
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

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Chapter 11:Gerard’s death and Derek vs Peter

Peter emerges from the woods shocking the hunters and the argents.Stiles Peter and the pack get ready to attack as the battle begins.

Crossbows fire off as Danny and Scott jump at the hunters stiles and Peter do the same.Nate also attacks from the trees.

Peter and stiles claw there way through the hunters.Peter lifts up a hunter and stiles claws him.

Peter:Nicely done Stiles.you always where the better one.

Stiles:Yet you cared more about Scott then me.Thank you for the bite though.

Peter:you welcome.

Danny and Scott got hit with crossbows from Chris and Gerard after knocking down hunters.

Scott didnt whant to kill the hunter so he hesitated and Chris took a chance to shoot him in the leg and Danny watched Scott's hesitation and got hit in the shoulder.

Stiles grabbed Gerard threw him on the ground and slashed his throat.

Chris looked hurt and angry as he shot his crossbow at stiles stiles caught the crossbow and ran up to Chris and threw him on the floor he was about to slash his throat when Scott stopped him.scott pushed stiles back on the floor stiles roared and got back up his eyes glowing red and his fangs and claws showing.

Stiles:Your weak Scott!Dont you know that Chris is a hunter!he wouldn't hesistatr to kill me or you!

Scott:It's not right I won't let you kill him stiles.

Stiles:IM THE ALPHA!Stiles roars and charges at Scott Scott claws his face and grabs him and throws him to the ground.

Danny Nate and Peter watch in shock as Scott beats up stiles.

Danny:How is he doing that?stiles is an Alpha!

Nate:I'm confused to!

Peter:remarkable.thats why I chose Scott he has potential.

Danny:what are you talking about?

Peter:Scott has never killed and he doesn't whant to.That was why I wanted him in my pack he was the perfect one with so much potential.

Stiles was on the ground and he looked up for a split second he thought he saw Scott's eyes glow a light red.But they quickly turned back to yellow making stiles think he was just seeing things.

Stiles:So your special Scott.thats why he chose you.hahahahahhaha I get it now.

Scott was confused when stiles charged at him and slashed Scott's body.


Danny Charged at stiles but before he could Peter grabbed him and threw him on the ground.

Peter:stupid teenagers.

Stiles:Funny thats exactly what Derek said.

Stiles than went up to Danny grabed him and slashed his face.

Stiles:Never try that again Danny.stiles said in a calm dark and menacing tone.

Chris argent had ran away while Scott and Derek where fighting and whent home where he saw Allison there looking shocked and scared.

Alison:Dad what happend did they do this stiles pack was Scott there!

Chris:yeah it's time Allison.

Allison:Dad are you sure it was Scott.i mean isn't it just stiles and his pack.

Chris:SCOTT IS APART OF STILES PACK!chris shouted.

Chris:I'm sorry Allison I didnt mean to shout like that.But before Chris could say anything else Alison got her crossbow and got ready

Allison:Your right let's go and finish them and stiles and his pack including Scott!Alisson said as she grabbed the wolfsbane and put it in a bag.

Allison and Chris then whent back out and watched as stiles Nate and Peter where there alone.stiles seemed weakened.So that left Peter and Nate.

Chris shot a crossbow at Nate and Nate screamed.

Peter:ARGENTS!peter roared.stiles was weak from the fight with Scott and was about to leave when Peter grabbed him.

Peter:You stole my alpha spark stiles did you think I was just gonna let you go.

Stiles:No I didn't.stiew said calmly.

Derek hale threw Chris argent back and grabbed Alison's crossbow and threw it he then roared at her and she ran away.

Derek than revealed himself to Peter and stiles.

Peter:Impressive stiles you truly are the smart one.you had Derek there waiting the whole time.hahahahaha I must say I am suprised.But this ends now.

Derek:Your not an Alpha anymore Peter I can take you.Derek says as his eyes glow a cold steel blue eyes.

Peter:I AM THE ALPHA AND I WILL ALWAYS BE THE ALPHA!peter says as he roars and charges at Derek.

Derek claws Peter and kicks him Peter punches him and throws him on the ground.



Derek:AAAAHHHHHHHH!Derek screams in pain.Peter takes this chance to grab him by the neck and dig his claws into his body.

Peter:you see Derek I still beat you I will always be able to beat you Alpha or not.peter says as he drops Derek to the ground and walks away.

I hope you enjoy!

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