
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

Shadowking123 · Ti vi
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21 Chs

Chapter 13:Peters foolish mistake

It was the night of the full moon and stiles was chaining up his werewolves in a broken down train.



It was there 2dnd full moon and stiles knew that his betas where new wolves so they didn't have control on the full moon so he had to chain them up.

The next day at school stiles was walking in when he saw Lydia.

Lydia:Hey stiles.she said as she kissed him on the lips.

Stiles:Hello my sexy hot girlfreind.

Stiles and Lydia walked in together holding hands.

Lydia:So are we going to talk about Peter or not?

Stiles:What's there to talk about?

Lydia:The fact that he clawed your dad.

Stiles:Yeah it's fine I took the pain away when he was sleeping and I don't think he's seen the marks on his body yet.

Lydia:And this was after you almost whent after Peter but your injuries started hurting?

Stiles:Yeah but I'm an Alpha I'm stronger faster and I've already healed from the fight with Peter Lydia.Look nothings going to happen to you if your worried about that.Im going to find Peter and I'm going to kill him ok don't worry.stiles says to Lydia.

Lydia:Who's worrying I'm not worrying anyways I've got to go to class now or I'll be late.

Stiles:Love you!

Lydia:Love you too!

Later on in the day at lacrosse practise stiles can be seen rushing passes players all over the feild.

Teammate:Damn he's a beast!

Other teammate:That's why we've been on a winning streak for the past few months.

Coach:Yeah go bilinkski!

Coach:Come on guys bilinksi is destroying you guys out there.Jackson?Maybe I should make bilinksi captain instead of you?

Jackson:What no coach you can't do that!

Coach:Then play good Jackson and stop getting your ass kicked by bilinksi!

Jackson was hot freaked out and was angry at the fact that stiles my steal captain of the lacrosse team from him.but that didn't mean that Jackson didn't fear him it's just that his pride was too wounded to take another hit that his anger overided his fear and clouded his judgement.

Jackson:Dont pass the ball to stiles!Jackson said to his teammates knowing that stiles can hear him.


Jackson:because I'm your captain and I said so!Jackson said angrily.

Danny:NO YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!Danny said as he walked away.

Stiles:Control him Danny.


Stiles:ye I could if I wanted to.But do you really want me to?look I know he's your freind Danny.and I'm your Alpha but I'm not a monster.

Danny:I know I'm sorry I didn't mean that plz don't kill Jackson.

Stiles:Don't worry I won't unless he comes at me.

Danny:he won't.

Stiles:Oh yeah and how do you know that for sure?what if Jackson's ego gets the best of him and he decides that he can beat me?then what will you do?Protect him again?

Danny:No I'll let you kill him if that happens.

Stiles:oh then you better make sure that that doesn't happen Nate you better make sure that Jackson doesn't do something that will make him do things he knows that he will regret.

Danny:I know stiles don't worry I'll warn him.


After everyone's gone Danny grips Jackson

Danny:Look Jackson you need to stay away from stiles ok.i don't want you getting hurt or do something that your gonna regret ok?

Jackson:or what Danny?you gonna kill me?what because your part of his pack?come on Danny he gave you the bite that doesn't make you his bitch now!

Danny:I'm not his bitch!Danny says angrily.

Jackson:oh really then why are you doing this?why are you gripping me against the wall?because he told you to?

Danny:No because I don't whant you to get killed.danny says as he walks away leaving Jackson there and confused with tears in his eyes.

Allison gets home after a ride from Scott and goes into her house to find that her dad is there sitting down with her mom.

Allison:DAD!Allison says as she runs up to him.Chris stands up and hugs her.

Allison:Where have you been?ive been so worried about you for days?I thought that you where dead!

Chris:I'm okay sweetheart hey I'm ok stop crying everything's going to be okay.

Victoria:Allison you should sit down we need to talk to you about something.

Allison:what is it?

Chris:I'm leaving beacon hills.


Chris:look I know that you don't whant to leave because you live Scott and I can't bring myself to kill him because I know that you would hate me for it and I whant you to live your life Allison.

Allison:Dad whatever your about to say don't!

Chris:Allison!chris says with tears in his eyes

Allison:Don't!Allison says with tears in her eyes.

Chris:I'm leaving beacon hills ok after I was attacked by Derek hale I found myself in an animal clinic and had a talk with someone and realised that this place isn't for me and I can't always keep you safe Allison.

Allison:Dad.Allison says as she cry's.

Chris:don't Allison let me finish ok.Thats why i whant you to be happy Allison and i always whant you to know that I love you!

Allison:I love you too dad!

Chris:Goodbye Allison!Chris says to Allison as they both hug each other.

Stiles Jumped out of his window and whent out hunting for Peter his eyes glowing red he ran through the woods on his hands and feet trying to smell Peter out using his senses.

Eventually stiles drawn to an apartment Just outside of beacon hills.stiles whent and kicked the door open and found Peter inside.peter than roared and dashed at stiles but before he could stiles do anything stiles chocked him and threw him on the wall.peter howled in pain.stiles grabbed Peter and punched him in the face repeatedly until Peter started bleeding he then raised his hands his claws then came out as he clawed peters face repeatedly.

Stiles:How dare you hurt my dad!Stiles says.

Peter try's to get up but stiles kicks him on the stomach when he's on the ground.

Peter:Damn it you weren't this strong when I fought you at the house.

Stiles:I wasn't ready then now I am and you made a mistake Peter.

Peter:Oh and what's that.peter asked amusingly.

Stiles:You hurt one of the most important people in my life my dad and now your gonna die!There is no escape this time Peter!

Peter tried to run out of the apartment but before he could stiles punched him in the face Peter was on the ground as stiles stood over him and punched him in the face repeatedly and then slashed his throat Peters blood dripped on stiles face as his red eyes glowed his his fangs showed and his hair on his face grew as a smile grew on his face and a surge of satisfaction built up within him.

Stiles than let out a phycopathic laugh.

Stiles:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!THIS FEELING OF SATISFACTION I LOVE IT!stiles says as he walks out of the apartment leaving peters dead body on the floor and blood everywhere!

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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