tried to relax, however his nightmares made him doubt if what was happening right now was even real.

"Sheriff?" Mike asked, as he knocked on the door. It was late at night and barely anyone was in the precinct, no one was even there to ask us why we were directly asking for the Sheriff.

The Sheriff quickly opened the door, and walked out, before closing the door to not let his son overhear what was going on.

Mike right now was in casual clothes, so he didn't immediately strike as a lawyer.

"My name is Mike Ross. I work for Pearson Hardman." He said, passing his card to the Sheriff.

"A lawyer? What do you need Mr Ross?" The Sheriff asked, as he continued to look at the card.

"It's not what I need from you, it's how my client," He said, while looking back at me, " wants to help you."

The Sheriff, who felt that this entire thing was a little sketchy, folded his arms as he looked at us with his typical thinking frown.

"How exactly is a kid dressed like a person from the Matrix going to help me?" He asked, as he looked at me.

"Dad, he has eczema, stop making fun of him." Stiles said, as he got out of the room.

I laughed a little internally. Like father, like son.

"Stiles, go back inside I have this handled." The Sheriff said as he turned to his son.

"Actually sir." I said, getting the father and son pairs attention.

"The reason I am helping you is because of your son. You see we recently became friends, and I was thinking of repaying how nice he was to me." I lied through my teeth.

I was extremely comfortable with Mike and Donna around, so I could pretty much say Obama was with me and acted like I believed it with a straight face.

"Ah nephew! Is this the friend you talked about!" Donna said excitedly, as she walked up to Stiles and held his arms. "Thank you for being friends with my nephew. He didn't have too many in Asia you see."

Donna as always, coming in clutch.

"Ah yes." Stiles said, confused. The only thing he remembered was calling me Micheal Jackson, not once did we become friends.

"Anyways Sheriff. As I was moving into the town, I was doing some research to hold events such as donation drives for families inside of Beacon Hills. As I was doing so, my aunt here helped me." I said, as I pointed to Donna.

"Right, and while doing that we heard about the impeachment and that you didn't have fair representation." Donna continued.

"And they called me to provide said representation, Sheriff." Mike then added his piece.

"Representation? Like involving myself in court…while I am flattered from the nice gesture, I cannot afford lawyers." The Sheriff said.

"If your problem is money, you shouldn't worry about it. I am footing the bill." I told him.

"Why…would you be willing to go so far?" The Sheriff asked as he looked at me.

"That's because your son and I are friends." I mentioned it to him as a matter of factly.

Then, I decided I needed to elaborate a little more, as I added an honest piece of truth.

"And…believe it or not. You have helped me in more ways than one." I told him.

Even though my previous life had a better life than mine, there was a dark time for him too. A period of time when all his friends ostracized him and he had to drown himself into show, movie and anime as a sense of escapism. It wasn't until years later, he realized he wasn't going anywhere with his life and decided to become normal again.

I then saw the Sheriff's expression change. From one of doubt it became one of acceptance. Even Donna and Mike's faces changed a little, and I could somehow tell, it was because they were charmed by my supernatural powers.

Only 1 person was not affected.

Stiles looked at me, a little confused.

"Will we really be allowed to go to another person's house at this time?" I asked Mike, as he drove me and Donna over to Scott's house.

"There is no law that states I cannot tell the opposing party I will be representing my client." Mike stated, as he drove,

I waited for the obvious but in the sentence, which he eventually said.

"But, I need to inform the state first before contacting their client, since the state would be the one to represent an FBI agent." Mike said as he continued driving.

"Mike, will this cause you guys too much trouble?" I asked, as he continued driving.

"Not really. We take cases against the state on plenty occasions, and this won't be a high profile one. Considering it doesn't involve someone like the commissioner of the FBI. It's just a couple of low level agents in a county that's not even in New York." He explained.

"Mathew, there's no need to worry." Donna explained, as she turned around slightly from the front seat of the car we were in. It was the car they had rented for the day.

"I am constantly updating Harvey and Jessica. They are okay with what's going on." She said,

Seeing how helpful they were being to me, I was eternally grateful. They changed my life after all…maybe I should try and help them regarding Hardman.

"So, what type of person is this Hardman to make Jessica panic so much?"

"A real pain in the ass. You know how hot headed Harvey is, and on multiple occasions, Hardman tried to double cross Harvey so Harvey hates his guts."

"Something like Tanner?" I asked, remembering the lawyer on the opposing side of my case…well, 1 of them anyway.

"Something like that." Donna said.

"So, how did Jessica get rid of gim. Did he commit some crime or something." I asked, laughing at the last part, acting like I said it as a joke.

Donna got a little serious, and the car's atmosphere turned slightly more gloomy.

"Well, from what Harvey taught me. Old dogs don't learn new tricks. I wouldn't be surprised if he commits another crime and gets caught." I told them my hint.

They laughed a little, thinking what I was joking, but I hoped my advice would help them.

"We are here." Mike said, as the location the Sheriff gave us came up and we began getting down.

As Mike was walking towards the house, we could hear arguments from inside of the house.

"Mike, Mike." Donna said, as she grabbed his arm a little.

"What is it Donna?" Mike asked

"Make sure they talk closer to the door." She said with a slight smile on her face, she took candy and chips out from a compartment in the car and shared it with me.

"And give us a fun show."

Mike smiled a little as well, as he shook his head and walked up to the entrance of the door.

"What are you doing?" Mellisa asked Rafe, as I opened my packet of chips and watched Mike knock on the door.

"Conducting a case for impeachment." Rafe told Mellisa, as she came to answer the door.

"What is it? It's midnight and we are in the middle of something." Rafe said, in annoyance.

"I am looking for Rafe Mcall?" Mike asked, even though he clearly knew how Rafe looked.

"That's me."

"Perfect." Mike said as he then spoke with complete confidence and professionalism, as one hand went inside of his pocket and he spoke words that shocked Rafe.

"I am Mike Ross, from Pearson Hardman." He said, passing his card to Rafe as he continued, " I represent Sheriff Stilinksi and I just wanted to let you know if you want to impeach a good cop for a personal vendetta you must be out of your mind."