
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Protector - Chapter 12

--5 Years Ago--

This isn't gonna go well.

Welcome back to the monthly check in of Ravens pranks!

Today we'll be pranking...

*Insert spinning wheel with class 2-A's names*



Yes, Denki and Raven have decided to prank, the one, the only, Bakugou Katsuki. Sadly.

To be fair, they saw him dead asleep on the couch in the lobby and decided he was fair game. And thus, came up with a horrible idea.

Does she know if this will end well? Yes, and it won't. It will end horribly, but Raven has prepared for that.

Raven is currently dressed head to toe in protective gear, consisting of kitchen mitts, a football helmet, a baggy shirt with a fluffy pillow inside and tied so it won't fall out, and hockey goalie pads for her legs (Denki has no idea where she got those from).

They're planning on waking Bakugou up in a rather.. unique way, and since Raven knew she could not outrun the demon, she suited up. Don't ask why they decided on a death sentence for dinner.

Right now, Denki and Raven are sitting in her dorm room, with Denki helping her with all of her gear.

Denki gave Raven a can of whipped cream. Yes, this was the prank. Have you ever seen one of those videos where the girl tickles the side of the guys face, sprays a little whipped cream on it, and all hell breaks loose?

Anyway.. You get the picture.

It was around nine thirty or so, so everyone should be asleep. But by the time the duo got outside to the lobby, there were about eight or nine people huddled up, taking pictures of the spikey haired blonde since they never get the chance to see him when he's not going feral.

Kirishima was one of the teens surrounding Bakugou, and was the first to look up and see Denki and Raven coming down the hallway.

Denki made sure to shush the redhead so their plan could still work as they tiptoed down the hallway, the hushed whispers of the small group ringing through Ravens muffled ears.

Soon, they made their way up to Bakugou, the others all watching curiously as Raven lifted up the can of cream right next to his cheek. Some gasped when they realized what was going to happen, others took shelter behind furniture so they could

Before she did it, she took a minute to look at Bakugou's relaxed face, inserting the image into her brain. She didn't know how hard of a sleeper he was, so she quickly put a bunch of whipped cream on his cheek, and tickled his face right next to the cream.

In his sleeping state, his hand made his way up and full on smacked the whipped cream all over the place, instantly jerking him awake in a delirious state.

Bakugou quickly looked at his hand, glanced at Raven, and went mad. The boy leaped up from the couch and sprinted at the bulked up Raven.

She didn't even try to run.


--Present Time--

The jiggling of a door knob woke Izuku out of his slumber and he sat up, completely alert. His heart was pounding out of his ribcage at the fact that someone might be breaking into his apartment.

But then, when his mind began to calm down, he took in the appearance of his surroundings. This.. wasn't his apartment..

He didn't even own an apartment..

Of course, Izuku fell asleep in Raven's apartment on her sofa. Granted, this wasn't the first time.

That.. wasn't meant to sound creepy.

But, back to the situation at hand.


Raven lazily clicked the key into her apartment door, exhausted from the two day mission. Man, that was intense. She slowly opened her door.

She was ready to lay down, relax, maybe sip some wine-

"wWAHHHHH- Raven?" Raven flinched back so hard, she almost peed herself.

"WHAT THE FAWK? IZUKU??" Raven screamed back, petrified, and thus, the screaming match began.




"Okay.." Raven calmed her racing heart, taking a deep breath and stepping into the apartment, "How long have you been here?" Noticing the empty take out boxes littered on her small coffee table.

He scratched the back of his head, "Maybe.. since yesterday morning..?" He said awkwardly.

Raven cracked a smile and turned her back towards him, "So since I've left? Damn, you really are like a dog," She muttered the last part under her breath.

"What was that?" Izuku asked.

Raven faced him, a smirk ready on her face, "I said, you really are like a dog. My own personal pet," She stepped towards him, crossing her arms.

Izuku didn't waste a second, stepping forward too and leaning his head as close as possible, "I'd be anything if it meant that I were yours," He whispered.

Raven's heart skipped a beat, 'Does he really mean that?' She wondered. Ever since they've become more comfortable with each other, since Izuku's been showing up uninvited at her house--She's convinced herself that it's irritable, but she really doesn't mind--they've had these moments where they play a game of chicken.

Part of her wishes the game, wasn't really a game.

So when he said this, she found herself torn between wanting him to act on those words, or shoving him away.

Ultimately, she shoved him away, not letting her pride be hurt.

He stumbled back, giggling at her reaction. Although her reaction wasn't that funny, he did catch that dark glint in her eyes when he said that. 'Maybe she has a thing for that kinda stuff,' He thought to himself evilly.

Izuku decided to let the thought go as the moment was over, but was still very hot in their brains.

"So, where were you?" Izuku asked after he composed himself, wanting to know what caused all of his worry.

Raven groaned out a sigh, "Ohhh, the commission put me on a solo mission out of nowhere. It was a surprise, really. I've never been on a solo incognito mission before," She said.

Izuku's eyebrows furrowed, "Wait, what?? The president put you on a solo mission with no back up?" Raven nodded, glad that Izuku was having the same thought process as her back when she was put on, "What was this mission?" Izuku asked, clearly distraught.

Raven waved her arm around, as if swatting a fly, "Oh, a dumb drug heist. I just had to infiltrate the base and act like I wanted to buy a bunch of their drugs, and then tell the police every exit and entry point in the facility. It went pretty smoothly, to be honest."

Izuku listened to every word she said, making sure to take in the fact that she must have used her shapeshift part of her quirk to get in. He wondered what she looked like.

"Oh yeah? What all happened?" He asked. To be honest, he was both concerned and interested in how the mission went. Concerned because he wanted to know if she got hurt, even though she had not one scratch on her. And Interested because he genuinely wanted to know what happened.

Raven lit up like a light, "Oh my gosh, there was a time when I was asking about what kind of drugs they sold, and they were all like, 'why you wanna know' 'who's askin' and all that typical drug dealer shit. I almost didn't come up with a good excuse in time because the big guy, the one I think is the leader, almost had everyone gang up on me. And get this! I'm shapeshifted as a fat old man who--and I made up this cover story even though it sucks ass--wants to try drugs for the first time. But once I told them my cover story, they were all like, 'ohhh, well we can help you with that brotha' 'we got some fine wax over here cuhh' and let me tell you, I had so much second hand embarrassment from that," Raven took a deep breath, and realized that she had practically talked his ear off. Izuku was about to burst out laughing at the fact that she was so animated, talking in a deeper octave than her real voice to imitate the drug dealers' voices.

Izuku calmed down as Raven began to continue, but noticed that she was slowly but surely becoming more comfortable in her skin. Before, she was all defensive. Acting like a cat that is out on the streets trying to protect itself. But, the more time he spent with her, the more time Raven came out of her shell.

It's almost as if, five years ago, she was just a mere cat thrown out onto the streets at a young age, learning to protect herself and defend herself the more she grew. Just becoming a defensive shell and learning how to survive by herself.

But, Izuku was the human that took her in, caring for her and showing her life.

Izuku was almost like her savior, but in the form of her first friend since That Day.